California to legalize!


Well-Known Member
I am all for this...however...

MJ is relatively easy to grow...and I suspect that if this does pass, all of the people who have these ideas of starting a large business off this will soon be disappointed. There are a lot of established people in agriculture who have the means and ability to produce. I have no doubt that they will step in to profit as well. The law of supply and demand seems to favor the established agriculturists rather than the would be startups.

All that said, I wish you all the best of luck should it pass! I see it more of a victory for the personal growers than anything.


Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
you know what we would really have to watch out for is a big tabaco industry like Marlboro coming to cali and setting up in the marijuana business. They would have the means and the money to do it large and do it quick. If that happens you could just about kiss any hopes of developing to be one of the marijuana industries top producers.

I rather just have my own lil mom' n pop's family pot farm. Big enough to make a average to above average income and live comfortably and just enjoy the plant that I love.
u nailed it bro, it would be really sad if the tobacco companies started adding all there damn evil chemicals to the pot and packing em like cigg's....anyways u got the right dream man...


Well-Known Member
Reality check.
These bills/proposals get put to every government,council etc.. every year all around the world,they are always rejected outright or lose by a few votes in every country.
Even Amsterdam rejected legalization,that's the way it is.
I know your all gonna hate me but i wouldn't want you all to get your hopes up.

And even if they do go ahead and legalize it in California you will still get raided by the feds.
I really hope that they do legalize it and now,if ever,due to recession,would be the likeliest time,but seriously its unlikely.
They only want drunk monkeys:leaf:

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
natmoom, i understand that you are very pessimistic on this legalization issue lol i saw somewhere that you will eat a very little piece of ur own shit if its legalized lmao but California desperately needs the cash. but you made some very true and good points, im just hoping that Obama will seriously kick the DEA's ass after too many raids...i kno he told them to waiting for some official shit from forcing the DEA to stop. anyways i got hope.....


Well-Known Member
natmoom, i understand that you are very pessimistic on this legalization issue lol i saw somewhere that you will eat a very little piece of ur own shit if its legalized lmao but California desperately needs the cash. but you made some very true and good points, im just hoping that Obama will seriously kick the DEA's ass after too many raids...i kno he told them to waiting for some official shit from forcing the DEA to stop. anyways i got hope.....
Every year when i was 18-24 i waited whilst the bills went to my own parliament and people would tell me,this time it will happen,blah blah blah.
Every year it gets chucked out or fails by just a few votes.
That was a long time ago for me,i no longer bother to wait as i know what the outcome will be.
The medical board of health in my country advised my government to decriminalize pot and that mdma kills less people than horseriding per year so they made pot even more illegal and made the medical chief take back his original comments under threat of being fired and humiliated.
I said i would eat my own shit because it will never happen.
Like i said as well even if you get it legal in your own state the dea will still raid you whenever it wants to or it will cause civil unrest at best civil war at worst because if the states officials wont back down and let the dea raid you then thats what happens:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Generational cycle will bring change through government over the next 5-10yrs..... As the wipper snappers and newbies rise through the ranks..... Give it time these old farts will die and retire soon....... Only to leave open minded new gen government that will push something like this over the line!


Well-Known Member
Generational cycle will bring change through government over the next 5-10yrs..... As the wipper snappers and newbies rise through the ranks..... Give it time these old farts will die and retire soon....... Only to leave open minded new gen government that will push something like this over the line!


Well-Known Member
medical patients had a dream 15 years ago. look where we are today. HA HA
dreams are for coming true. and they are. :clap::weed:
I truly hope that they do but as far as i know the DEA still raid medical patients and caregivers and medical suppliers every single day.
If obama really does end it all and legalizes it and stops all raids then i will eat that small piece of shit:-P


Well-Known Member
I truly hope that they do but as far as i know the DEA still raid medical patients and caregivers and medical suppliers every single day.
If obama really does end it all and legalizes it and stops all raids then i will eat that small piece of shit:-P

for every 1 they raid there are a 1000 they don't.

as far as eating shit, that's just fucking nasty and i don't understand what it has to do with anything. =/


Well-Known Member
for every 1 they raid there are a 1000 they don't.

as far as eating shit, that's just fucking nasty and i don't understand what it has to do with anything. =/
I said it as a joke a while back to zigzag and hes holding me to it.
It will never happen anyway but i may be lying again,lol:-P


Well-Known Member
I said it as a joke a while back to zigzag and hes holding me to it.
It will never happen anyway but i may be lying again,lol:-P
yeah i know, i saw it. and it was just as nasty then.

the saying is "eat shit and DIE", or "i'll eat my shoe". somewhere i think you got things confused.


Well-Known Member
yeah i know, i saw it. and it was just as nasty then.

the saying is "eat shit and DIE", or "i'll eat my shoe". somewhere i think you got things confused.
Is that the saying?
I thought it was more like what i actually said in the first place but then i am only English and a liar:-P

Well-Known Member

I have my hopes still.

People need money.

California is the most progressive state.

If anyone can pull it off, it is those lovely people.

I think it should go down somewhat like this.

California passes it ....barely... they need the money.

It works.. the other med states follow suit.

Other states and the federal gov. are like.... HOLY MOTHER OF BABY JESUS

lets make some green.


Obama is always talking about green jobs.


Well-Known Member
I hope it gets done but ive just heard it so many times over the past 20 years and nothing ever changes.
Anyone would think that they had other "reasons" to keep it illegal:shock::-P


Well-Known Member
I wonder what it will do to land values. Everyone in the country will want a plot. Goldrush! we are all going to get laid.