FULLY AUTOMATED GROW.......remote monitor clone to harvest??

Growtronix....... thats what i was thinking.................... now where getting somewhere !

That dose not look that hard to setup incomparisonto th PCL..


Growtronix 2.0 Screenshots


Grow Journal - The Grow Journal is one of the many additions to version 2.0. It is a calendar based tool which processes data from the Growtronix Database.

Features include:
  • Min, Max and Average for the day of all value based sensors (Temperature, Humidity, Co2, pH, TDS/ec)
  • Controls and Relays total time ON and OFF for the day.
  • Total KWH (Kilowatt Hours) and estimated Cost
  • Daily graph of all value based sensors
  • Notes area for storing Daily notes, observations, reminders or comments
  • Calculate Relays total KWH and Cost
  • Store Images
  • Build charts and graphs from database
  • Grow Timer
Yes you should be able to get a connection via internet. Just like webcams. I have my linksys webcam in my grow room and I can access that while Im at work. For a base system at growtronix its around 600 then your gonna have to buy the sensors. Also for lighting the make automated winches. You would have to buil;d a structure out of steel(or some other durable material. Say you build it in a rectange. Then you have you lights attached to the rectangle. Then you would have the rectangle attached to a cable which then is attached to the winch. You could control that remotely and raise the winch which would raise the lights. Youcan get light meters which will tell you the intesity of light. So Im guessing you could get that hooked up to the winch. Set a predetermind amount of strenght for the light and once it hits that strengh on your light meter it kicks on the winch and raises your lights a couple inches.....I dont know just an idea
a shipping container with external XXXX ltr fuel cell (enough to do full crop). Built as extention as partof container... running of float valve and pumps with the genarator....
run solar on roof.
This could be placed on a truck and be moved....when ever to where ever.
Yes you should be able to get a connection via internet. Just like webcams. I have my linksys webcam in my grow room and I can access that while Im at work. For a base system at growtronix its around 600 then your gonna have to buy the sensors. Also for lighting the make automated winches. You would have to buil;d a structure out of steel(or some other durable material. Say you build it in a rectange. Then you have you lights attached to the rectangle. Then you would have the rectangle attached to a cable which then is attached to the winch. You could control that remotely and raise the winch which would raise the lights. Youcan get light meters which will tell you the intesity of light. So Im guessing you could get that hooked up to the winch. Set a predetermind amount of strenght for the light and once it hits that strengh on your light meter it kicks on the winch and raises your lights a couple inches.....I dont know just an idea

Laser sighted indicator was the key along with sensor to measure... I suppose you would run a REFRIGARATE container anyways... already has built in AC... and insulated, already the right shape for a INLINE setup...
Weirdest idea ever just popped into my mind.. probably better for warmer places or during the summer, but it would be so bad ass if you dropped something REALLY heavy under the ocean and then scuba dive down and fill it with air (hopefully not enough to make it float again) and then have an underwater grow op setup with this automated system. Bandwidth would be damn near impossible... pipe dream...
weirdest idea ever just popped into my mind.. Probably better for warmer places or during the summer, but it would be so bad ass if you dropped something really heavy under the ocean and then scuba dive down and fill it with air (hopefully not enough to make it float again) and then have an underwater grow op setup with this automated system. Bandwidth would be damn near impossible... Pipe dream...

rofl......................... you would spend your cash trying to anchor it to the bottom so it wouldnt float..............y not boat ??
The reason for this is i go away for weeks at a time........... would be great to look after everything ALL THE TIME! Or take laptop to mates place..... etc
rofl......................... you would spend your cash trying to anchor it to the bottom so it wouldnt float..............y not boat ??

Criticism.. i knew it.. so I wont bother bringing up my spaceship idea ;)

But it would be sick to find one of those underwater bubbles.. it's like a cave but with the entrance under water... I want one!
Criticism.. i knew it.. so I wont bother bringing up my spaceship idea ;)

But it would be sick to find one of those underwater bubbles.. it's like a cave but with the entrance under water... I want one!

No offense bro.... AND PLEASE BRING ON THE IDEAS.. SPACEY OR NOT they will spur realistic ideas.... Underwater.... you would want A BIG setup to make it finacially viable is all...... just to get airdown there....and keep it there would cost big $$$$$$.
I watched some vid, think it was called the price of getting high.Anyways these cats in canada put like 20 shipping containers under ground and had a monster set up.We're talking semi truck size shipping containers.Fuckin crazy big room rooms.Wire that baby remotely and all hell would break loose.Dam take 20 guys to harvets working double shifts :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:.DING,,,,time ta work boys hehe.
OK here is our collective idea !

containers into the side of a hill..... !

