Boiling The Roots Before Chopping The Buds?

this is quite possibly the best topic ever. Ive been through botany classes in school and lots of ecology and shit so i know about how plants work. Even if you dont know how plants work, it doesnt make sense at all that THC drains from the roots hahaha. wow. Did that guy even make it to highschool science???
lol crunchy what are you trying to say i didnt make it through highschool science...well...i liked my "buds" more then school and would stay home to tend to them... and smoke them :D but either way i still understand the beloved tasty marijuana plant, and how the roots do NOT produce thc!! .
don't leave the roots on , cut the stem off cuz the roots hold in any type of food that it has absorbed juring the night hours , leaving the roots on defet the hole point of harvesting at dark so that you won't have any plany food in your finished product
This thread made me chuckle.I do have to give credit to holdthatshit for finally manning up and admitting he was wrong.

first off no no no. dont ever cut the damn buds off the plant . hang it up root and all and dont tuch a damn thing till the buds are dry . thc comes from the damn roots does anyone understand this???? if you cut branches off there is no reason to even hang the shit up. the reason of hanging a plant upside down for is to let all the thc fall out of the roots into the buds. make sense?????

just saying if you want good dope leave the roots on till done

you dumb fucks where do you possiably think (crystals)(TRICHOMES)come from.haha i guess they just appear out of nowhere like majic. or just maybe thc travels up from the roots and forms crystals on the bud. not saying you cant cure any other way just saying if you want your bud at its fullest potential and highness. leave the roots on so the shit can drain out of the roots too

No, it makes absolutely no sense at all.

THC is not created in the plant’s roots so there is no THC in the roots to; "fall out of the roots into the buds."

There also is no THC in the main stem or in the branches either to find its way to the buds.
so where does thc come from smart ass. i guess this is called the majic effect. i see everyone bitchin butt no real the way i guess it makes no sence to poor nutrients in the soil and on to the roots because its not like its going to traviel up the plant and into the buds or anything. god what dumb bastards.

i have now seen the light. i told my mom to piss off and that she cant tell me how to grow my weed anymore. i now understand that im just a not going to lie im very high and dont really understand the pic.haha but it looks lageit and im going to have to say u win. i dont care how thc gets there as long as we all get high.
a rare reprive from holdnthatshitin, you are a lucky young man. normally she might eat someone alive for the previous comments but i agree w/stoney bravo on manning up and admitting you were wrong. people will help you sooo much more with a humble attitude. hang in there read and you'll grow and so will your plants. but you might wanna think about movin out of moms unless it's a family thing.
And then on the other side of the coin, if we can say that we came from star-dust, then its only fair to say that THC (or atleast most functional groups on it) came from the roots..:)
On a side note, if end of season weather was getting too scary, and harvest seemed a tad premature, my dad would pull the plants, and bring them in the house, and hang them in the window for a few days untouched in an attempt to give them a tad more time.. Plants don't often die a quick death.. There is still activity going on long after its dried even..
first off no no no. dont ever cut the damn buds off the plant . hang it up root and all and dont tuch a damn thing till the buds are dry . thc comes from the damn roots does anyone understand this???? if you cut branches off there is no reason to even hang the shit up. the reason of hanging a plant upside down for is to let all the thc fall out of the roots into the buds. make sense?????

THC come out of roots? ahahaha that was a good one!
THC come out of roots? ahahaha that was a good one!