Iran Update...


Well-Known Member
If the world got together and decided that the American indians needed a place of their own and it was voted upon and passed (sound familiar?), then yes by all means, I do agree.
To ignore the constant state of harassment and mass murder of a people simply because of their religious beliefs doesn't move your hardened heart...then perhaps you don't have one. I think you need to look in the mirror and see if you can find some human decency in there. I sure can't.

out. :blsmoke:
Actually, the CURRENT state of Harasment and Mass Murder of the peoples of Gaza, by the Military forces of Isreal (Using US supplied military hardware), DOES move my 'Hardened Heart'.

Persecution for NOT being of a certain religion (as is CURRENTLY happening in Isreal/Gaza) is just as Bad as any other form of religious persecution..... but somehow you don't seem to be able to see this.

How one can talk about his willingness to start wars and then question ANYONE's 'human decency' is beyond me.... do you understand IRONY?


Well-Known Member
Things change...societies mature and can be more responsible, no?
Of course what doomed the american indian was not specifically european intrusion but the indians lack of domesticating animals such as the pig and cow, etc. This set them up for serious immunity problems when these new animals were brought to the new continent (an inevitability). It was disease more than anything which destroyed the indians way of life. Let me posit to you that if your ethnicity had been virtually wipeed out by planned genocide over and over again, you wouldn't wish to circle your wagons? It's a matter of survival and in 1946 NO ONE doubted this. Except the Arabs who were lined up with the NAZIS.

This isn't ancient history.

out. :blsmoke:
You can try and brush over it, but it is a well known fact that millions of Native Americans were Butchered at the hands of white settlers.

And as I've already said 'Jewish' is NOT an ethnicity, it is a RELIGION, there is a HUGE difference.... your inablitly to see this is one of your main problems.


Well-Known Member
Things change...societies mature and can be more responsible, no?
Of course what doomed the american indian was not specifically european intrusion but the indians lack of domesticating animals such as the pig and cow, etc. This set them up for serious immunity problems when these new animals were brought to the new continent (an inevitability). It was disease more than anything which destroyed the indians way of life. Let me posit to you that if your ethnicity had been virtually wipeed out by planned genocide over and over again, you wouldn't wish to circle your wagons? It's a matter of survival and in 1946 NO ONE doubted this. Except the Arabs who were lined up with the NAZIS.

This isn't ancient history.

out. :blsmoke:
I'll keep it real. I'm polish. I have no hostility for the german people.
ancient history? Then how far back do you only want to take this?
At what point'n time shall we debate? where america fucked over the indians and shall we then jump strait ahead to slavery? Kind of a onesided debate no?

To deposit such ugly past actions onto the door step of future generations who had nothing to do with it, is nothing more then a ploy inorder to take advantage for personal gain. Lets keep it real.

In my generation, I see black schools, black newspapers, black television stations, black pride and hostility to me personaly only because of my skin color.

If you want to speak about racism today, then lets talk about the open display of hate the black and brown man has not only for the white man, but this country in general. What makes it worse, is I have to tip toe with a smile while being shit on.
Yeah, we sure do have alot of racism in this country, I can't argue that.


Well-Known Member
Actually, the CURRENT state of Harasment and Mass Murder of the peoples of Gaza, by the Military forces of Isreal (Using US supplied military hardware), DOES move my 'Hardened Heart'.

Persecution for NOT being of a certain religion (as is CURRENTLY happening in Isreal/Gaza) is just as Bad as any other form of religious persecution..... but somehow you don't seem to be able to see this.

How one can talk about his willingness to start wars and then question ANYONE's 'human decency' is beyond me.... do you understand IRONY?
I herd this fucked up thing; The jews where placed in isreal because they are the key to the christians armageddon. Jesuse will not come, if the jews are not in isreal. fucked up right?

You can try and brush over it, but it is a well known fact that millions of Native Americans were Butchered at the hands of white settlers.
What do you think about the theory of indians are descendants of the japanese? With that thought maybe the indians slaughtered into control. Not trying to make light of american indian history, just wondering your thoughts.


Well-Known Member
Actually, the CURRENT state of Harasment and Mass Murder of the peoples of Gaza, by the Military forces of Isreal (Using US supplied military hardware), DOES move my 'Hardened Heart'.

Persecution for NOT being of a certain religion (as is CURRENTLY happening in Isreal/Gaza) is just as Bad as any other form of religious persecution..... but somehow you don't seem to be able to see this.

How one can talk about his willingness to start wars and then question ANYONE's 'human decency' is beyond me.... do you understand IRONY?
You need to get your facts straight. Israel has not been on the offensive, defense with Hamas only required Israel to enter the Gaza area because Hamas builds their military facilities under schools, hospitals and other such public institutions. Israel finished what Hamas started the only way they could, and yes Hamas started the fight by lobbing rockets, IEDs and sending suicide bombers into Jewish neighborhoods.


