New Member
dude, it's codeine and tylenol. First he would have to do a CWE, and second, codeine doesn't do shit.
I dont think the CWE method will work for liquid codeine... Just with nurafen plus.
herion and meth are safe too right?
No,resurrecting a 5 year old dumb ass thread is what gives pot smokers a bad nameThis is the type of thing that gives pot smokers a bad name. If you feel the need to dip your joints in liquid anything, you probably have bigger issues. Smoke your weed, and be happy.
shit i didn't even see that, duhNo,resurrecting a 5 year old dumb ass thread is what gives pot smokers a bad name
So why can u smoke fent and heroin? And many ppl r addicted to smoking oxys.Seriously. Also this wouldn't work. Opiates break down at temperatures below where THC boils.
By using far less heat than you need to smoke budSo why can u smoke fent and heroin? And many ppl r addicted to smoking oxys.
i agree with hemlockstones 120 ty 12 codein they usally give you this shit when your recovering from phenmonua. it's for bad cough and don't put that shit on your dope .if you want to try to mimic tye stick get real opium120mg tylenol
12mg codein in each dose...
its the weakest ass codein syrup you can get... take more then a few doses and the tylenol will make you sick...
just drink it if you want to get fucked up.. dont go off ruining bud..
and your friend that told you you can do this.. go hit him
By using far less heat than you need to smoke bud
Also people smoke freebase fentanyl and heroin. Salts as the codeine would be have even higher boiling points and generally don't smoke well. I'm really not sure about the oxy smoking phenomenon. It shouldn't work but people clearly are getting high from it.