New Member
The only thing dangerous is enacting policies which go against the grain of human nature..... one of the reasons why communism and socialism don't work.

The only thing dangerous is enacting policies which go against the grain of human nature..... one of the reasons why communism and socialism don't work.
Exactly, enacting policies that are harmful are, well, harmful. I also agree that the current state of communism or socialism will not work as the populace is far from ready. When the society teaches things like football, where the whole Idea is to beat the hell out if your opponent, there is little chance of them growing up and wanting to share anything. Some call this a good thing. I call it appaling. One only has to look at war, experience it, and then one will know, the football mentality is the cause of all wars and as long as it exists, there will be war. One nation cannot alleviate this mentality, it exists accross the globe. Competition is the root of all the evils on the planet. When cooperativeness becomes the norm, you will see peace, not untill.The only thing dangerous is enacting policies which go against the grain of human nature..... one of the reasons why communism and socialism don't work.
So that means never.
Yes, but remember, they're going to MAGICALLY CHANGE Humans.
Come on man, don't you see this kind of attitude is clearly the problem? You're unwillingness to change out of your comfort zone and give new things a try are the backbone of this problem. Things wont change unless we (including you CJ) change them.
I simply see things the way they are. I too wish for change, but you can't use wishes to keep your national security. Never say never however, eh? We may just find out how dangerous that kind of thinking can be. Obama's first month with foreign policy needs a reset as well. there's only one problem....the enemies will not cooperate. Weakness has been surmised (correctly) and only sorrow can follow. In the end it is this touchy feely sort of foreign Carter policies which lead to bloodshed. Despots and dictators only submit to real pressures, not words and empty threats. Obama had better wake up and wake up soon or we are all in for it.
Have you accepted defeat or what CrackerJax?
Sorry I've been gone but a buddy bought a new boat and we went fishing for grouper in Nassau... got in early this morning and have slept the day away
That's exactly right New Growth. Iran is seeking to be the change and is well on their way to achieving it. The hidden imam is about to appear....
Well, he is certainly giving the store away and signaling nothing but weakness. We all know despots and dictators FEAR weakness, right?oh far he is an embarrassment...
I say let the corporations crash, let us regain our liberty, (as it is in America, so it is on earth), let the small business and home enterprise fill your communities, let us go back to the happiness and long lives of our grandparents...
i cant believe i just seen this communist bull think you have a right to stick your hand in someones pocket through the government and steal from them? wow.,,you are not only stupid you are a crook.and a theif.if the government would allow it..why dont you just go get a gun. go over to whos house you think is to big.or someone you think earned to much money by working smart and hard and just take it from is more honest then getting guy of gisbon(the government ) and the sherrifs men go and steal from the people.they need a arrow through their hearts...if you could find one to stick a arrow throughI agree.
Let them crash!
I would take it one step further and say that I don't believe any one person should become utterly wealthy. I believe there should be a cap on wealth. Maybe take the top 100,000 richest people and level out their assests/wealth. The left over money from this said leveling of assests would make a nice stimulus check to every person over the age of 18.
True story- That way there wouldn't be one family in the world that owns over half the worlds wealth from capitalizing on the central banking systems.