• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Going organic... something to think about


Well-Known Member
It is O.K. friend as you have responded as most do.

If your health ever dwindles, just remember to give this a try if the doctors contributions do not work for you.

You will see quickly that it is not placebo and not a " Diet Fad " but a " way of life. "

No more from me and best of luck.........TheNatural


Well-Known Member
I wanted to hear more from you, you really eat raw meat? you dont even soak it in salt or lime?


Active Member
I don't really have to much to say on this topic of raw food aside from. I recall watching an episode of Wife Swap, I found a clip of the episode (http://www.videosift.com/video/Wife-Swap-Raw-Food-Family-Break-Down), and I recall a part of the episode where they take them to the doctor....or they interview a doctor....no matter, the doctor admitted that he couldn't say that the diet was good or bad for you, reason being, there isn't a lot of data to be pulled. So it could be good or it could be bad or it could be neutral Switzerland style, but if it works man go with it.

On a side note, I openly admit to watching Wife Swap.... it's makes me thankful mine isn't half as crazy as these bitches..


Well-Known Member
Omg i member seeing that a cpl months ago... when he said that he ate raw that's the first thing that popped up into my head... they had to wake up a cpl times a night to drink a special yogurt with special enzymes so that their body could break down the raw meats.

Hey bro... like i said before i don't want you to think that i am saying u are even remotely wrong about your diet.... i am saying however that i was posting this thread for what i felt like is a growing and unnecessary trend amongst all types of growers and end users alike.

You said you didn't have time to post all of your info... trust me man.. i LOVE to be proved wrong...i LOVE the fact that civilized people can get together and disagree and possibly change each other's minds! I was really hoping you would post SOME of your info... any studies that may have been done linking man-made chem ferts to disease/death if it be in the short or long term. I apoligize if i somehow made u feel that your input wasn't as valid as anyone else's its just i'm so used to people around my area taking what they believe to be concrete info and running with it because a friend turned them onto whatever new stance it is that they now believe to be 100% foolproof. Again.. you may be the healthiest person on this entire site because of your diet... i'm just trying to get people to see that just because one has a turn around in health ... it may not be that they were eating raw fruits, veggies, meat, tokin organic bud... etc.... BUT RATHER it could be one of many things... had you eaten and toked on the same products without having the benefit of it being organically grown or eaten raw you may just find that you have the exact same turnaround in health.... that's why ALL good science has a control group.... one that you compare the idea/product in question to just to make sure that OTHER POSSIBLE VARIABLES are not the true benefactors of your new good fortune.

Very seldom and almost NEVER is there only ONE explanation to accurately describe any given phenomenon and when there is... IT IS ABUNDANTLY CLEAR because of all the evidence in MULTIPLE observations point ONLY to one possible answer. I was truly hoping that we could get a good discussion goin on the topic... sry if i somehow made you feel unwelcome because i assure you that was not my intentions.... Thanks!!!!


Well-Known Member
No friend, we cook nothing anymore.

What is funny is; " Raw meat is the most tender and flavorful meat that you will ever eat. "

It does not get stuck between your teeth and you need no extra anything to digest it.

Cooked meat " I have tested this on all five members of my household " will take 2 to 4 days to completely evacuate the colon and one menber of my household has an extremely high metabolism and still took 2 days.

Raw meat is evacuated every time within 24 to 36 hours and the bowel movements are always soft and perfect and constipation absolutely does not happen even in a metabolism that is slow.

I use to not cook thawed meat after it had ben in my frig for more than two days.

Now, I love the way beef tastes after about ten days in the frig, when more natural bacteria have had time to grow on it and when it is raw, bacteria and the types of bacteria grown on raw meat are actually beneficial.

Proper diet and cannabis together " along with proper fasting " will increase your health in ways that you cannot imagine.

The hardest thing that we will ever realise and one quick way to loose friends, is to tell them that; " 90% of everything they have been taught in their lives, is a lie. "

You do not get invited to many Tea Parties that way, but it is unfortunately true.

Be Blessed, TheNatural


Well-Known Member
Omg i member seeing that a cpl months ago... when he said that he ate raw that's the first thing that popped up into my head... they had to wake up a cpl times a night to drink a special yogurt with special enzymes so that their body could break down the raw meats.

Hey bro... like i said before i don't want you to think that i am saying u are even remotely wrong about your diet.... i am saying however that i was posting this thread for what i felt like is a growing and unnecessary trend amongst all types of growers and end users alike.

You said you didn't have time to post all of your info... trust me man.. i LOVE to be proved wrong...i LOVE the fact that civilized people can get together and disagree and possibly change each other's minds! I was really hoping you would post SOME of your info... any studies that may have been done linking man-made chem ferts to disease/death if it be in the short or long term. I apoligize if i somehow made u feel that your input wasn't as valid as anyone else's its just i'm so used to people around my area taking what they believe to be concrete info and running with it because a friend turned them onto whatever new stance it is that they now believe to be 100% foolproof. Again.. you may be the healthiest person on this entire site because of your diet... i'm just trying to get people to see that just because one has a turn around in health ... it may not be that they were eating raw fruits, veggies, meat, tokin organic bud... etc.... BUT RATHER it could be one of many things... had you eaten and toked on the same products without having the benefit of it being organically grown or eaten raw you may just find that you have the exact same turnaround in health.... that's why ALL good science has a control group.... one that you compare the idea/product in question to just to make sure that OTHER POSSIBLE VARIABLES are not the true benefactors of your new good fortune.