Soil Moisture sensors: http://www.cropinfo.net/AnnualReports/2001/Popsensortest01.htm mix that with a pump for the water.... hmmm
With float valve to top up res..
Lights could be raised by a simple motor/pulley system, and they could use a "trip" laser (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1id0MLUI-c) that could let it know when the plant had grown high enough to raise the light. The trip laser would have to be connected to the same automated pulley system so that it could continuously gauge the plant height. I'm pretty sure (though I haven't tried) that you could make one from a laser pointer and a photon resistor (i think that's what they're called, they're available at radio shack or if you have an old printer they're in their too usually to check for paper.)

Might be a good idea to set up some trip lasers in the surrounding area as well to let you know whether or not someone has been snooping around! :P
Hieght indicator and light movement system

This company makes automated products http://growtronix.com/store/ Or if you want to do it your self you can get a PLC and program it or have somebody else do it for you. There is plcs on ebay right now. Oh sorry the auction is actually done but it wasnt sold and heres is the lkink to it http://cgi.ebay.com/IDEC-PLC-INTERFACE-RS232-Hydroponics-automation_W0QQitemZ260362637395QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAU_Seed_Starting_Hydroponics?hash=item260362637395&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2%7C65%3A13%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318 The seller said he will program it for a "minimal fee" Which is 50 dollars, atleast thats what he told me a couple months ago when I was going to buy one from him. Sensors can get pricey though as well as dosing systems. But overall like stated I dont think it would be that hard. It would be alittle costly though depending on how big. But this is something I will do in a few months most likely as all my customers live close to 1000 miles away from me and flying a private plane is even getting alittle risky

Growtronix....... thats what i was thinking.................... now where getting somewhere !

That dose not look that hard to setup incomparisonto th PCL..


Growtronix 2.0 Screenshots


Grow Journal - The Grow Journal is one of the many additions to version 2.0. It is a calendar based tool which processes data from the Growtronix Database.


Features include:
  • Min, Max and Average for the day of all value based sensors (Temperature, Humidity, Co2, pH, TDS/ec)
  • Controls and Relays total time ON and OFF for the day.
  • Total KWH (Kilowatt Hours) and estimated Cost
  • Daily graph of all value based sensors
  • Notes area for storing Daily notes, observations, reminders or comments
  • Calculate Relays total KWH and Cost
  • Store Images
  • Build charts and graphs from database
  • Grow Timer
Remote monitoring....
a shipping container with external XXXX ltr fuel cell (enough to do full crop). Built as extention as partof container... running of float valve and pumps with the genarator.....
Air conditioned.

Drain to waste for a cleaner setup.....
+ obvious shit, air, etc

what else we need...
You still got to pick up the bud sometime, have the so called growing place in someones name, sending info to cell phone trackable, sending over internet connecting to a ip trackable
You still got to pick up the bud sometime, have the so called growing place in someones name, sending info to cell phone trackable, sending over internet connecting to a ip trackable

There is ALWAYS going to be risks ... but bounceing off a legal country like ansterdam or something....
ideas are good, risks are always there, i think the idea is not about risk but a plug and play anyone can be a grower system
ideas are good, risks are always there, i think the idea is not about risk but a plug and play anyone can be a grower system

I was thinking for people who travel for work... or holiday alot... or own houses in different places etc....

Ultimatly you could make tis plug and play...... on small scale...included seeds etc?! a box arrives...plug in power here plug in water here.... open when timer goes off!
You would almost have to have some type of back up, cause when computer goes out someone has to turn it back on, all is possible, hardest part is lights you would have to have sensors all the way up the wall so when plan breaks the beam it moves up to the next notch etc, now comes the idea of pests that may be on your plant, in your res, or in your soil those things your have to see for yourself, just a few things but other then that a good idea, but i believe no more safer then growing in your bedroom
You would almost have to have some type of back up, cause when computer goes out someone has to turn it back on, all is possible, hardest part is lights you would have to have sensors all the way up the wall so when plan breaks the beam it moves up to the next notch etc, now comes the idea of pests that may be on your plant, in your res, or in your soil those things your have to see for yourself, just a few things but other then that a good idea, but i believe no more safer then growing in your bedroom

A light sensor attached tolight at the right distance from canopy, that way the sensor will move up with light.. need only one sensor.

And for pests... yes if you get them then you have to have deffense... which could be a PYRITHIUM spray automated loaded ready to go...
And MICRO HD cameras setup for closeup views.. maybey 5-10 cameras.

but a preventative measure would be better.