Iran Update...

Okay, the latest report is just in and stipulates that Iran now has enough enriched uranium for a nuclear missile. Iran can have an operational weapon by President Obama's Inaugural swear in.

Israel has already said they will attack.

So what's next? What should or can Obama do? :confused:

out. :blsmoke:
Your thoughts....?did u read ATOMS FOR PEACE if so can u explain 2 me what we must stop from happening,,,,,,,remember don't lay down facts that will hurt ur feelings to be ???????????ed***************
i guess you monkeys didnt read where i said thousands of military officers resigned their commissions people think you can have a government and a country without a army?
lol. i do have to admit i do understand how obongo got people are idiots.
i doubt if many liberals have stood ready to lay their life down and die or kill other humans for the rights that your countrymen enjoy.obongo has not only destroyed the banks in one month.he is destroying the health care industry.the insurance industry and the big three .but if thats not enough he is running investors off shore in droves.
the military is done.if we have a war it will most likely be in this country.
no one is going to serve under obama for any length of time.he even has patrius the politician pissed at him.
a nice military coup would make this a easy revolution to restore the constitution .
"Nearly half of the respondents described their political views as conservative or very conservative, the Army Times reported."

"More than half of active-duty U.S. service members feel uncertain or pessimistic about President-elect Obama as commander in chief, according to a Military Times survey."

I wonder if political affilation has any thing to do with this?

Half of the respondents were wary of Obama and half of the respondents considered themselves conservative or very conservative hmmmmmmmmm
If you peruse those links I posted you'll find world opinion on both the left and right is worried about Obama.

It's not surprising that most military people are conservative. The percentage of folks willing to lay down their lives for their country on the left is quite low. Not a surprising pattern at all.

out. :blsmoke:
If you peruse those links I posted you'll find world opinion on both the left and right is worried about Obama.

It's not surprising that most military people are conservative. The percentage of folks willing to lay down their lives for their country on the left is quite low. Not a surprising pattern at all.

out. :blsmoke:

Of course the world is worried....just look at what your last president did...

The world is not worried about Obama the man so much as about the fact he has almost definately already been corrupted by the same people pulling the strings in the Bush regime.

The world is worried about what AMERICA will do, not Obama.
If you peruse those links I posted you'll find world opinion on both the left and right is worried about Obama.

It's not surprising that most military people are conservative. The percentage of folks willing to lay down their lives for their country on the left is quite low. Not a surprising pattern at all.

out. :blsmoke:
Uhhh, I guess that makes me an anomolay then. I'm on the left and was in Viet Nam. So your "facts" are just more of your psychotic ramblings. I would lay down my life for my country if needed, but I wouldn't walk accross the street for the likes of Bush and his unnecessary war. In fact anyone that would volunteer to go to Iraq and fight this stupid war might need some psychological care to begin with, let alone after they come home shellshocked.
If you peruse those links I posted you'll find world opinion on both the left and right is worried about Obama.

It's not surprising that most military people are conservative. The percentage of folks willing to lay down their lives for their country on the left is quite low. Not a surprising pattern at all.

out. :blsmoke:
I guess you didn't read your own statistics, only half of those polled claim to be conservatives.........................For I a guy who is a warmonger like your self you fit in quite well with the likes of rush limbaugh, Bill O'reily, william kristol all pussies who never served there country. You guys are all the same, talk a big game when your advocating sending others to war but when its your turn to put your life on the line you chickenhawks cowar.
Uhhh, I guess that makes me an anomolay then. I'm on the left and was in Viet Nam.

Hey med man did you see O'riley over there? How about John bolton (crackerjax's twin) did you see him or Rush or Bill kristol? What about Vi Redd. Where were these guys when 58,000 of there country men were getting killed?
Hey med man did you see O'riley over there? How about John bolton (crackerjax's twin) did you see him or Rush or Bill kristol? What about Vi Redd. Where were these guys when 58,000 of there country men were getting killed?
Exactly, but they are the ones that cry the loudest for war and the killing of innocents. Once you've seen a baby with it's head blown off, bodies lying in the streets with parts missing, dogs eating human remains, etc., war loses its luster. The smell alone is enough to fuck your head for life. No more fucking wars for me, unless it's against the powers that make them.
If you peruse those links I posted you'll find world opinion on both the left and right is worried about Obama.

It's not surprising that most military people are conservative. The percentage of folks willing to lay down their lives for their country on the left is quite low. Not a surprising pattern at all.

out. :blsmoke:

You're an idoit Crackers, ever noticed how most violent revolutions are usually the left over throwing the Right?

Ever noticed how, throughout history, 'communists' and 'socialists' (the left) have taken up arms to overthrown their Corrupt and greedy Conservative leaders (the you actually know what 'Conservative' means?)

You are talking arse, and history proves you wrong time and again.
You're an idoit Crackers, ever noticed how most violent revolutions are usually the left over throwing the Right?

Ever noticed how, throughout history, 'communists' and 'socialists' (the left) have taken up arms to overthrown their Corrupt and greedy Conservative leaders (the you actually know what 'Conservative' means?)

You are talking arse, and history proves you wrong time and again.

There are alot of people in the US who view the State's monopoly on violence and repression through a partisan lens. It isn't bad if their party does it.

When reactionary movements take power by force, it is usually from an elected government, it does originate with military officers, like Franco and Pinochet.
Your quoting polls, i'm quoting the entire military statistics. What was the sample number?

Once we get into command positions it is overwhelmingly conservative since the lower rungs are filled with the lower economic classes and uneducated...which tend to be liberal (back to being uneducated in economics again).

out. :blsmoke:
Well, that's what Iran has in mind.... oh my. :peace:

test in 2.5 months and counting....

out. :blsmoke:

If I was a small muslim country threatened with invasion from Isreal and the US I might build a nuke or two as well. It's called a nuclear deterrent it FORCES the United Nations to recognize Iran as a developed nation. I don't think anyone wants to see a nuclear holocaust.
They sure do want to see a holocaust especially since the last one didn't even happen :lol:... it is their is in their constitution.

In the end it all boils down to idiotic religion on BOTH sides. Both sides have a "end of days" prophecy. Both sides think that Israel is the key to both prophecies.

I have always believed that both the Christians and the Muslims do NOT want peace in Israel because then the prophecies cannot be fulfilled. To top it off, ask any Christian if they think the end of days is almost upon us and you will get a resounding YES. This is a recipe for making our nightmares come true.

As long as the Iranian leaders follow the Hidden Imam prophecies..... the nukes they now possess will NOT be stored away as leverage.

We need to disarm the religions if you ask me.

out. :blsmoke: