Iran Update...


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No actually I don't think ANY amount of blood justifies usurping (By force) control of a territory from an established indigenous population.

You obviously don't really understand Zionism, it is a concept BUILT on racism and separation of cultures.

No other area has a 'chosen people' thats bullshit, Isreal chosen for the Jews?

What if one were to say the USA....chosen for the whites? .... or the blacks?.....obviously unacceptable....

Same goes for Isreal....

Now admit you're wrong ;-)

Since the Jews were kicked out of their lands by the Romans in 70 C.E., they are the rightful indigenous people of that area, not the Palestinians. Ever hear of the Despora? It predates any Palestinian claim on that land.

As for racial inequalities...ANYONE can move to Israel...anyone at all. There are Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Israel along with other religions. Go to any neighboring Arab state and find me a jew please. What??? Another despora? Yes, another... and there was one biggie in between those two I mentioned. Move....Move....Move....where did they ever get the crazy idea to find a place of their own? What is wrong with those people? :mrgreen:

Now admit you are wrong....

out. :blsmoke:


Okay, nice of you to "play" along.:lol:
I personally don't think it would be allowed.... :mrgreen: Sound crazy after the last 5 decades? Not really. There are strong feelings about the Middle East and the jews are intricate to the prophecies...both Christian and Muslim. If the Jews left, the prophecy would be unattainable. The violence continues because the prophecies demand it. The UN resolutions (legal) are the scapegoat behind the true intent. Sound nutty? I agree, but believe me LOTS of people in high positions around the globe believe that with all of their hearts....and power. Thanks for the response...
Well, in the scenario you laid out, it would be allowed, that's one of the requirements within the parameters of the details you gave...

Please cite some sources for your theory about the prophecies. I want to know exactly what the theory is, and why you think it's reliable information. Remember the McCain "bomb Iran" thing I was talking about earlier, why should we believe what elected officials say regarding something like the total annihilation of another nation? What proof do you have that what these people or prophecies are saying is actually true?

People have thought the world is in it's last generation since the beginning of time, that will not change. Every time the world doesn't end... we've seen it dozens of times throughout history, I really don't think this entire situation hinges on fulfilling an ancient prophecy to bring about the end of the world and judgment day, I just haven't seen enough evidence that supports that theory.


New Member
Well, I have already explained the Hidden Imam propheciy to you although no one seems to be able to simply google it. :lol:

the "other' prophecy is the Christian "end of days" Both prophecies involve Jerusalem and the Jews are a key part of that.

Since both prophecies involve Armageddon type predictions and Jerusalem as the focal point of the beginning of the end of the's not to hard to figure out that everything starts with killing the Jews.... AGAIN... :mrgreen: FFS!!

Both prophecies are a made up PAYBACK... except that people have a way of making prophecies come true.

Here's a scary thought... about 50% of the US electorate believe that they will probably WITNESS the end of days. That's called momentum.

I honestly believe that the world would desperately try and stop the Jews from would mean an end to the prophecies...and we can't have that can we?! :lol:

Chisel the facade of UN resolutions and who had which land first, and you will find the real motive....religion.

out. :blsmoke:


Well, I have already explained the Hidden Imam propheciy to you although no one seems to be able to simply google it.

the "other' prophecy is the Christian "end of days" Both prophecies involve Jerusalem and the Jews are a key part of that.

Since both prophecies involve Armageddon type predictions and Jerusalem as the focal point of the beginning of the end of the's not to hard to figure out that everything starts with killing the Jews.... AGAIN... FFS!!

Both prophecies are a made up PAYBACK... except that people have a way of making prophecies come true.

Here's a scary thought... about 50% of the US electorate believe that they will probably WITNESS the end of days. That's called momentum.

I honestly believe that the world would desperately try and stop the Jews from would mean an end to the prophecies...and we can't have that can we?!

Chisel the facade of UN resolutions and who had which land first, and you will find the real motive....religion.

Again, sounds like a theory, but I need evidence to support it. You're statistic about the American electorate is accurate, I've heard the same numbers myself, but what can all those people actually do to fulfill an ancient biblical prophecy, and what do you currently see yourself that supports that idea? I see no reason to believe that there's any sort of forward movement in the religious community actively trying to bring about the end of days.


Well-Known Member
Since the Jews were kicked out of their lands by the Romans in 70 C.E., they are the rightful indigenous people of that area, not the Palestinians. Ever hear of the Despora? It predates any Palestinian claim on that land.

As for racial inequalities...ANYONE can move to Israel...anyone at all. There are Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Israel along with other religions. Go to any neighboring Arab state and find me a jew please. What??? Another despora? Yes, another... and there was one biggie in between those two I mentioned. Move....Move....Move....where did they ever get the crazy idea to find a place of their own? What is wrong with those people? :mrgreen:

Now admit you are wrong....

out. :blsmoke:
Actually the Despora started long before 70CE, estimates start at 800 - 700 BCE.

