Iran Update...

Look can't you get it into your thick skull.....WE DON'T CARE ABOUT RELIGION!!!

One's religion and theistic beliefs are no ones business but their own.

But there is no denying a country built on racial discrimination and separation IS WRONG.

What part of this do you not understand.

I couldn't care less if all the Jews stay where they are or move WHERE EVER THEY LIKE, as long as NO ONE is being discriminated against and needlessly negatively impacted upon.

(Edit...p.s. My girlfriend is Jewish and she feels the same way I do)
:lol: you obviously have some issues....

By the way your statement: "But there is no denying a country built on racial discrimination and separation IS WRONG"
This applies to the Arab states and not Israel.
:lol: you obviously have some issues....

By the way your statement: "But there is no denying a country built on racial discrimination and separation IS WRONG"
This applies to the Arab states and not Israel.

Yeah I have some issues with this shit you are talking.

Once again your talking bollox with no ACTUAL DATA to prove it :clap:

Some of "The Arab states" (what are they all linked together now you dumbfuck?) MAY have LAWS based on Islam, but those Laws apply to EVERYONE equally, the same cannot be said for Isreal.
Okay, you don't have the where with all for a hypothetical...step aside...let's hear form some folks who have some reading comprehension....

I guess you are unaware that all Jews were expelled from Arab lands... (we call that segregation where I come from)

out. :blsmoke:
Okay, you don't have the where with all for a hypothetical...step aside...let's hear form some folks who have some reading comprehension....

I guess you are unaware that all Jews were expelled from Arab lands... (we call that segregation where I come from)

out. :blsmoke:

Sources dumbass?
A true war of attrition is a protracted conflict in which one side attempts to wear down its enemy by continuously engaging in battle until the last man, woman, and child is dead. They DON'T have the true belief in their "cause" nor the hutspa to do it. It's all about being on CNN spewing bullshit propaganda now. Any country in this day and age that cannot or will not allow peace and acceptance of other races or religions and get along with their neighbors is a danger to the world. Where is the U.N.'s stand on these intollerant, hateful countries?

The U.N. appoints them to head anti discrimination commissions, and the non proliferation of small arms committee. Now obama is selling us out to russia, along with totally disregarding our Constitution, promoting socialism, and taxing the shit out of us.

New boss worse than the old boss....
Sources for what? :lol: guess history has passed you by. just crack a book sometime. It;'s pretty common knowledge that the Arab states kicked all the Jews out of their lands afetr their humiliating defeat in 67. Jews were kicked out and their properties confiscated. Where have you been?

out. :blsmoke:
So you mean since Isreal was Unjustly established?

I assumed you meant BEFORE the USA and ZIONIST Jews fucked up the whole region....

What you're talking about is called as CONSEQUENCE.... (I'm not saying it's right, but it IS understandable)
You only say it was unjustly established. You are just like the people you insult. The UN only suits you when you agree with them. Since you are British, it is your countries colonialism which created all of this mess to begin with. Now that you are a second tier nation, please hush and let the big boys talk. It was the British who established those lands, not the US. The US merely RECOGNIZED did not produce it.

Go to just about any hot spot on the globe and the shaky hand of the British extinct empire can be found. You folks did more to screw up the world for your OWN profit than anyone else.

out. :blsmoke:
I'll post it up again.

Here's the HYPOTHETICAL (look it up joint) scenario...


Israel capitulates!!! They have had enough. They can't take it anymore, and they realize it was a HUGE mistake. They wish to get the heck out of Israel....ALL OF THEM, every last Jew. They have purchased an undisclosed location suitable to their needs completely isolated from any neighbors.

What would the world's reaction be???? I think I know...but let me hear from you guys.... don't try to think a way around the equation, just accept the parameters and tell me what would be the world opinion/reaction???? :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
I'll post it up again.

Here's the HYPOTHETICAL (look it up joint) scenario...


Israel capitulates!!! They have had enough. They can't take it anymore, and they realize it was a HUGE mistake. They wish to get the heck out of Israel....ALL OF THEM, every last Jew. They have purchased an undisclosed location suitable to their needs completely isolated from any neighbors.

What would the world's reaction be???? I think I know...but let me hear from you guys.... don't try to think a way around the equation, just accept the parameters and tell me what would be the world opinion/reaction???? :lol:

out. :blsmoke:

OK, I'll play along, I want to see where you go with this...

Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon would not have an enemy in the area to constantly attack. There would most likely be more peace seen throughout the middle east. The United States would be regarded much more positively in the international community for not condemning 'terrorism' in one breath and applauding Israel whenever they use it in the next, showing extreme foreign policy hypocrisy... etc..