Very seldom and almost NEVER is there only ONE explanation to accurately describe any given phenomenon and when there is... IT IS ABUNDANTLY CLEAR because of all the evidence in MULTIPLE observations point ONLY to one possible answer. I was truly hoping that we could get a good discussion goin on the topic... sry if i somehow made you feel unwelcome because i assure you that was not my intentions.... Thanks!!!!
Think nothing of it friend as I just get busy at times and cannot respond quickly.

Now, I have been up since 4a.m. E.S.T. and am enjoying some morning Cannabis.

Debates should never close down with anyone thinking that one needs to be right or wrong, just that all opinions that wanted to be made, were made and at least respectfully heard.

So many want to hear " this study " and " that study " however most studies done out there are sponsored by authorities and corporations, that have no desire to release truth to the public as there is NO MONEY in curing anything.

I know " sounds like another crappy conspiracy theorist, " but unfortunately just as true as the fact that they took the greatest resource ever given to man and made it illegal " another topic for another time. "

I came about my information in a very unique and less scientific way.

Pain motivated me and fasting and meditation brought me to the truth of
Health and many other things.

Maybe not the answer that you were looking for my friend, but the only truthful one that I can give you.

Maybe this is a fluke and only meant to work for me and my wife and family, but I doubt it very seriously as The Great Spirit is no prospector of people and chances are that this may be the answer to all " especially Americans " health, with all of the garbage that most Americans eat compared to other countries.

I know " what is the liklyhood of some stoner on a Cannabis forum, having the answer to human health? "

Sounds rediculous at best, but try it and you will see for yourself, but give it a little time and do not expect to be delivered within a few days.

However, within a few weeks, and definately within three months, your health will exceed everyone around you and you will have feats of evergy and strength, that only you will understand as those around you will be baffled.

The human body is INCREDIBLE, when given what it truly needs to be incredible.

Be Blessed, TheNatural


Well-Known Member
i began growing with chems and to be honest those 2 first harvest were pretty nice.... huge pretty looking buds.. and they tasted awsome after 2 weeks of curing... but i had alot of it and didnt smoke it too fast... about a month later (1 month 2 weeks after it had dried and cured) it started tasting not so great kind of stale ... although i vacuum packed it all after one month of curing..... it started to properly make me cough when i smoked it .... so i figured maybe its my ferts or something....(bud is supposed to really pick up on smell and flavor after about 2 months of curing... this one did exactly the opposite) so i went organic to see if it changed anything...... Now its been about 6 years and i like to keep my bud curing for 1 and a half months and then i vacuum pack it -.... and it only gets better as time goes by... The buds taste lingers in my mouth for about 10 minutes after i smoke a spliff..... and honestly i couldnt dream for better...
so i really think its up to the person to choose what it is he wants... for people who are gonna be selling their stuff, and need quantity just use whatever bring that quantity up....
if your gonna smoke it yourself... You might as well go with what is more natural.... the world that evolves around cannabis is of a natural nature right... people pushing hemp wouldnt promote fuel and petrol!!!!! u ever smoked a spliff with a rootical rasta?? It would be weird to have him tell you the weed he grew was hydro or even worst have him show you his chem ferts.... If its the case tell him to cut him locks and get back to reading before he grow dem back out...
in Jamaica they say... if you seee a big fat worm on your plant.. thats a good sign.. it means its good for us.. non toxic.. obviously youd pick it off...
but a ganja garden that never has problems and nothing but your hands wanna approach it because youve beenspraying it with shit... That aint no good for us man........
so yeah ... that my opinion... i like organic for personal consumtion and if you have it in you... grow chems but i dont think ill be smoking too much of your stuff.....


Well-Known Member
The Natural, Could you please give us a rundown of how you would go about preparing a a stake dinner.
do you do anything at all to your meals? chop them in a special way, season them with special spices, or just go for it out of the package?
I would be scared to eat raw meat, raw meat tastes pretty damn good, but every time I eat it I talk myself into a panic and get scared I'm going to get ill, rightfully so I feel, I imagine you must only eat locally raised meets? 'That's the only way I would feel remotely comfortable eating a raw cow.


New Member
The only difference between commercial fert's and organic fert's is how they are achieved. One is naturally done the old slow way, and the other is done with chemicals the fast way.

In the end however, they are all exactly the same to the plant...NPK.

If you use crappy fert...organic or commercial, your plants will suffer. I use a professional nursery grade time released fert on my plants and it grows them up strong and disease free.

They are the same... it's just that organic takes the long way around the barn, but they both get the job done.

