Cfl flower day one


Well-Known Member
looks great,i like the palm tree,i got a plant that i named palmdale,bc it looks like a palm tree. your goin to get a nice harvest,ill b flowering mine at the end of the month


Well-Known Member
looks great,i like the palm tree,i got a plant that i named palmdale,bc it looks like a palm tree. your goin to get a nice harvest,ill b flowering mine at the end of the month
I think you might make your 2 oz mark. Just barley though. They look amazing. Keep it up. 2 weeks man... i bet your about to shit you pants. Lamp


Well-Known Member
Yeah pretty much....i think i might be looking at more then two though. I have seem some cfl journals on here go 13 weeks! or longer! PLus its a sativa so even more! Im goin to take a taste in week or so....


Well-Known Member
Yeah pretty much....i think i might be looking at more then two though. I have seem some cfl journals on here go 13 weeks! or longer! PLus its a sativa so even more! Im goin to take a taste in week or so....
Oh yeah i forgot it was sativa, Im uber baked. Yeaf def at least 10 weeks. Dont you have them on 11/13 though. Or some light schedule like that? I remember you posted something about that.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i did but what i read in hightimes was to keep on 12-12 till week four and throw to 13 on 11 off then revert back at end of week 5 so this is what i did. So i only had the lights 13 on for two weeks. I did see a surge in growth, i think this is somehthin i wuld do again.


Well-Known Member
the sativa you might want to make it into hash,bc the buds will be loose and airy,the indi should be nice and compact,the tall one looks indi dom.

mine are about 3in tall and 7nodes,hopefully ill pull 3oz off one plant,ill be concentrating all my light one one girl,i got 2 weeks to decide who will be gettin the light all by herself. sorry to jack ur thread but im usin cfls too,if i can make it pull 3,ill be good for 3months of smokin till another harvest


Well-Known Member
Yeah i did but what i read in hightimes was to keep on 12-12 till week four and throw to 13 on 11 off then revert back at end of week 5 so this is what i did. So i only had the lights 13 on for two weeks. I did see a surge in growth, i think this is somehthig i wuld do again.
Increasing the light in flowering will cause them to flower less and grow more veg. It works because of a flourophore in the leaves that respond to red light. The longer they are exposed to red light the more the chemical converts to a form that stops flowering. After the light is cut off the chemical reverts back to its original state, which promotes flowering.
So i would imagine this would increase yield as well as tack on an extra week or so of flowering.


Well-Known Member
Hmm yeah didnt think of it adding flowering time...prob not best idea. Are you saying the big moma looks inidca? I was afraid that she was goin to be real airy too but they just in past few days now have really been densing up and i still have anothe 3-4 weeks i think i mean today is only beginning of week 7! Isnt growth suppose to be more rapid toward end of flower too?


Well-Known Member
You guys think i have time for the clones????? Only 53 days of grow time left!
Yes but you will need to increase flowering. Just like what i was talking about last time i posted here. Anyway, you need to let them get 13 hrs of darkness a day. If you can put maybe a box over them 1 hr before the lights go out. Or you could take it off an hour after they cut on. Either way, the increased dark period will increase the daily amounts of Pf phytochrome. Which will stimulate Faster flowering, but slightly less yield, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Or you could harvest early, but the bud wouldnt get you all that high.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i guess well see as time gets close. I could just put the whole closet in 13 hours dark, would this be good idea? I dont know a whole lot about the dark being good for it? Educate me???


Well-Known Member
Yeah i guess well see as time gets close. I could just put the whole closet in 13 hours dark, would this be good idea? I dont know a whole lot about the dark being good for it? Educate me???
If you do the whole closet 13 hours of dark it will speed up the flowering of all the plants, your big girl will finish sooner as well, and the yield will be slightly smaller. So what i would do is let the big girl get closer to done, two weeks. Then switch to 11hrs light/13hrs dark. This way the big girl will not be affected as much, yet the clones will finish in time still.
If the clones arnt close to being done and its getting close to move out, bump them down to 10 hrs light.


