Of course the Russians have no problems with helping them enrich uranium which is used for only ONE purpose. They are nice aren't they?
Looks like Iran will have bomb number ONE ready in about three months. This one is not the danger bomb. After all, they will test it and boast a bit. Also, Mahamoud is up for re-election in 5 months and since everything he has touched so far has turned to sh*t, this is his one gem to stay in power. Of course beheadings are at a record rate this year so far in Iran, so he uses more 'conventional" means as well...nice folks eh?
CrackerJax, how do you go from 'the Russians are helping the Iranians enrich uranium' to 'they'll have bomb number ONE ready in about three months'? Where did you get three months? Why don't you ever cite anything? All this shit is complete speculation on your part, none of it is fact, all you've presented this entire thread is fear, warmongering, hate, an unbelievable amount of arrogance, and an undeserved sense of inflated pride.
The dangerous bomb, number TWO is scheduled for June or July. This will be the one which is unleashed upon innocents.
Again, numbers straight out of your ass. I've seen you bitch and moan about conspiracy theorists on other threads, what the hell do you think you've got going on in your little peabrain with this crazy shit?
Well, it depends on your response to fear, and there is plenty to fear from a revolutionary nation state equipped with nukes and a nutjob with his finger on the button. I'd rather know than not know. I'd rather act then, oh let's just wait and see. This is how liberal policy always leads to war. When weakness is sensed, dictators act. Can't we all just get along? No, we don't, learn from history instead of trying to rewrite it so you can sleep at night with sugarplums in your head. It's a rough and tumble world filled with nations vying for the top spot, ALWAYS. Stepping the US down a notch (happening) doesn't increase the peace...but threatens it.
'A nation equipped with nukes and a nutjob with his finger on the button' <--- that sure as fuck sounds a lot like the US the past 8 years, Bush being a moderate Christian, what the hell would you call someone who believes their imaginary friend directed their administration? Not to mention Pakistan has nukes, yet you never say a word about them or the insane ass dictator they've got... I guess that's just because we're allies huh. Shows your true colors again CJ. "They can be crazy as fuck and kill whoever they want and it's totally cool with us, just so long as they're our allies".
You'd rather act on disinformation, lies and manipulation that you were told by people who will benifit from abusing your retarded ass than actually get the facts from both sides and formulate a plan the correct way. You seem to think that using ANYTHING other than military force to get what we want means "doing nothing", again, you show basic knowlege of diplomacy.
I would rather go to sleep knowing I tried everything but force first than use military action first and feel guilty about the deaths of thousands of innocent people, and the increasing instability in the region which leads to more innocent death.
So your real agenda finally comes out huh? If it's not America at the top oppressing everyone else, someone else will be at the top oppressing us. It doesn't have to be this way CrackerJax, your diluted view of the world and how things work and how you're afraid of anyone with a middle eastern accent is why we're at this point, because most Americans are the same way, scared, sad, and willing to give their government capital to keep the cycle of bullshit running.
They are not political enemies though are they? Our CRIMINALS are given every opportunity to prove their innocence. Go get arrested in Iran and feel the CHANGE. Get real. It is the states who decides punishment, not the President.... uhhh.
OK, so I guess you've never heard of people being exonerated by DNA evidence then... read a newspaper? You don't think there are innocent people in prison?
And uhh...yeah, that was the point of Med's post, I'm sure you havn't forgotten your hero Bush was Gov. of Texas before he was the president, ass, he was responsible for the statistics of his state during his term, exactly as you just agreed...
Now for some real facts for your happy ass, get a load of these, I'll be waiting for the 'ol "deny deny deny" approach with your next post, like always, but shit, maybe one of them will get through your marshmallow head into your peabrain, so let's give it a try anyway...
This information comes from Worldpublicopinion.org (so you can go check it yourself if you don't believe me).
It's a nationwide poll conducted in Iran from October 31st - December 6, 2006, all 30 provinces, 1,000 people
It has a margin of error of (+ -) 3.2% and the interviews were conducted face to face.
(I direct linked them because I knew CJ's lazy ass would never click on each individual link)
What do you have to say for yourself now CJ?