Doom and gloom or hope?

its common knowledge all over bloomburgs .the chinese are refusing the purchase long term american debt.they are still purchasing short term debt.
the chinese damn near invented math.they can count better than americans i promise.they KNOW as alot of US know there is no way the kind of debt we are running up can be paid back.not without enslaving the whole is tooo late.
this country is fucked to the wall.
there is one man i respect that has said the stock market is due for a dead cat bounce.on other words a short rally.his name is marc faber.
another guy i like and is ALMOST always correct is jim rogers.a multi billionaire.and a good guy over my opinion anyway.
i think he lives in taiwan.he knows what is going to happen in this country.
buy commoditys .gold silver.sugar.weat and food companys.he says and he is correct that such things as sugar at all time historical lows.they are going to go up there is no other place for them to go but up.
these things as governments print more and more money to inflate out of the debt they have gotten into these things will rise in price to keep up.goerge soros rears his ugly head.
i wonder how many liberals know that george soros is responable for the starvations of countrys?
right now from obamas actions what is going to happen is there is going to be mass unemployment.
the cost of fuel sugar food ect will sky rocket peoples incomes are going to fall like a rock.
with the continues effects of foreclosures,poverty and every other thing evil that goes with it.
there are only going to be two class's soon.the rich and the poor.what class will you be in?
And at some strategic point....the marker will be called on the debt. Both countries might implode form the calling of that marker BUT....

Look at it this way...If we fall (economically) it will be like falling off of a skyscraper...BIG SPLAT

If China falls (economically) it will be like jumping out of a 2 story house. Small splat.

Which one will regain its footing first? Checkmate.

out. :blsmoke:
china and some other asian countrys are still having growth.i wonder where investor's will go with the trillions and trillions of dollars sitting on the side line?
And at some strategic point....the marker will be called on the debt. Both countries might implode form the calling of that marker BUT....

Look at it this way...If we fall (economically) it will be like falling off of a skyscraper...BIG SPLAT

If China falls (economically) it will be like jumping out of a 2 story house. Small splat.

Which one will regain its footing first? Checkmate.

out. :blsmoke:
you know ur right when i owe i ppl money , they have all the power ; and since we're blaming leaders which leaders r the 1's that took out the loans
This unloading of debt. will only continue successfully as long as the dollar has enough value in it. As of now Obama is in full swing of devaluing our currency....exactly the wrong direction to take. I am not surprised however.

Of course now that Obama is intent on keeping us at the mercy of imported oil, if OPEC decides to trade in euros...we will be screwed in a big way.

It's all in the timing folks..... not ours, but theirs.....

We are losing control of our own destiny.

out. :blsmoke:
you know ur right when i owe i ppl money , they have all the power ; and since we're blaming leaders which leaders r the 1's that took out the loans

Yeah, the problem is that we've borrowed to much money, and the Democrats are now borrowing more money in our names to "solve" the problem.

Do they think that perhaps a better solution would be to tell people to stop relying on credit, and clean up their finances?

I wish I was a failure, then the government would bail me out, too.
Yeah, the problem is that we've borrowed to much money, and the Democrats are now borrowing more money in our names to "solve" the problem.

Do they think that perhaps a better solution would be to tell people to stop relying on credit, and clean up their finances?

I wish I was a failure, then the government would bail me out, too.
preachin 2 the chior it's real scary out there , i don't worry so much 4 self ,it's the little guy maybee 2 old 2 change 2 young 2 retire that has made his living in houseing at some level ,,,,,,,,,,the guy that was a carpenter then builder employing 100's or 1000's of ppl over the years , put his life into building homes /////////////selling cadies at chevy $$$$$$and now could b homelss working the labor pool cause he won't stand on the corner w/ a cup
i know a pile of those guy right now ****** ill count real quik the ones i know of that are losing their homes.
steve .travis.paul.mark. all of them losing their homes.all of them were in construction.damn near all of them made at least 60 to 80 K a year.not one of them saved a dime.spent every dollar they on toys .one on on pills..and the onther one on toys too.the last ten 16 years they have been making good money.pissed it all guess who gets to pay for their bills and life style they could not afford to beggin with? the responsible people of this country.that is around 90% of population.and dont think they are too happy about this shit.
we have let a minority enslave the rest of us in the name of political correctness..
its not going to will collapse under its own weight .
TBT, if you failed the government would just let you sink and they'd say "you should have planned ahead" ..... you haven't been stuffing money into their pockets for the last 50 or more years, so they aren't going to give a shit about you. Just like they don't give a shit about me, or anyone else around here for that matter.
We as a people need to get the Govt. back on the rail. Keep our borders safe. Keep trade barriers low. That's basically it. Everything else needs to be run by the state or privately. We have created this monster and it is going to devour us if something isn't done.

out. :blsmoke:
Obama won by a landslide and the people who voted had money.
alot of those same people are singing the blues right now.
for example .real estate agents.
he is going to cut tax deductions on mortgage interest on peoples homes.he just fucked everyone with that idea.
everyones housing values as of yesterday declined at least 25% from it was the day before.LOL
he is talking about nationalizing banks(communism) and investors are running for the door and bank stocks are worthless.millions upon millions of people are all losing their retirement accounts and their 401Ks are being decimated.the stock market has dropped 2000 points since he took office.he has a full on assault to take over the insurance companys and dictate to all of them what they will be able to earn.he will decide how much people should make.and how much the government is going to pay for drugs from the drug makers.whiping out all the stock holders value in medical and pharm. companys.he wants to increase and im sure he will,the capital gains tax to 30% causing people to take their money over seas. to countrys that only charge 11%.
obongo's proposed budget .at his time,not to include ALOT of cost over runs and hidden debt you wont know anything about. is almost 4 fucking trillion dollars.A THIRD TO HALF OF THE US GDP?WTF
there is going to be a long fucking hang over at the end of this party with a huge bar tab.
to top all that off at the end of the four years there will be officialy around 15% unemployment with real unemployment at around 30%,
the government always cooks the books .
matter of fact of you were a company and kept books like the government they would call you a ponzi scheme and throw your ass in jail.
im sure that is why they were so pissy at bernie maddoff.he was stealing from the governments clients.useing the same system they use.
listen jerk l hear all you pussbags on this website didnt know this was a english class what do you mean people with money voted him in?? what the fuck is that you r all crybaby pussbags he only one by 5% wow landslide follow him like a blind lamb you fuckingi commi
listen jerk l hear all you pussbags on this website didnt know this was a english class what do you mean people with money voted him in?? what the fuck is that you r all crybaby pussbags he only one by 5% wow landslide follow him like a blind lamb you fuckingi commi
if i'm 1 of the pussbag come on over to the koolaid party ,,,,,,,,,,,,,have the guts to say it out right and leave the code words out , if u think iwon't hear it ur only saying it so that way seems to ur friend u score ,,,,,,,,,,think only ur team understands the code ,,,,,,,,,,,,if rush wrote the code we've seen it before