Iran Update...


New Member
The only thing dangerous is enacting policies which go against the grain of human nature..... one of the reasons why communism and socialism don't work.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
The only thing dangerous is enacting policies which go against the grain of human nature..... one of the reasons why communism and socialism don't work.

out. :blsmoke:
Exactly, enacting policies that are harmful are, well, harmful. I also agree that the current state of communism or socialism will not work as the populace is far from ready. When the society teaches things like football, where the whole Idea is to beat the hell out if your opponent, there is little chance of them growing up and wanting to share anything. Some call this a good thing. I call it appaling. One only has to look at war, experience it, and then one will know, the football mentality is the cause of all wars and as long as it exists, there will be war. One nation cannot alleviate this mentality, it exists accross the globe. Competition is the root of all the evils on the planet. When cooperativeness becomes the norm, you will see peace, not untill.


So that means never. :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
Come on man, don't you see this kind of attitude is clearly the problem? You're unwillingness to change out of your comfort zone and give new things a try are the backbone of this problem. Things wont change unless we (including you CJ) change them.


New Member
Yes, but remember, they're going to MAGICALLY CHANGE Humans.

Come on man, don't you see this kind of attitude is clearly the problem? You're unwillingness to change out of your comfort zone and give new things a try are the backbone of this problem. Things wont change unless we (including you CJ) change them.
I simply see things the way they are. I too wish for change, but you can't use wishes to keep your national security. Never say never however, eh? We may just find out how dangerous that kind of thinking can be. Obama's first month with foreign policy needs a reset as well. there's only one problem....the enemies will not cooperate. Weakness has been surmised (correctly) and only sorrow can follow. In the end it is this touchy feely sort of foreign Carter policies which lead to bloodshed. Despots and dictators only submit to real pressures, not words and empty threats. Obama had better wake up and wake up soon or we are all in for it.

out. :blsmoke:


Active Member
In terms of communism and facism check out Antony Sutton. He produced a few good studies. I'm currently reading Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution. This is not a book of opinions. Every chapter has dozens of notes to back check to confirm the info in the book. The book I'm reading is the first of three. Google it and you can find free sources of the book to print.
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
Wall Street and FDR
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler



I simply see things the way they are. I too wish for change, but you can't use wishes to keep your national security. Never say never however, eh? We may just find out how dangerous that kind of thinking can be. Obama's first month with foreign policy needs a reset as well. there's only one problem....the enemies will not cooperate. Weakness has been surmised (correctly) and only sorrow can follow. In the end it is this touchy feely sort of foreign Carter policies which lead to bloodshed. Despots and dictators only submit to real pressures, not words and empty threats. Obama had better wake up and wake up soon or we are all in for it.

out. :blsmoke:
What specifically don't you like about Obama's first month in office regarding foreign policy? (not that I automatically approve of his performance)

Why do you think no 'enemies' will cooperate? If by "cooperate" you mean give us the 'legal right' to subvert that countries natural resources into the US, or be cool with arming and totally mechanizing that countries 'enemies' military power.... well then, can you blame them if they won't cooperate? Would you accept a deal like that from a foreign country?

Your next statement is complete opinion, stick to the facts.

Well, I don't remember a war during the Carter administration... Whose blood was shed during his presidency that you're referring to?

Last couple statements prove my point completely. There's one scared little person behind your keyboard man...


Well-Known Member
Have you accepted defeat or what CrackerJax?
It does seem he has been well and truely Pawned in every thread he is spouting his hateful tripe.

It's funny that the same people supporting his argument in this thread are the same people spouting racist rhetoric in other threads.

Fear and hate go hand in hand it seems.


New Member
Sorry I've been gone but a buddy bought a new boat and we went fishing for grouper in Nassau... got in early this morning and have slept the day away :lol:

That's exactly right New Growth. Iran is seeking to be the change and is well on their way to achieving it. The hidden imam is about to appear....

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Sorry I've been gone but a buddy bought a new boat and we went fishing for grouper in Nassau... got in early this morning and have slept the day away :lol:

That's exactly right New Growth. Iran is seeking to be the change and is well on their way to achieving it. The hidden imam is about to appear....

out. :blsmoke:
For role of hidden Imam... I vote Obama. Lol. There, Obama finally has my support on something...


New Member
Well, he is certainly giving the store away and signaling nothing but weakness. We all know despots and dictators FEAR weakness, right? :lol: oh far he is an embarrassment...

out. :blsmoke:

We Love 1

New Member
Ya why worry when We have the best politicians hard at work?

