It's true, half of your extra expense goes directly to the huge pain in the ass it takes to mine these chemicals that could easily, cheaply and cleanly be manufactured,The rest goes to the label.
since most of our nutrients are crystalline we should look into what a crystal is, a crystal is a solid that is made up of a regular repeating pattern of like bonded molecules. So Crystals can only form if they are mostly pure, or else they would have an irregular non-repeating pattern with weak bonds. So crystals are mostly pure, or else they can exist.
Here's a nice picture of a single potash molecule
A molecule is the smallest particle of a chemical, or in this case compound That has all of the properties of the compound.
A molecule is made up of atoms held together by bonds. A single molecule of water is H2O as we all know it is two parts hydrogen one part oxygen, hydrogen has only one electron, oxygen has 6 in its outer orbital, it would like to have 8, so two hydrogens come along, and swoop, their one electron is now being shared with oxygen outer orbital, they are now bonded.
This only happens in extremely high temperatures, which is the main reason we don't make water, man has artificially created water, usually accidentally, the Hindenburg explosion was responsible for the largest amount of man-made water ever, you have probably drank some man-made water.
You're probably wondering at this point, what the fuck is this guy talking about... but I'm getting to that.
An atom as we all know is made up of a nucleus that flashes in and out of existence, the nucleus has a number of protons equal to the total number of electrons in said element. We know think that this is all made of some sort of membrane that is everything. But thats neither here nor there.
My point being, there is no difference whatsoever (Unless you mean theres a spiritual, or some sort of aura around the proces of manufacting chemicals) between organic and inorganic chemicals (with a few other things there is) an oxygen atom is an oxygen atom is an oxygen atom!!! even more so when its a molecule because they start of with natural elements, than artificialy combined them, usualy in some sort of terible toxic way like adding the two together, and heating them.
In fact one ingredient in sprite that can safely be manufactured artificialy is now (that sprite is all natural) being made with cyonide, because hey cyonides natural right? of coures the cyonide isnt in your drink, they extract whatever flavor they need from it and pour the rest down the drain
