Cfl flower day one

Eh bro, what is the easy and simple way is to go buy some active dry yeast they sell it in the baking section at any grocery store, one 2 litre bottle or 1 gallon milk jug and the 2 cups up sugar.

In the 2 lt add 2 cups sugar, 1 tbs of yeast or a whole package and fill the 2 lt 3/4 with water shake and in 1 hour bubbles will form and start creating c02.

With the 1 gal add 3 cups sugar 2 packets of avtive dry yeast and fill 3/4 full of water and in 1 hour good as gold.

I personally have 1 2lt and 1 gal running right now. When the lights are off I take them out of my grow area, and then back in when the lights are on.

I keep a fan blowing since I have a 400 watt hps and it just gets way to hot. I started the first cycle today, so we will see the results in a week.....

Oh and the shit usually last for about 2 weeks, and be careful shaking it after the first day the shit might over flow, LOL...
"Mini Update"

Things are straight, yellowing leaves continue and i can easly pull a few off each this point its amost a good thing more light to bud sites. Even though i know i need leaves to get light to i know i know. This yellowing faze is exactly what happend bout 4-5 weeks ago it seems to come for few days knocks out dozen or so leaves and gos away...i think i have just about weathered the storm this time. Im not worried bout loosing fans now, i even cut a few off some main cols to get light down in the depths of the jungle. We have tied off 4 branchs to get them right in the sun it seems to be working well. If not today then def tomorrow i am goin to work on the CO2, i also am thinking about goin and getting the 62 watter cfl 3200 lumens! Just to really hit her with some light aproaching the finish line. Watered this morning, she was thirsty i might move watering to every 3 days opposed to every 4. One issue i do have is that my roots are earthbound uptop....i heard you wenrt supposed to cover your stem with dirst so i didnt know if i should cover the roots up with some soil??? Let ya know how CO2 comes along.


A bit Ambitious but maybe even a touch of SOG????


FYI To all of you using the yeast/sugar fer Co2: I have had ppl doubt me on the levels of Co2 that I am able to get using this method. I have been able to get levels to over 1300, but it took 7 gallon containers in a 4'x3'x5' space. I also had about a half dozen or so liter containers. It takes A LOT of these containers to reach any sort of desired levels.
Hmm what do ya think i mean my plant is prety big too....should i use a few milk gallons and keep them close as possible t the plant?
Hmm what do ya think i mean my plant is prety big too....should i use a few milk gallons and keep them close as possible t the plant?
One or two should be fine for your plant, i dont wanna hear you had to go to the hospital b/c you blacked out in the closet, lol. I use the CO2 bottle method and i just have a 24oz bottle at the stem of each pot. Seems to work for me.Anyway brah, that yellowing is probably just b/c its late in flowering and its completely normal for leaves to use up the last of the Nitrogen reserves to speed up flowering. As nitrogen delays flower. But if you wanna be safe i would flush your soil with fresh water. I only say that last part b/c i know they yellowed before and Im pretty confident it was a N lockout, probably from soil acidity or salt buildup.
One or two should be fine for your plant, i dont wanna hear you had to go to the hospital b/c you blacked out in the closet, lol. I use the CO2 bottle method and i just have a 24oz bottle at the stem of each pot. Seems to work for me.Anyway brah, that yellowing is probably just b/c its late in flowering and its completely normal for leaves to use up the last of the Nitrogen reserves to speed up flowering. As nitrogen delays flower. But if you wanna be safe i would flush your soil with fresh water. I only say that last part b/c i know they yellowed before and Im pretty confident it was a N lockout, probably from soil acidity or salt buildup.
Oh i was just lookin at ur clones, the one in the bottom left corner and the top right corner, I think the sativas? Anyway they def need some nitrogen. Anyone else see that?
Yeahhhhh....perhaps a flush is in store. Yeah im thinking useing three one gallon milk jugs for the co2.....i promis to keep a safe dstance!!!!!
BTW, when using ANY Co2, remember to disperse ABOVE the plants. Co2 is heavier than the atmospheric air, so it will fall. If ya put it below the leaves, you have just made sure yer floor gets some deep Co2, but yer plant is still tryin to breathe!
ighty good to know....think yo might have an idea how my setup is....i have a shelf maybe 2-3 feet above plant could i put them up there or should i sit them next to plants????? Wouldnt br crazy about ahving water above the lights anyway....
ighty good to know....think yo might have an idea how my setup is....i have a shelf maybe 2-3 feet above plant could i put them up there or should i sit them next to plants????? Wouldnt br crazy about ahving water above the lights anyway....
You can run poly tube, from the containers, up to dispense yer gas over yer plants
Flowering clones are sick (as in fuckin sweet).

