Cfl flower day one

Yep all very good info thanks fellers. I dont know if i am crazy about turning teh fan off, perhaps i will only co2 them during dark!???? YAY OR NAY?
Thanks for the lgihting info too, think i might of seen this at home depot or lowes this point no chance but very high poss for my next grow when im home and in a steady place. Im also not only worried about heat but electric usuage, what i love most about cfls is the low cost...17 cfls and i maybe MAYBE see a 5-8 dollar differnce. Prob goin pick up a 62 watter tommorrow and position her at top of plant and more the 4 other cfls i have up there now around, perhaps even take out the two 6500k cfls ottlights i have in there. If i get the 62 this will bring mw to a grand total of 27,000 lumen and somthin like 400 watts of juice. Also the more i think about it the more i think ima chop a bud or two tomorrow even maybe! Im trying to go cold turkey for is teh first day i didnt spark up in i dont even know how long.....i think i am having trouble sleeping becasue of it!
eh bro gota do it when the lights are on man. This is the only time the stomatas are open to take in the c02, and at night the stomata close and c02 just siting around without being comsumed can harm your plants.

If anything set up like 3 and put the hoses behind the fans, at least they will get some type of enritchment. But dont loose sleep over it LOL your grow is the shizznit either way man.....
Yeah kinda what i was thinking....i mean it can only do good things sooo. So your saying i should take the co2 out when lights go off then? Im planning on leaving the co2 pumping during lights on now and perodicly turning the fan on and off.
yes bro, just keep them in the right temps and shut the fans off and you should be good as gold...... oh and make sure you stop using c02 2 weeks before harvest....
Hmm perhaps i shouldnt even use it then cuz i think im goin to start taking clipping shotly...week or so. So should i do it? The clones still have some considerble time so im sure they would love it.....
Hmm perhaps i shouldnt even use it then cuz i think im goin to start taking clipping shotly...week or so. So should i do it? The clones still have some considerble time so im sure they would love it.....
Why shouldnt you use co2 during the last weeks of flowering. Oh and im lovin the tube idea. Thanks a mil, whereinthehellami.

CO2 also alows the plant to tolerate higher temps, so it could be beneficial to you. And if you decide to put the fan directly on the plant just watch for wind burn.

Sound like a joke but its real. It basically just looks like dried up leaves, but still green.

heres some pics of wind burn.


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  • windburn 2.jpg
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Took a clipping yesterday, weighed out 3.5 wet with stem. Weighed it this afternoon and it was down to 1.8 with stem. I was kinda bummed thinking it could have another two days maybe, although they are pretty airy so they will dry quick. I have quickly understood in full the definition of air now, at first when i heard this term i was not sure the true meaning. So all in all i figure by tomoroow night it will be ready for a non cure smoke, this expiermnet has shown me my first level of havrest....what i ahve learned???? WAIT LONGER!!! It was a vottem weak guy sooo, Tomorrow is the start of week 9 and i can sadly see myself in this closet for another two weeks min! Guess well see. Ill have pics up tomorrow didint post any cuz roomate took with him to go snowboardin, got stoned and broke his tail bone he thinks!!!! Good luck to him. peaceis
Took a clipping yesterday, weighed out 3.5 wet with stem. Weighed it this afternoon and it was down to 1.8 with stem. I was kinda bummed thinking it could have another two days maybe, although they are pretty airy so they will dry quick. I have quickly understood in full the definition of air now, at first when i heard this term i was not sure the true meaning. So all in all i figure by tomoroow night it will be ready for a non cure smoke, this expiermnet has shown me my first level of havrest....what i ahve learned???? WAIT LONGER!!! It was a vottem weak guy sooo, Tomorrow is the start of week 9 and i can sadly see myself in this closet for another two weeks min! Guess well see. Ill have pics up tomorrow didint post any cuz roomate took with him to go snowboardin, got stoned and broke his tail bone he thinks!!!! Good luck to him. peaceis

Ouch broken coccyx. Good luck for real.

Did you smoke the 1.8 gram nug? It needs to weigh about 1.2-1.3 before itll be ready. Remember 75% is water weight.
Why shouldnt you use co2 during the last weeks of flowering. Oh and im lovin the tube idea. Thanks a mil, whereinthehellami.

