best cure for insomnia?


Well-Known Member
i have had trouble with this for a while due to a series of events that kinda fried my head due to stress. whats the best remedy to sleep? ive looked into several herbs but i dont know what to try


Well-Known Member
take a xanax with a beer. youll be out cold within an hour
its always easy for me to fall asleep after getting some, or eating a big meal


Active Member
You could smoke a bowl of some dank couch-lock bud, or take 3 tylenol pm's, or 2 oz of Nyquil or Tussin (makes you feel kinda trippy with the dxm in it).


Well-Known Member
i take trazadone (50mg) every single day for chronic insomnia. You wont get xanax for sleep problems. You will also need anxiety to get it. You wont get ambien either if its chronic because ambian is like once every 2-3 days. But trazadone is a shit medication (the way it makes me feel anyway) so all i do is smoke a dub of a PURE indica (purple strain. cant remember the name) and that makes me fall asleep a hell of alot better than any medication will. In fact im currently trying to qualify for medical marijuana but its a pain in the ass for the wait list. i have like 3 more weeks before my appointment and i registered 4-5 weeks ago.


Well-Known Member
Forget the OTC.

If you're a grower, try some poppys to make opium. Seeds are cheap and availale from Google and the power of opiates to put you to sleep is well known. So are its addictive properties so ONLY use it medicinally to go to sleep. You risk an addiction you dont want to mess with by using it socially.


Well-Known Member
Hmph, I was gonna say pot and xanax, too. Between those 2, I'm fuckin' out like a light.

After those, I'd try this: 1. beat off 2. smoke some hardcore indica 3. put forth a serious effort to meditate. It will take time to learn if you haven't already, but being able to make your brain shut up/quit worrying and then to lead yourself through some relaxing prompts will enable you to sleep.


Well-Known Member
I've had insomnia problems most of my life. A few things that help are: regular exercise, do your thinking somewhere besides in bed (make some time during the day to think about stuff - while you're exercising would be good - but, whatever you do, get out of the habit of trying to solve problems while lying in bed), and if you want to try an herb... my wife makes tea from motherwort when she's near her period to sort of calm her down and regulate her moods. It's bitter stuff, but I've found that it does seem to help me get a full night of sleep (one of my big problems is waking up in the middle of the night, and motherwort seems to help that).


Well-Known Member
My cures for insomnia are:
1. Pot
2. Sex
3. More pot

I guess I really don't understand how you can smoke a butt ton of pot and still not fall asleep. I don't even usually have a choice haha.

If pot doesn't work for you, I guess I would say working out helps. I use to play football in college, and during two-a-days when we worked out real hard I was out like a light every night around 10pm.


Well-Known Member
Ambien for the win lol! Im in the same boat man and theres not a whole lot u can do here.. It gets expensive smoking a "dub" every night b4 bed, and it seems every one on here likes to whack off b4 they go to sleep so give that a try.. Fucking b4 sleep doesnt make me sleepy at all, it gets me fuckin wired like i just drank one 2 many redbulls.. U Could take a bunch of tylenol P.Ms but thats bad for ur liver especially if u have to take em every night just to sleep. Half a bottle of Nyquil will probably put u out pretty quick, or u may just end up tripping all night.. I take Ambien but i have had some rough times on the stuff( read my thread "Ambien did me dirty" to see wat i mean) Seriously make an appointment with your physican and tell him about your problmes. He's been trained and versed in medicine, the people on RIU have NOT, even though alot of us may think we have been but the reality is were all amatures when it comes to this stuff. Tell him ur heard horror stories of Ambien, tell him you want somthing along the lines of Valium.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Seriously make an appointment with your physican and tell him about your problmes. He's been trained and versed in medicine, the people on RIU have NOT, even though alot of us may think we have been but the reality is were all amatures when it comes to this stuff.
You're kidding right? There are quite a few people in here educated in pharmacology and neuropharmacology, granted if you really want to get a grasp hit up Blue Light.


Well-Known Member
My cures for insomnia are:
1. Pot
2. Sex
3. More pot

I guess I really don't understand how you can smoke a butt ton of pot and still not fall asleep. I don't even usually have a choice haha.

If pot doesn't work for you, I guess I would say working out helps. I use to play football in college, and during two-a-days when we worked out real hard I was out like a light every night around 10pm.
two-a-days suck!!!


Well-Known Member
zopiclone works well but gives u a metal taste. phenargen/promethazine in a dose of about 50 to 100mg will knock you right out if its once every few days. i wouldnt use opiates for sleep! in the standard bottle of codeine cough linctus there is 600mg of codiene, i can drink this and function perfectly. opiates give a buzz and a sense of well being and can be great for relaxation but i wouldnt recomend for insomnia!


Well-Known Member
You're kidding right? There are quite a few people in here educated in pharmacology and neuropharmacology, granted if you really want to get a grasp hit up Blue Light.

No im not kidding,show of hands; who on this forum has Graduated from medical school?? Theres a difference from a pharmacologist and a physician, or is that just a joke to u too? Would u trust some one on RIU b4 u trusted your doctor? I certainly wouldnt ..."Neuropharmacology is concerned with drug-induced changes in the functioning of cells in the nervous system". Whos really versed in this stuff on RIU? We must have a bunch of brain surgeons on here as well that im unaware of.