bud dipped in codeine n smoked

the streeker1

Active Member
ok so i found a bottle of liquid codeine and i rememberd that a freind told me awhile ago that when bud is dipped i codeine, dryd then smoked that it will make you retarded but when reading the bottle it says
APAP/CODEINE120-12/5ELX HI-TECH and under that it
Generic for> TYLENOL/COD
and he told me that if it had tylenol in it you shouldnt dip the bud in it, so does the bottle i have have tylenol in it cuz it says Generic for >tylenol/cod
yeah tylenol with codien...dont dip the bud in the shit that would not make do shit..

mix the meds with sprite .. the sprite will turn purple.. thats syzurp and you will get faded if you use alot of codein.. or drink it straight and chase with a sprite
its not straight.. its tylenol 3 or whatever.. its tylenol with codein.. its like the softest pain killer you can get thats narcotic
Does it annoy anyone else when someone thinks that weird drugs can be mixed with bud and smoked? If the drug does not produce an effect when smoked, it won't work, plain and simple. I've seen so many posts like that. There is a thread around here somewhere where someone asked if you can put MDMA in the soil to grow "MDMA weed." JESUS CHRIST
There are stupid questions, and asking if liquid codeine/tylenol should be dipped on buds and smoked is one of them.
Just drink the codein with sprite or sell the codein and buy some more bud. That would be like thinking you can take and dip bud in vodka and smoke it... It isn't gonna do anything.
dude, it's codeine and tylenol. First he would have to do a CWE, and second, codeine doesn't do shit.
What the fuck does good opium have to do with Heroin? Heroin is diacetylmorphine, not diacetyl-opium chunks. Opium has up to ~13% Morphine by volume, morphine isn't heroin. There is still no comparison of Heroin to Opium besides one is the most natural opiate, and the other is semi synthetic derived from opium at some point in time (granted, I am sure you could skip part of the natural phase, synthesize morphine, and put it through acetylation).

The guy who posted heroin and meth are safe is 1) a smart ass or 2) a dumbass
120mg tylenol
12mg codein in each dose...
its the weakest ass codein syrup you can get... take more then a few doses and the tylenol will make you sick...
just drink it if you want to get fucked up.. dont go off ruining bud..

and your friend that told you you can do this.. go hit him
im a smart ass.. but opium is not safe.. its fuckin sweet .. but now safe.. thats all i was sayin.. im pretty much a dumb ass also...
plenty of opiates (painkillers) can be smoked if u prep them right. tylenol with codeine is not one of them. itd probably be more enjoyabl to take the painkillers, and then smoke the weed. seperately. or u can lace the weed with pcp if u want to get fucked. i dont condone the use of pcp tho.... lol:dunce:
plenty of opiates (painkillers) can be smoked if u prep them right. tylenol with codeine is not one of them. itd probably be more enjoyabl to take the painkillers, and then smoke the weed. seperately. or u can lace the weed with pcp if u want to get fucked. i dont condone the use of pcp tho.... lol:dunce:

No! Not plenty of opiates can be smoked! What the fuck are you talking about?

There are two painkillers (in the whole Opium/Opiate/Opioid) that can really be smoked


Maybe a third, being fentanyl, but that's playing with fire.

Do not ever smoke anything else, binders are bad for your lungs, and chances are however you're "prepping" them, isn't getting out all the binders.

^ Don't come back and say "Smoking heroin isn't bad for your lungs?" Because I'll simply reply "Smoking anything is bad for your lungs". Read the post with some common sense.
There are stupid questions, and asking if liquid codeine/tylenol should be dipped on buds and smoked is one of them.

thats pretty rude. hes asking the fucking question cause he doesnt know the answer. you can definitly dip blunts in liquid codeine, not tylenol w/ codeine though. i can see his confusion no need for put downs