DwR's +20 Plant Grow

hehe, fuck yeah if ya ask me man!!! :D the new job is good lol ill post some flowerin picks in a few weeks... the fuken brainstorm is very small...hope its a good yeilder lol peace!

The next run is allready on its way....

got a fairly tall mother plant now thats bag seed... female.. bomb bagseed... hope it turns out as good as the weed.. cuz that was just the best ever.


And got 9 Commercial strains...

Mostly Greenhouseseeds... 1X Bubble Gum & 1x Hijack are the others..

Are all growing realy nice :) Oh and put the 5 hijacks in the 12/12 chamber to see wich are female and wich are males...

males, will be kept to pollinate a female big bang... haha, as the yield of the big bang is supposodly great and i do like the smell of the big bang. So yeah... Big Hijack it will be called :P

rofl !

might cross it with 9 strains - each 1 clone.. and see what happens... :)

As i dont have any other possible males, i am gona have to take the hijack for my experiments..... all others are female strains... oh, except the bubble gum... :D !!!!

keep forgeting that. anyways.


So yeah, nothing much going on realy to post pics of... and tbh. dont feel the need to anymore... rather watch other ppls grows now :)
I cant wait to see how your cross comes out... I gotta say that is prolly the coolest thing about growing. You can make your own strains whenever.

I think eventually I am going to cross white widow with jack horror and call it jack white : P.
white stripes kik azz
I cant wait to see how your cross comes out... I gotta say that is prolly the coolest thing about growing. You can make your own strains whenever.

I think eventually I am going to cross white widow with jack horror and call it jack white : P.
white stripes kik azz

awesome shit man ! Yeah, totally i think that making your own strains is the coolest thing. its like pokemon for older people... :D

i got white widow aswell :) haha, so yeah.. all will be named hijack widow :)

hijack gum ! hijack bang ! :P hijack Cheese :) ! Hijack Gold ! Senior Hijack El Nino ! Train Hijack ! And my own bag seed strain... :lol:
awesome shit man ! Yeah, totally i think that making your own strains is the coolest thing. its like pokemon for older people... :D

i got white widow aswell :) haha, so yeah.. all will be named hijack widow :)

hijack gum ! hijack bang ! :P hijack Cheese :) ! Hijack Gold ! Senior Hijack El Nino ! Train Hijack ! And my own bag seed strain... :lol:

hell ya man do it up !!
D, you stay pumpin big bruh... figurin on doin anything diff this time around besides breeding(i'm so down for those seeds by the way...)? or u just finna blow that shit out again?
HOLE-E-SHIT....thats enough to get washed pretty bad out here unless u have paperwork for that many plants...iss finna be tight though, you should flower em earlier if theres gonna be that many
HOLE-E-SHIT....thats enough to get washed pretty bad out here unless u have paperwork for that many plants...iss finna be tight though, you should flower em earlier if theres gonna be that many

I dont think i will serve time. maximum a nice fat fine.... and the usual fingers pointing at you. The other thing is, i can talk. I dont sound like a washd up bum when i present myself.

Also, its all personal use. Dont sell..... smoke it... I've told them b4 i smoke loads. so why the hell wouldnt they believe me when i say hey, i smoke 500gramms a month.. i need a kilo for atleast 2 months, between harvest.. maybe sometimes, i smoke more.. use for baking foods, wich used a fair amount of weed... ( say 300 g's... ) left 200 g's.. oh thats not enough...

u get me ?

cheers :)
I have tried stuffing a ton of plants in a cab, and also tried having less larger plants. I have found that less larger plants yeild much better.

Before I switched to my vert grow, I was pulling 11-12oz off of 4-6 plants. When I was doing small plants, I would have a lot more of them, but they would not yeild near the same amount total.

I am not sure how big your cab is, but you may want to try like one plant for every sq ft or ft and a half. Its been my experience that you will have much better results with much less work.