2009 grows, new methods, techniques and strains. every thing outdoors


Well-Known Member
yah i no i said i couldnt compost lol will that mix work though? or will it just be a waste of time without good soil?


Well-Known Member
you guys will be seeing me around this thread alot. i just lost 24 plants that have all been inside in veg for a month. white widow and diablo kush. so i have to start all over. i only got a month or so. i might just end up buyiN clones from the club :(


Well-Known Member
i HATE clones form the club. Never work out for me EVER.

Has anyone used Happy Frog for outdoors?


Well-Known Member
true that. I gbot 3 clones from the clinic, one died becuase they fed it alot of nuteds. The other two lost all its their leaves and one only yielded a gram, the other is still in flowerm prob gonna get a gram outta that too..:(


Well-Known Member
THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN OUTDOOR GROWING IS A GOOD SPOT. i reccomend picking a spot during as early as fall. the best way to keep people from finding your plants is simple. find a spot that ppl dont go.
so one of my techniques in guerilla growing is thorns. i like to plant thorn bushes around my plants. i dont know anyone that will walk through thorns especially if they dont see bud.
i also like to plant near rivers and streams not as much for a water source as much as to keep from creating trails
another thing i ALWAYS practice is having multiple locations. i grow in 5+ spots with around 6 or seven plants
a note to remember when stealth is key if like me you live in an urban area. BIGGER ISNT ALWAYS BETTER. while fdd's tree of life is beautiful and i would love to fuck it like kumar did, that is not ideal for all of us. while everyone smokes, cannabis is still illegal and in heavily populated areas there are helicopters. the chances of getting caught that way are low but 6 small plants are less obvious than 10 monsters.
i will probably come back and add on to this thread to get into more details but everyone else feel free to join in

do you REALLY grow thorns??? what type?? im having trouble seeing this...


Well-Known Member
what strains of thorns you got? super sharp, long and prickly, eye poker? i was lookin for some good strains


Well-Known Member
soo i can basicly find some good dirt, and grow my plants with that in a hole in the ground? or are buckets better?


Well-Known Member
if its clay then they wont grow. Yo have to dig big enough holes, amend the soil, then plant. It takes alot more work than one would think.

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
i vote to invest in good soil. if you use a good mix you wont have to use liquid nutes which are much more expensive.


Well-Known Member
Any extra soil will be donated to my "Monster" project. IF i have xtra time/resourses im going to dig the biggest hole i can and see how big i can get s plant haha