CO2 also alows the plant to tolerate higher temps, so it could be beneficial to you. And if you decide to put the fan directly on the plant just watch for wind burn.

Sound like a joke but its real. It basically just looks like dried up leaves, but still green.

heres some pics of wind burn.

You should stop using added CO2 two weeks before harvest as it can affect potency. Up until 2 weeks before harvest is fine.
Lamp, Nah not yet....picked up a quarter tongiht, im hoping that this could be the last time i buy till i go home! Yeah i was goin on 1/4th of teh weight, so i figured when around a gram it should be ready. I havent said it yet but here i say it. I AM CHOPPING END OF TEN WEEKS. Which means two weeks from tomorrow. So whats ya guys think then no CO2????
"spoke to soon"

Alrighty, here we stand the start of week 9. Im sure this is not going to be the last time i say it but i thought i would be closer to buying my trimmers! Already have em picked out just waiting till its time to buy! Guess the big news is the cutting i took just about 48 hours ago now. The branch was from the lower weaker half of plant, took it for pure expiermentation and did learn some. I took a pic of it on the tree and off of course. I will say that the pics make them look better then they do in person. I also will admit that the smell as of now isnt bad but also doesnt have a very marijunay smell. I have them in a jar now just under 48 hours dry time, stem test passed and they were pretty airy buds anyhow so drying was goin to be quick. I hope some curing will help with smell....really like i said before this was reallly just a very curious expeierment, just getting ansy and i have def learned my lesson....just let them grow!!! Ill have smoke report when it gos down. Poss wed or thurs. The upside i is i have noticed another surge in growth on top 9 colas. New white hairs too. So atleast she is giving something back, was starting to feel like this was a one sided relationship for a second..but im feeling the love these days. Bug guy should be coming anyday now never comes past the 8th we have noticed...I am always super friendly with him haha almost overly, i get a bit of a cold shoulder but i guess hes cool cuz you have to walk over a wire coming out of the bottem of a door taped to the floor to a timer plugged in to the wall. With a god like beam of light sneaking out the cracks of the door. This is what your cross as soon as you enter the aprt....hey i never said this was a stealthy grow, im yet to get in trouble with the law period so im not paranoid. Welp enjoy. Oh dont let me forget an important update I have witched lights to 11 on 13 off. If i did my homeowrk right i beleiev this should excelerat flowering time yet reduce some yeild. Okay now enjoy. Ha, hey PS, has anyone seen the thread about the guy who said he got 700 G's and got 14 O's out of it? I smelled bullshit from the start of the thread then peps started really calling him on it...ha almost felt bad for the guy..almost. I wasnt buying the pics thing either. I try to be as honest with the grow as possible...we learn better this way. I know everyone finds best spot and angle to make your plants shine! me being guilty aswell.

Indica showing signs of new pistols and growth filling in nice. I so wish i kept the mom now!!!! I go back to page one somtimes and try not to shed a tear! RIP P3...A moment of silence please........alright good enough. Sativa look dope starting to get some mass to her buds, i compared to older pics of her mommy and i ahve her at just around 5-6 weeks. This gives me a max of like 11 weeks i can have them in there allowed grow time. Which i am happy with cuz mommy is only at 9 and i would be okay with this now so 11 weeks will be a plus. Threw a pic up of palm tree too shes starting to thicken up too...that one was the lil engine that could fo real, haha. Oh i forgot to add again, the sativa has starting to enter a yellow fan leave faze that her mom has had issues with. Same exact symptoms....yellowing from tip to stem and slowing wilt and can pull off with a very light touch say least. So this teaches me that its either somthing in the plants genetics or its a default in my grow op...poss nute issues...i am still a d student in this area of the game...somthin i plan to try to tackle on my next grow.




So like i said took it about 48 hours ago from now, weight down to like 1.4 with stem, another reason i figure she was ready for a glass home. Just close to 70% water loss. As i said ill prob try her out wed...question now is Vaporize?, Blunt?, or Bong? Ill let ya guys know either way. I popped some hoel sin a cerial box and hung a string this is what i used to dry em, then put them infront of a airpurfier which blows a slight breeze. They dried out nice and quick but like i said they were a bit airy so to be expected. Were goin to have to find new system when we harvet quantity. A fun chore! Enjoy.