So you DON'T know anything about Zionism then...?

You are aware that the Jewish texts condemn Zionism (or the concept of 'The Jews' returning from exile before their time is due)

I honestly believe that the world would desperately try and stop the Jews from would mean an end to the prophecies...and we can't have that can we?!
You are letting your personal (irrational) beliefs cloud your logic....everyone can see it but you.

Fear breeds irrational and dangerous behavior, you are a great example of this, you need to control your fear.


Well-Known Member
Actually the Despora started long before 70CE, estimates start at 800 - 700 BCE.

So you DON'T know anything about Zionism then...?

You are aware that the Jewish texts condemn Zionism (or the concept of 'The Jews' returning from exile before their time is due)

You are letting your personal (irrational) beliefs cloud your logic....everyone can see it but you.

Fear breeds irrational and dangerous behavior, you are a great example of this, you need to control your fear.
There were two Diasporas, the one in 70 AD that was marked by the destruction of the Temple (for the 2nd time) was the Second Diaspora.

Though, I don't know why I'm bothering, for some one supposedly reading history, one would assume that you would take enough time to actually learn how to spell the phrase that you're attempting to talk about.


New Member
Actually the Despora started long before 70CE, estimates start at 800 - 700 BCE.

So you DON'T know anything about Zionism then...?

You are aware that the Jewish texts condemn Zionism (or the concept of 'The Jews' returning from exile before their time is due)

You are letting your personal (irrational) beliefs cloud your logic....everyone can see it but you.

Fear breeds irrational and dangerous behavior, you are a great example of this, you need to control your fear.
You must be a copy paste kind of guy. Since the Jews were most definitely in Jerusalem at the time of the mythical jesus...your statement makes no sense. keep digging. :roll:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Hi Jax

This is the kind of warm and fuzzy shit that keeps me up at night. Not to doubt you, but are you sure it's only 50% ? I would have guessed closer to 75%.

Religious hysteria has us all by the short and curlies.........

Here's a scary thought... about 50% of the US electorate believe that they will probably WITNESS the end of days. That's called momentum.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Well, it is a poll so...yah I would guess it's a bit higher. Padawan asked if it was a problem...and it is because the elrectorate are not the only ones. I think MANY people in very high places believe it as well. This is one of the reasons I believe a long lasting peace is not obtainable in the Middle East. It would disrupt the prophecies. Palestine was offered a state in 1948, but turned it down. Again after 67 war, but turned it down...makes you wonder.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
That's why the Christians have always been so desperate to convert everyone. They think if everyone is of the same religion jesus will come back.
Hysteria........ :roll:


New Member
That's why the Christians have always been so desperate to convert everyone. They think if everyone is of the same religion jesus will come back.
Hysteria........ :roll:
EXACTLY..... it's a cult religion, just like Islam. Ever have a Jew or a Buddhist try and convert you? :lol:

Is it any wonder that the two biggest pain the arse religions are run on a cult methodology? Lawdy, they are both F'd in the head and heart.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I don't understand how so many people could be such sheep, and then train their kids to be sheep. My kids were always free to make up their own minds if they wanted to be sheep or not.

Daughter says no to being a sheeple.
Son is undecided (his girlfriend hasn't told him what he thinks yet).


New Member
I don't understand how so many people could be such sheep, and then train their kids to be sheep. My kids were always free to make up their own minds if they wanted to be sheep or not.

Daughter says no to being a sheeple.
Son is undecided (his girlfriend hasn't told him what he thinks yet).
OMG She's on my tail!!! I can't shake the MISS!!! She just posted my right rudder off, I'm going down!! :mrgreen:

You've answered your own post Miss and that's not fair. They train their kids.....indoctrination of the young is a top priority of the church. get at them before they are capable of independent thought....and so it goes.

Being an atheist takes real balls....believing in a fairy tale is super easy.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
It's only when the christians start in first, they wave their bible and make a remark, then she starts tearing down their beliefs and they run away in tears. She looks like a supermodel, but she could out argue a lawyer. She's got brains and she's not afraid to use them.


New Member
Good for her...send them packing.

A long time ago I worked as an electrical foreman in a company owned by some Jehovas. They started in on me one day (the big boss no less which I thought was incredibly stupid of him). I just stopped him in mid sentence and said, do you want me to work for you? He was like...Yes, you are one of the best people we have. I said, then just stop it. I'll make you money all day long but stop the preaching. He got it right away.

I've got a couple really good Jehovah stories under my belt...i'll tell you later...:lol:

That was a good company, but you had to draw a line with them. CULTS...

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
They love the knock and talk around here. We usually see them across the street so when they come here sometimes we just don't even answer the door. We're not polite enough to turn things off and pretend we aren't here, we just don't answer.