Well-Known Member
Alright cool sounds good...think that might be the plant hen int wo weeks were goin to 11 light. Makes sense i guess the sun would be goin down earlier and earlier


Well-Known Member
Alrighty, waterd this morning..she was pretty dry. Watering/feedings are prob the 2nd most important thing about growing and i really never paid much attention. This is something i want to improve on in my next grow. Mostly we have been watering wet/dry pretty much. The pot she is in now is huge and she drys it out in just about four days. I have been setting the mental clock for 6 am so i can water at sunrise. She likes it, the day or two after waterings are what i look forward to anymore. Heres a question for anyone readin, what do you guys think me moving some lights from the top down a bit???? Right now i have 17 cfls in there and 9 of them are on the top of the plant, the plant is just over 40 inch from dirt, so im def not getting a ton lights down low from cfls.....this is where hps would be nice! So im thinkin maybe put that 4 peicer i rigged and put that up top and arrange the 9 lights around teh plant. I want the bottem to POP! The top main colas have been doin great so i dont want to make them angry. I have few wide shots of my closet so you can see my options. I also am switching to 11:30 on 12:30 off. If i understood right this should quicken up flowering yet stunt yeild which at this point im alright with. I think im goin to go back half hour a week.



Well-Known Member
Day 46 Flower.

Not a ton to update on, wanted to post that i have moved around teh lights big time. I only have four up top now which im not excited about, but we do now how cosideble light on lower half of plant, i can see a dif in the buds down there already. I am planning on goin out and getting one the BIGGY cfls 62 watt 3700 lumen! And throw her up top in center, then maybe even have anothe rlgiht or two to surround the plant. Clones are doin awesome, wishing i ddint kill the indicas mommy now that i see what it can do. The lil indica clone is goin to produce the nicest fatest monster bud ever.



Well-Known Member
Day 46 Flower.

Not a ton to update on, wanted to post that i have moved around teh lights big time. I only have four up top now which im not excited about, but we do now how cosideble light on lower half of plant, i can see a dif in the buds down there already. I am planning on goin out and getting one the BIGGY cfls 62 watt 3700 lumen! And throw her up top in center, then maybe even have anothe rlgiht or two to surround the plant. Clones are doin awesome, wishing i ddint kill the indicas mommy now that i see what it can do. The lil indica clone is goin to produce the nicest fatest monster bud ever.

Yeah indicas are best, but nothin smokes like a good sativa. Way more dreamy, not so couch lock. Anways, you need to only have 11 hrs light and 13 dark. You got it backwards, 1130 on and 1230 off is 13 hrs light. That will slow the flowerinbg process. You aim to speed it up? So you need to cut it on at 1130 and off at 1030.


Well-Known Member
Yeah indicas are best, but nothin smokes like a good sativa. Way more dreamy, not so couch lock. Anways, you need to only have 11 hrs light and 13 dark. You got it backwards, 1130 on and 1230 off is 13 hrs light. That will slow the flowerinbg process. You aim to speed it up? So you need to cut it on at 1130 and off at 1030.
Oh and you should be fine moving those lights down, i completely understand why. Its not like the buds on top are gonna shrink. They have already developed there mass, so i think youll be fine, as long as you dont move them all. Lamp.


Well-Known Member
Day 47 Flower

Whats cooking everybody, well here we are two days off the start fo week 7. As happy as i am to see week 7 it also brings thoughts that i might be looking at a 10 week grow :-( I am really worried that the bottem buds will be nothing....I guess i dont even really care at this point i tok a shot of what i got goin on down there right now if i cut today i guess i would just a have a ton .2's.....guess they add up quick though. and i also still have 48 days of allowed grow time left. I am already maybe thinking about cutting buds as they mature rather then chopping stalk all at once. Does anyone know the pros and cons of this? Does it stunt the growth by chopping its family members down? Who knows well see what happens...enjoy!!! Play the game if youd like!!!!!

Shot of the middle of the beast....some pics really just dont give her credit. I wish you guys could all come over and look in person!

Heres the shot of what a number of the lower buds are looking like these days. If i can fatten these up im golden! I have 48 days left and they have been in there for 47 so really this is the half way mark of time allowed so this is what makes me still have some high hopes for these guys!


Alrighty you all know how to play! Try your best to predict how much she'll yeild! Closest to the mark gets a free O!

host not legally obligated to send O.