HAHA :lol:

Either way, the country is heading for a REVOLUTION unless the gov't lets the people take back the power. Enough is enough. The depression is only going to get worse, and putting the country further in debt could be the last straw on the camels back.

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Well, he is certainly giving the store away and signaling nothing but weakness. We all know despots and dictators FEAR weakness, right? :lol: oh far he is an embarrassment...

out. :blsmoke:
The sad thing is that you'll just keep on going with this, with no evidence or data to support it, with contradicting information provided by me and others already that invalidates the insane things you've been saying... nuking 95 miles above the continental US... nuking Israel... killing all infidels... hidden Imam's... etc...

Nothing anyone says will change your opinion about anything, you don't acknowledge anyone who doesn't already agree with you, stupid and dangerous, you see what you want to see, hear what you want to hear, you want to feel safe in your little American bubble so you dehumanize the people you fear and disregard the consequences it has for them because well... it doesn't affect you much, which is the bottom line... people on the other side of the planet... they don't mean anything to people like you, you don't encounter them, you'll probably never meet them, why should you send any aid or support their way? You won't get anything back... what's in it for you... you you you! Take a look at your life man, I hope you realize the way you live, I live, we live right now affects thousands of lives around the world, you can try to be fine with that, and tell yourself you are, but I would hope your not, even the most conservative of people have empathy for a fellow human being.

So the next time you hear someone attacked us or our allies, before you say "FUCK THAT, LETS GIT THER ASES!", ask yourself "why?"...

Probably the best piece of advice you've ever been given.


Well-Known Member
You know, the suloution struc me now accidentally....

Rememeber how things used to work... No (or few big corporations), when people could open their own little shops, send kids to school, and still put food on the tables, as well as steadily building the value of their little businesses at a fair rate vs how much time and effort was put into it... something to be left to the children to take over or to sell if there were no children... the children in turn took care of mom and pops with the income from said shop, just as it provided for them all their lives.

When they needed a hand in the shop, they could hire someone, and tell him, listen! this is how much I'm prepared to pay to have xyz done every day... take or leave it.... (it sounds cruel but think of what the other alternative brought us). And then, if this employee turned out to be the village idiot, or stole from you, you could fire him and literaly kick his arse out your shop while you were at it.
Today it is not nearly impossible, it IS impossible for someone in lower or even lower middle class to start a business that can compete with the sales practices of the big corporates, so every one is forced to work for them in one way or another... with only the last sparkles of free enterprise still shining. There is this certificate and that certification and this autorisation and that zoneing requirement and at the end of the day, unless you are sitting on a pile of cash or make believe money (credit), from which you can pay off all these things you are fucked.

And at town and community level these people were respected and rightly so.

I say let the corporations crash, let us regain our liberty, (as it is in America, so it is on earth), let the small business and home enterprise fill your communities, let us go back to the happiness and long lives of our grandparents...

We Love 1

New Member
I say let the corporations crash, let us regain our liberty, (as it is in America, so it is on earth), let the small business and home enterprise fill your communities, let us go back to the happiness and long lives of our grandparents...
I agree.

Let them crash!

I would take it one step further and say that I don't believe any one person should become utterly wealthy. I believe there should be a cap on wealth. Maybe take the top 100,000 richest people and level out their assests/wealth. The left over money from this said leveling of assests would make a nice stimulus check to every person over the age of 18.

True story- That way there wouldn't be one family in the world that owns over half the worlds wealth from capitalizing on the central banking systems.




Well-Known Member
I agree.

Let them crash!

I would take it one step further and say that I don't believe any one person should become utterly wealthy. I believe there should be a cap on wealth. Maybe take the top 100,000 richest people and level out their assests/wealth. The left over money from this said leveling of assests would make a nice stimulus check to every person over the age of 18.

True story- That way there wouldn't be one family in the world that owns over half the worlds wealth from capitalizing on the central banking systems.


i cant believe i just seen this communist bull think you have a right to stick your hand in someones pocket through the government and steal from them? wow.,,you are not only stupid you are a crook.and a theif.if the government would allow it..why dont you just go get a gun. go over to whos house you think is to big.or someone you think earned to much money by working smart and hard and just take it from is more honest then getting guy of gisbon(the government ) and the sherrifs men go and steal from the people.they need a arrow through their hearts...if you could find one to stick a arrow through