Well-Known Member
Sorry to be the nerd here
"The Sun (Latin: Sol), a yellow dwarf," Yellow dwarf. Its small compared to most stars and hence the name dwarf. But Our galaxy is a normal sized galaxy
Did You know the Big Bang was actually silent? There is no sound in the vacuum of space. Or to put it another way, sound waves don't propagate through a vacuum.
"You learn something new every day."
And in reguards to Your last post, I believe We should put atmospheres on other planets, like Mars and the Moon, and grow stuff on them like marijuana for starters
First-You cant believe everything you read on wiki,anyone can edit that
Second-Did you know that the big bang is just a theory?If the bb happened then what happened before the bigbang?how did that state of existince come to be and how did it happen? Did you know that The big bang theory is a good show?
Third-Your still a "tool(derogative,not adjective or metaphorical,in kind words...go choke on a bible)"