SO the cops are on their way to my house...=/


Well-Known Member
i agree with you 100%. I DID vandalize property. i broke a window(I should and will pay). I broke a lock(To somthing else NOT the traler Witch was left open not locked and i WILL pay for the lock)I punched a whole in the wall(AGain i WILL pay for that). But, That being said how the hell does this guy get 7.5k. if he said "Hey you broke shit that i owned and i want restitioustion for what you broke" i would say Ok you caught me ill pay, but him saying I want 7.5k to not go to court? seems a little shity.
Life is shitty, get used to it....

What did the cops say?

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
we had a honda fourtax 4/4 stolen from us and didn't get it back for six years when the second owner after the theft took it to get worked on and the serial number got it back to us. I felt sorry for the person who bought it---poor---and they ate the loss. They never figured out who stole it :(


Well-Known Member
teatree is giving you the best advice. tell the cops nothing. deny everything and wait to see what happens. they probably wont do anything to you, but if they arrest you dont sweat it, youll be arriagned the next day and you'll go home from there. a lawyer will be the next step here.
if you are in contact with the guy who wants the money tell him you are fighting it and you are not going to pay that. if he wants to be more reasonable about what he thinks you owe him, tell him you will listen. but do not admit anything to him either, even if he knows you did it, and he will im sure, just dont ever verbally admit anything

if it does go to court, tell you lawyer (if you cannot afford council, one will be provided for you) what really happened and work with him on your story. lawyers will work for you even if they know you did it. aren't they great?


Well-Known Member
the cops should be there right now if his time line is accurate. I bet he cries like a little girl :)

WEll the dude came over and he wasnt a cop he was some detective. but my "mommy:-o",(She has some law school under her belt) was there and she said to tell him what i did. there were a few question that she told me not to answer so i did not.but I was trying so hard not to break down and cry:mrgreen::clap:


Well-Known Member
When my kids did this kind of shit I would throw money at it to make it go away and then I would deal with them on my own terms. Whenever you involve the courts, it is fucked up and then to throw lawyers in the mix...makes me wanna puke.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
When my kids did this kind of shit I would throw money at it to make it go away and then I would deal with them on my own terms. Whenever you involve the courts, it is fucked up and then to throw lawyers in the mix...makes me wanna puke.

big bad momma or jail---take me to jail :)