New Member
Jews were never placed in is their native land... :lol:

And I said it ISN'T ancient history.

The vast majority of indians were already dead by the time most of thw white settlers went west. There are a lot of fallacies about this period. One was that we showed up as a superior force. Nothing could be further from the truth. It was the exact opposite. What paved the way was disease.

What is currently happeneing in the middle east can be stopped by the arabs at any time. They CHOOSE not to. nuff said there. Palestine has been offered statehood twice, and each time it was turned down. That's because that is not the real objective. Take the blinders of kiddies.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
What do you think about the theory of indians are descendants of the japanese? With that thought maybe the indians slaughtered into control. Not trying to make light of american indian history, just wondering your thoughts.
Human Anthropology is definately interesting.

Yeah I've read something similar to that, I read that early native American were descended from the peoples of southeast Asia (south American Indians) and then moved back up the continent (North American Indians) and then over the Arctic to Europe and Russia (Europeans).

In my mind that could be plausable, especially looking at the Similarities between Native North American idians and Northern Europeans (Bone structure, espacially the Chin)....

I mean Europeans definately share more Physical similarities with North American Indians than people from Eastern Asia.


Well-Known Member
You need to get your facts straight. Israel has not been on the offensive, defense with Hamas only required Israel to enter the Gaza area because Hamas builds their military facilities under schools, hospitals and other such public institutions. Israel finished what Hamas started the only way they could, and yes Hamas started the fight by lobbing rockets, IEDs and sending suicide bombers into Jewish neighborhoods.
Yes I....and the MILLIONS of people protesting worldwide (Especially within Isreal itself) need to get our facts straight.

WE'RE all wrong.

I don't know about in America, but over here there are Regular protests in almost every city against the Isreali attacks on Gaza.

Some of you guys seriously need to get your heads out of your media programmed asses.

Do you at least appreciate WHY Isreal is the reason for the Islamic worlds HATRED of America?


Well-Known Member
Yes I....and the MILLIONS of people protesting worldwide (Especially within Isreal itself) need to get our facts straight.

WE'RE all wrong.

I don't know about in America, but over here there are Regular protests in almost every city against the Isreali attacks on Gaza.

Some of you guys seriously need to get your heads out of your media programmed asses.

Do you at least appreciate WHY Isreal is the reason for the Islamic worlds HATRED of America?
Yes, you and millions of others are wrong. ALL WRONG! Tell me WHY would Israel sign away the Gaza strip, in a property for peace treaty, then turn around and attack. That doesn't have any logic to it at all. Hamas is an Iranian militia(read TERRORIST GROUP) whos sole purpose is the destruction of Israel and eradication of Jews. So go on, protest away for a people that will turn around and thank you with a sword across your throat, for not being muslim.


New Member
Yes I....and the MILLIONS of people protesting worldwide (Especially within Isreal itself) need to get our facts straight.

WE'RE all wrong.

I don't know about in America, but over here there are Regular protests in almost every city against the Isreali attacks on Gaza.

Some of you guys seriously need to get your heads out of your media programmed asses.

Do you at least appreciate WHY Isreal is the reason for the Islamic worlds HATRED of America?
You have it exactly backwards....where is your outcry at the smuggling of arms into that area? Where is your outrage when rockets are fired UNANNOUNCED into civilian populations? No, you get pissed off when there is a response to UNPROVOKED violence.

It is you sir whio needs to wake up, not I. It is quite clear who starts the violence, and then runs and hides amongst women and children. These are the people who sided with the nazis in WW2. It is YOU who cannot fathom the can only assume it is because you CHOOSE not to see it the way it is.

Do you think if Hamas stopped and Syria stopped and Iran stopped, etc.. if after they silenced their guns and followed the truly righteous path of Egypt, that Israel would be a threat? They simply wish to live in peace. Europe was a DEATHTRAP for them sir...

I suppose only the arctic will do for you? You sir are a bigot, it is quite plain for all to see. Well done :clap: I am not surprised however, Europe is still overwhelmingly anti semitic, again back to religious persecution.

out. :blsmoke:

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
Iraq did have WMDs. We know because they used them against Iran during the Iran/Iraq War, 1980-1988, and their own people (the Kurds) in 1988.

Great Britain, France, Russia, and Israel all agreed, before the war, that Iraq had WMDs.

What we don't know is what happened to the WMDs.
they definatly had them because we sold it to them in the 1st place!


Well-Known Member
You sir are a bigot, it is quite plain for all to see. Well done :clap: I am not surprised however, Europe is still overwhelmingly anti semitic, again back to religious persecution.

out. :blsmoke:
Anybody I guess who disagrees with Israels actions are bigots and anti-semitics......what a crock of shit cracker.................are you a racist for disagreeing with Obamas policies?