So how efficient is commercial fert? Well, if the world decided tomorrow to go ALL organic in its food production, we would need to plant 30% more crops to make up for the inefficiency.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
It's true, half of your extra expense goes directly to the huge pain in the ass it takes to mine these chemicals that could easily, cheaply and cleanly be manufactured,The rest goes to the label.

since most of our nutrients are crystalline we should look into what a crystal is, a crystal is a solid that is made up of a regular repeating pattern of like bonded molecules. So Crystals can only form if they are mostly pure, or else they would have an irregular non-repeating pattern with weak bonds. So crystals are mostly pure, or else they can exist.
Here's a nice picture of a single potash molecule http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potassium_oxide
A molecule is the smallest particle of a chemical, or in this case compound That has all of the properties of the compound.
A molecule is made up of atoms held together by bonds. A single molecule of water is H2O as we all know it is two parts hydrogen one part oxygen, hydrogen has only one electron, oxygen has 6 in its outer orbital, it would like to have 8, so two hydrogens come along, and swoop, their one electron is now being shared with oxygen outer orbital, they are now bonded.
This only happens in extremely high temperatures, which is the main reason we don't make water, man has artificially created water, usually accidentally, the Hindenburg explosion was responsible for the largest amount of man-made water ever, you have probably drank some man-made water.
You're probably wondering at this point, what the fuck is this guy talking about... but I'm getting to that.
An atom as we all know is made up of a nucleus that flashes in and out of existence, the nucleus has a number of protons equal to the total number of electrons in said element. We know think that this is all made of some sort of membrane that is everything. But thats neither here nor there.

My point being, there is no difference whatsoever (Unless you mean theres a spiritual, or some sort of aura around the proces of manufacting chemicals) between organic and inorganic chemicals (with a few other things there is) an oxygen atom is an oxygen atom is an oxygen atom!!! even more so when its a molecule because they start of with natural elements, than artificialy combined them, usualy in some sort of terible toxic way like adding the two together, and heating them.

In fact one ingredient in sprite that can safely be manufactured artificialy is now (that sprite is all natural) being made with cyonide, because hey cyonides natural right? of coures the cyonide isnt in your drink, they extract whatever flavor they need from it and pour the rest down the drain :).


Well-Known Member
It does not get stuck between your teeth and you need no extra anything to digest it.
Only reason i had said they needed the yogurt is cuz that whole family was downin raw chickin like everyday... the dad even ate like 5-6 month old raw chicken on the show that had mold all over it lol.....i dunno if that's the exact same diet you are speaking of but it looked pretty similar to what you described.... if it's not....MY BAD :spew:

I just cant personally see myself or my family chowin down on raw meat but again... being that i am one that believes in personal freedom...i wish you the best of luck and the best of health with it and i hope you live to whatever old age you're aimin for Nat. Also, i hope that you understand that the only thing you had said that i had any kind of quarrel with was that you had lots of evidence that either chems are bad for the human body or that somehow organically raised veggies/fruits/bud/etc... are somehow better. When someone makes a claim like that i automatically go into the "SHOW ME THE PROOF" mode. Having a background in physics/astronomy has dare i say, made me into the type of individual that would rather bask in the truth no matter how bad it is than to wrap myself in a blanket of feel good superstition or fairy tales. (Not that you're offerin fairy tales but plenty are about everthing from religion, prejudice, health, .... you get the idea bud :) )

I have always been the type to want to see the evidence for myself.... hell i take on the title of a "doubting Thomas" with MUCH PRIDE!!!!! I learned long ago that anecdotal evidence and human testimony CAN NOT be trusted MOST of the time...but sometimes of course it can. Separating the testimonies that are accurate from those that aren't WITHOUT ANY CONCRETE EVIDENCE is nearly impossible. We are by our very nature biased which is why we have always needed the scientific process to determine what is real and what is imagined.

Yes many studies done are done with the intention of making money off of a product or idea... however that USUALLY doesn't change the data. I'm not saying that there has never been any corruption brought into an experiment by those wanting to decieve the public... but i also am not gonna believe that ALL studies done are done by people with personal motives that are nefarious.

So i guess the way i see it is this... if you believe that a certain way of eating or a certain way of producing the foods/bud that you consume is better for you or you just like it better for whatever reason..... then by all means eat/smoke organic!!!! I prefer organic bud myself.

BUT, the problem arises when one tells another that it is somehow harmful to consume a product with NO evidence, NO data, NO real reason why it is harmful except for a personal distrust of the government or whoever produced the products because they may have used chemicals that were "man-made".
When someone tells me that they have evidence and all i hear is personal preferrance and an argument about "life force" i know there is no SCIENCE. That good sir is my only problem.

Again... best of luck to you with your diet and i hope it benefits you and yours to the fullest extent.....but i would just ask that you keep an open mind and especially get ALL the facts before possibly scaring someone into changing their lifestyle when there is no evidence that their lifestyle is harmful to them. If you want to tell them about your diet and why you think it's healthy.. by all means bro.. do it!!!! But i would ask you to think about telling anyone that man-made chemicals are somehow a danger in bud or food.

Thanks again for the talk... it's been fun so far:clap: Gotta go have a talk with my friend SOUR DEE :weed: C YA!!!!


New Member
I too believe in personal freedom, but that does not include forcing (passively or otherwise) it on your kids. That's when you mitigate the kids personal freedoms.

out. :blsmoke: