Cfl flower day one

So i hope ya guys didnt think i died or anything. Just have been blazed 24/7 past 3-4 weeks. DOnt remmeber much of march....

Overall all said and done i yeilded just under 3 Ounces.





Smoke report....

The big moma gave me just about two O's, the blaze wasnt bad we got high dont get me say like a 25 dollar 8th. A bit airy and was a tad leafy as well. They did have some nice stickyness to em so i was still getting the thc in me. The lil indica clones were amazing! Like a 50 dollar 8th. Dense sweeter and a stoned ass high. can you say couch locked? But still a good high to go out and wack some golf balls.

Over all a 110% efective learnign expiernce. I will say im happier then i thought i could be with cfls, my next grow will be ONLY indica and with a low wattage hps. Id like to thank all you guys for the help. Anytime i had a question i could find an answer here!