What do you think would happen in your scenario?
You only say it was unjustly established. You are just like the people you insult. The UN only suits you when you agree with them. Since you are British, it is your countries colonialism which created all of this mess to begin with. Now that you are a second tier nation, please hush and let the big boys talk. It was the British who established those lands, not the US. The US merely RECOGNIZED did not produce it.

Go to just about any hot spot on the globe and the shaky hand of the British extinct empire can be found. You folks did more to screw up the world for your OWN profit than anyone else.

out. :blsmoke:

Yep, you're correct, WE the British established the current boarders, and that was a mistake.

You realise the reasons the British empire was broken up so suddenly and fast....? look into it.

We 'owed you one' as it were after WW2, and you (the USA) wanted us to break down our empire.... And where did you want us out of First?.....the middle east (I wonder why....)

Strange that that Area has been being interfered with and VERY UNSTABLE ever since.

We can talk about History all you like but is doesn't change the NOW.

I don't really see what you're idiotic Hypothetical situation has to do with anything....No one here hates Jews, only Zionism, do you not know the difference?

It isn't the people being Jewish that is the problem, it is people thinking they are ENTITLED to a certain peice of land because of their FAITH (or Race, although a lot of Jew's dispute that 'Jewish' is a Race).
OK, I'll play along, I want to see where you go with this...

Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon would not have an enemy in the area to constantly attack. There would most likely be more peace seen throughout the middle east. The United States would be regarded much more positively in the international community for not condemning 'terrorism' in one breath and applauding Israel whenever they use it in the next, showing extreme foreign policy hypocrisy... etc..

What do you think would happen in your scenario?

Okay, nice of you to "play" along.:lol:
I personally don't think it would be allowed.... :mrgreen: Sound crazy after the last 5 decades? Not really. There are strong feelings about the Middle East and the jews are intricate to the prophecies...both Christian and Muslim. If the Jews left, the prophecy would be unattainable. The violence continues because the prophecies demand it. The UN resolutions (legal) are the scapegoat behind the true intent. Sound nutty? I agree, but believe me LOTS of people in high positions around the globe believe that with all of their hearts....and power. Thanks for the response...


Yep, you're correct, WE the British
established the current boarders, and that was a mistake.

You realise the reasons the British empire was broken up so suddenly and fast....? look into it.

We 'owed you one' as it were after WW2, and you (the USA) wanted us to break down our empire.... And where did you want us out of First?.....the middle east (I wonder why....)

Strange that that Area has been being interfered with and VERY UNSTABLE ever since.

We can talk about History all you like but is doesn't change the NOW.

I don't really see what you're idiotic Hypothetical situation has to do with anything....No one here hates Jews, only Zionism, do you not know the difference?

It isn't the people being Jewish that is the problem, it is people thinking they are ENTITLED to a certain peice of land because of their FAITH (or Race, although a lot of Jew's dispute that 'Jewish' is a Race).

I think you underestimate the power of the present tense when looking at the formation of Israel. Millions were's a powerful motivator.

I don't think Israel is entitled to anything special, but they sure earned it in blood. I can see why they felt that there was no protection being provided by Europe (they were correct). They were just looking for cover. Too much to ask after the horrors?

out. :blsmoke:
I think you underestimate the power of the present tense when looking at the formation of Israel. Millions were's a powerful motivator.

I don't think Israel is entitled to anything special, but they sure earned it in blood. I can see why they felt that there was no protection being provided by Europe (they were correct). They were just looking for cover. Too much to ask after the horrors?

out. :blsmoke:

No actually I don't think ANY amount of blood justifies usurping (By force) control of a territory from an established indigenous population.

You obviously don't really understand Zionism, it is a concept BUILT on racism and separation of cultures.

No other area has a 'chosen people' thats bullshit, Isreal chosen for the Jews?

What if one were to say the USA....chosen for the whites? .... or the blacks?.....obviously unacceptable....

Same goes for Isreal....

Now admit you're wrong ;-)
I think maybe the targeted enemy would change. But, there are a lot of factions among the Arabs/Muslims that would want to be on top, so the turmoil would continue. I doubt barring "divine intervention", there is ever a ray of hope for peace in the middle east. Heck, with all the gang violence building in our own hemisphere, I doubt there is a ray of hope for peace here either.
*wonders if iran has as many WMD as iraq did*

ohyeah iraq didnt have weapons of mass destruction, but they do have oil!

check out my post about 0rder81 which means its illegal for people in iraq to save their seeds.. they have to purchase their seeds newly every year do to Terminator Gene cells...
No actually I don't think ANY amount of blood justifies usurping (By force) control of a territory from an established indigenous population.

You obviously don't really understand Zionism, it is a concept BUILT on racism and separation of cultures.

No other area has a 'chosen people' thats bullshit, Isreal chosen for the Jews?

What if one were to say the USA....chosen for the whites? .... or the blacks?.....obviously unacceptable....

Same goes for Isreal....

Now admit you're wrong ;-)