This may be a way to increase overall yield by cloning and flowering marginalized branches.
Yeah exactly....i mean the only cone i see incresing verall yeild is the saitiva that i cut form teh big doubt in my mind that if i left that branch on the moma that she would have this many buds. Def have incresed yield overall for the big moma.....granit i have enough time to finish out the clones......only 42 days remainign of allowed grow time...hope im okay!!!! I am digging on that tube idea...i actually have plenty of it from a home made hooka bong thing i made earlier this year!!!! Ha so ill break that apart and use scraps. So i woke up kinda late this morning and it was HOT i mean HOT in there....close to 100!!!! I think i might of found the cause of my yellowing leaves...unless its just a fluke thing and they are yel;lowing cuz they are getting closer to harvest but i think the heat might have somthign to do with it. This morning i picked a ton of the yellowling leaves that were just hanging by a thread....Guess im goin go research on what the effects of over heatign is...perhaps yellowing leaves? I am goin try my best to go get the CO2 stuff today!
Wut up bro, yellowing in the lower leaves during flowering is completly normal. The leaves yello, because the they are actually Nitrogen defeciant, but it is fine. The buds are using up every last drop of nitrogen and in other word sucking it up from the lower helthier fan leaves. I personally like it when this happen, because this means lower bud sites can now get some sufficient lighting for some decent bud growth...

If it were from the heat the leaves would still be green, but brown and brittle on leaves and mainly the tips.....

Still looking sweet, and good shit WHERE IN THE HELL AM I, on the c02. This should put a definite impact on your overall yield....
So heres whats in store for tommorrow. Start the CO2 of now im thinking 2 gallons milks jugs and one 2 goin to use the tubbing i have to get the co2 pumping right on teh plant...will it be okay to rest the tubes on the plant? The way im pictureing it in my ehad is like a person with oxgens tubes up there nose...except in this case its co2 being pumped in! Also due to some minor heat issues i am repositioning my fan...its goin to be blowing up toward the lights and out teh crazk in the door, the fan will be blowing a constant breez onto my plant to the point where its moving even a lil bit. Is this okay or should i not have a constent wind on her? I am slo contemplating taking a clipping of one of the more mature buds...a still havent gotten a mag so im goin by pistol coloring i would say one of the bottem buds is 60-70% redish soo im chopping for a taste! PLease let me know what ya guys think abotu my issues..... THANKS
Eh bro just position it above the plants, but not directly on them. Also, when pumping c02 make sure the fan is not running, because all that hard to make c02 will be lost. Temps can get up to 90 degrees as long as you are pumping enough c02 to the plants.

When buds seems ready to me by eye is when the buds pistols or hairs are 80% red/ orange or what have you, besides white. Then I would harvest. Somtimes not the whole plant will be ready to harvest at the same time though LOL...... Free for the pickin....
dude, i found a really cheap hps the otherday at homedepot...Its like a 50 or 70 watt, and i had to buy a plug and wire, but as far as the ballast, its all built in, I found it over by the security lights.... costed me like 40 bucks total, I used this and a few cfls and it turned out great..... It doesnt make a whole shit ton of heat either.
I've done this with the co2 setup.....I used 4 2-liters but used surgical tubing and fishtanks hoses, and piped it all into my growbox...... I hung a small cup of water above the plants and ran the tube into the water, so it would work like a bong, except it filters out any yeast particals, and keeps bugs from smelling the sugar......