Well-Known Member
Yes, you and millions of others are wrong. ALL WRONG! Tell me WHY would Israel sign away the Gaza strip, in a property for peace treaty, then turn around and attack. That doesn't have any logic to it at all. Hamas is an Iranian militia(read TERRORIST GROUP) whos sole purpose is the destruction of Israel and eradication of Jews. So go on, protest away for a people that will turn around and thank you with a sword across your throat, for not being muslim.
If squatters took over your house and then offered you half of it back if you leave them alone would you accept it?

When people talk about the 'distruction of Isreal' what do you think they mean? Bombing it? Killing all the Jews? ...or...(and I'm pretty sure it's this one)... making it a different country (by name) that ISN'T controled by a few disproportionately powerful Zionist Jews (there by distructing 'Isreal').

And I believe they refer to 'Zionists' more often than 'Jews'......there is a BIG difference.


Well-Known Member
You have it exactly backwards....where is your outcry at the smuggling of arms into that area? Where is your outrage when rockets are fired UNANNOUNCED into civilian populations? No, you get pissed off when there is a response to UNPROVOKED violence.

It is you sir whio needs to wake up, not I. It is quite clear who starts the violence, and then runs and hides amongst women and children. These are the people who sided with the nazis in WW2. It is YOU who cannot fathom the can only assume it is because you CHOOSE not to see it the way it is.

Do you think if Hamas stopped and Syria stopped and Iran stopped, etc.. if after they silenced their guns and followed the truly righteous path of Egypt, that Israel would be a threat? They simply wish to live in peace. Europe was a DEATHTRAP for them sir...

I suppose only the arctic will do for you? You sir are a bigot, it is quite plain for all to see. Well done :clap: I am not surprised however, Europe is still overwhelmingly anti semitic, again back to religious persecution.

out. :blsmoke:
You Sir (a bit formal for my liking) are a DIPSHIT.

Yes I'm a bigot....thats why my partner and probable future wife is Jewish.....and why my future children will probably be Jewish (It's pass down the female line)....Because I'm anti-Semetic.

You can keep Screaming WW2 WW2!!! all you like but it still doesn't change the present.

I don't have ANY anti-Jewish sentiment.... Only Anti-Violence and Anit-Needless-Death...which is the reason most of us here came on to this thread to ARGUE AGAINST YOU CRACKERJAX YOU BIGOTED VILE LITTLE CREATURE.


New Member
Israel is the US foothold in the middle east. Has been for years. That's exactly why we look the other way when Israel bombs civilians and kills thousands. That is also one major reason we, The US, are hated by most people in the area. I don't really know what the US hopes to gain by being the most hated country in the middle east, well maybe the second most hated. I believe it is counterproductive and downright stupid to continue to support the Zionist regime of Israel. By turning our backs on Israel and opening dialog with its neighbors, I believe more constructive relations may be had.


Well-Known Member
CrackerJack, Israel keeps growing, it's Israel that keeps pushing it's boundaries.
The UNSC has warned israel of it's actions and even america had to veto the jerusalem municipality plan.
The death totals are onesided. Israel has a standing army, air force and nuclear weapons.
When british mandate ended in the 40s the League of nations partitioned palestine into a jewish state and a palestinian State."The zionist" Movement will only be satisfied when they claim all of historical Israel, this is no secret.
If you ask me, Israel can correctly be described as a terrorist state.


New Member
CrackerJack, Israel keeps growing, it's Israel that keeps pushing it's boundaries.
The UNSC has warned israel of it's actions and even america had to veto the jerusalem municipality plan.
The death totals are onesided. Israel has a standing army, air force and nuclear weapons.
When british mandate ended in the 40s the League of nations partitioned palestine into a jewish state and a palestinian State."The zionist" Movement will only be satisfied when they claim all of historical Israel, this is no secret.
If you ask me, Israel can correctly be described as a terrorist state.

The only reason Israel grew at all because it was attacked and they won. Let's give texas back using your logic?

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I merely point to the truth...I know it can be frustrating to many. Sometimes things are black and white however. Unprovoked violence is ALWAYS wrong. Responding to terrorist tactics which endanger innocent civilians is ALWAYS right. When one looks at the Middle East, it is quite apparent which side is the terrorists and which side is trying to prevent civilians from being slaughtered. It's a no brainer...unless you have another agenda..

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I merely point to the truth...I know it can be frustrating to many. Sometimes things are black and white however. Unprovoked violence is ALWAYS wrong. Responding to terrorist tactics which endanger innocent civilians is ALWAYS right. When one looks at the Middle East, it is quite apparent which side is the terrorists and which side is trying to prevent civilians from being slaughtered. It's a no brainer...unless you have another agenda..

out. :blsmoke:
What 'truth' are you pushing?
You do know that when my father was young the term terrorists didn't describe muslims or arabs. Guess who it was referred to?
Israel has had it fair share of terrorist groups and still does today. Hell, they even named yitzhak shamir PM twice.