Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow


Well-Known Member
Hello Red,

That is one badass chart:) Every other day your feeding with epsom salt?

I water, feed, water, feed, so forth. Only using half the recommended does on the bottle. So If I want a medium feeding. 950ppm I will use HALF the recommended dosage. I really do hope you figure out your problem, and get this lady back on track :D Good luck



Well-Known Member
Hello Red,

That is one badass chart:) Every other day your feeding with epsom salt?

I water, feed, water, feed, so forth. Only using half the recommended does on the bottle. So If I want a medium feeding. 950ppm I will use HALF the recommended dosage. I really do hope you figure out your problem, and get this lady back on track :D Good luck


thanks skunky... I am posting an update right after this!!!

Also I only started watering with epsom when the problem arose (about 7 days ago). I am going to hold off of the epsom as it is developing a manganese problem now as well. stay tuned because my new pictures may shine light onto the problem I am experiencing.


Well-Known Member
I was aiming to try and move to flower by this time.... but the plants new issues are top priority before I send her into 12-12.

new pictures today! what is the purple in my leaves veins? the new growth is shooting out from all angles of the canopy ( the wrinkly canopy) she has almost topped out her pot she is in presently, roots are shooting out of the aeration holes... I will put her in a new one the first week of flowering.

have a peek at my pics and tell me what you think the deal may be now. I have never been heavy on the nutes, and have only fed it nutrients on one occasion, aside from the epsom salt for the Magnesium Def.

also no sex yet for the little one... but forcing it into flower will take care of that issue.

check back soon...



Well-Known Member
Good and bad news....
good news is PH is sitting right around 6.5... slightly acid. bad news is the plant is looking a little sad, and the old growth is starting to white out at the tips, and leaf edges are getting a little purple.

I think it is safe to feed her some nutrients on her next water, with the non acidity in the soil... I feel the little plant is telling me it needs some nutrients with its water next time.
This could explain the Mg problem I have faced this week. any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Took some new pics today... it has been a while since I have posted. I fed the plant yesterday with some SUPERthrive, and a low dosage of Shultz 10-15-10... hopefully that will take care of her chemical imbalances.

the lowest old growth is yellowing out ( I figure the rest of the plant is leaching their nutes). plenty of pics today!!! the node growth from topping is doing fantastic, It looks as though I may get 6 solid bud producing colas. I will move to flower when I can afford the bulbs in a couple of weeks or less.
Any thoughs are welcome!!!




Well-Known Member
I transplanted today to her final pot... The 5 gallon retirement home.

Man was this plant root bound to the pot, it is evident now that the plant did not have enough to eat. She wants to grow like a rocket! I just put her on the 12/12 light cycle today... now watch the magic happen!

plenty of pics today... and more to come!



Well-Known Member
wow..those are some gnarly-ass roots man!!!

Thanks Smokey....
I think that is the best root system I have had to date! Props to the coco-coir!
The planewreck plant is coming along nicely, I will take some pics tomorrow on my day off. I feel like I want to tie the biggest growth down to allow for more light to reach the lower growth. I will wait off for a few days to see how she is doing. the growth is ridiculous after switching to 12/12, looks like her problems are behind her for the time being... pics to come soon.


Well-Known Member
After the transplant and the SUPERthrive mix she is going crazy again. most of the node growth is developing into dominant future Colas. the growth is amazing!!! 3+ inches in the past four days?
I had to tie Down the two biggest ones because they grew into the light last night and got a touch of a burn.

I have before and after pics of the tiedown, no sex yet. she will be getting a drink of water tonight... just around the edge of her new home to promote those awesome roots!

comments welcome!




Well-Known Member
when are you going to start flowering??

make sure to pull some clones!!!
there are no pre-flowers yet, I am hoping to see some in a day or two... the plant is right around 9 weeks old... and she has been in 12/12 for about five days now. I am trying to get some vigor down to the lowest growth... because this will be my cloning area.

I fully agree an taking some cuttings because this lady has some amazing genetics. I would hate to see them go away when I chop her down, so I will probably drag one of her clones along, and depending on THC quantities, I may chose to breed this plant with an AK, or maybe a WhiteBerry. but she will give me a cutting for a future Moma plant.


Well-Known Member
I am getting into the second week of flowering, and there isn't a single preflower anywhere on this plant. A little strange.

I was convinced this was a sativa dominant plant, but the thin leaves i am seeing on the new growth is pointing towards a sativa/indica Mix (pics below). loads of new growth.. tying down the plant was a sucess, I should see a better yield with the tie down done, but the indica in her will make for a longer flower than i hoped.

comments welcome.



Well-Known Member
you should trim some of the green off those the plant more energy to focus on root production, instead of supporting all that veg...

just my 2c


Well-Known Member
Update today with pictures!!!

Bud sites developing, and she is smelling sweet and drinking tons of water. the two clones are hanging in there, but I do not see roots poking out of the peat pellets yet.

I am going to mix her up a batch of food tonight, I am going to go easy on the bloom mix, and SUPERthrive. I like the way she is looking already, and she has at least another month to go. enjoy the young buds!:weed:


