Well-Known Member
If the world got together and decided that the American indians needed a place of their own and it was voted upon and passed (sound familiar?), then yes by all means, I do agree.
To ignore the constant state of harassment and mass murder of a people simply because of their religious beliefs doesn't move your hardened heart...then perhaps you don't have one. I think you need to look in the mirror and see if you can find some human decency in there. I sure can't.
Actually, the CURRENT state of Harasment and Mass Murder of the peoples of Gaza, by the Military forces of Isreal (Using US supplied military hardware), DOES move my 'Hardened Heart'.
Persecution for NOT being of a certain religion (as is CURRENTLY happening in Isreal/Gaza) is just as Bad as any other form of religious persecution..... but somehow you don't seem to be able to see this.
How one can talk about his willingness to start wars and then question ANYONE's 'human decency' is beyond me.... do you understand IRONY?