Raidermans white russian grow


Well-Known Member
yeah man you should look into curing it would jsut be some jars instead of freezer man lol, curing is like putting somehting in with alot of its self like pot.... and its own stink and everytihng eleses is trapped in the jar , and it re moistens it a lil and you just burp it to bring down the moisture a bit by bit increasing potency some say by x2 and increasing flavour , smooth smokin, and it really gives the bag appeal give it a thaught checkout faq's and threads and stuff buddy i would imagine itd be worth it if you have time to burp them cuz no one wants bud rot.... or maybe jsut try 1 jar this time man... see how it turns out lol get a lil mason jar see how it goes y'know
i guess i will be direct bro ............hmmm, it set in there and sold. its called preserving.................


Well-Known Member
think of it like frementing wine... you can do big jars for the big buds if you dont wanna breakup them, and mason jars for the little guys fill em up about 40% or so .... consider the humidity .... what this does it bring out moisture form the stem and remoistens them a bit thats why you burp (open the lids) and keep off to burp 3 times a day , an hour a day for the first week, burp once a day for an hour after that for a week, then there ok to burp once and a while, to prevent bud rot


Well-Known Member
Say DG heres the g13Hp,heres the pics, getting off trak on my journal. getting bak to business.
think of it like frementing wine... you can do big jars for the big buds if you dont wanna breakup them, and mason jars for the little guys fill em up about 40% or so .... consider the humidity .... what this does it bring out moisture form the stem and remoistens them a bit thats why you burp (open the lids) and keep off to burp 3 times a day , an hour a day for the first week, burp once a day for an hour after that for a week, then there ok to burp once and a while, to prevent bud rot
its to dry in this part of the country for budrot unless you shut off oxygen to it ina container , then you are asking for it.But i understand your position. your jus growing for personal stash,i can dig it. you want it the bes it can be. i dont blame you. but unfortunately for me ive been more shifting to CC than anything. kind of like a part time job,lol.i dont have time for much detail curing. i jus keep repeating the same thing every 3 months, for the las 9 yrs.good luk on your plants.hope you get plenty.


Well-Known Member
yeahman i getchya, i might rent a house, iuno its getting a bit big for an apartment the halls dont stink but im on my couch in the other room and thats all i can smell lol god forbid if the parents came up what i would have to do lol blockoff the bedroom door and smell this place up like a motherfucker with glade and febreeeze,,,,, i figure i got that figured out though il just never invite them over lol they alwase go to visit all the reletives up here il jsut say no its a mess il meet ya there kk cya lol

soudns like a plan , but imagine if something happend or for some stupid reason they need to inspect the absolute entire place ? id imagine they wont ever need to go into the bedroom , its kinda like an off limits place for landlords , and ive been here once when he did a fire alarm/ leak test and he only ran in the bathroom said chk chk chk and in the kitchen chk chk and psuhed the fire alarm button and thats it

and im coverd for the reaosn .. oh hes a pot smoker lol pot smoker if anyone smells it in tha hallls .... any other suggestions lol fuck i gatta find a hosue
yea, i know wat ya mean . sounds like a plan.Growroom got popped recently ,lots a plants to. theres a HP store in that town to.not saying thats how it happened. jus sayin.heres a couple pics from previous grows. Orange bud- bluemoonshine.funky cameraphone iused,lol.



Well-Known Member
yea, i know wat ya mean . sounds like a plan.Growroom got popped recently ,lots a plants to. theres a HP store in that town to.not saying thats how it happened. jus sayin.heres a couple pics from previous grows. Orange bud- bluemoonshine.funky cameraphone iused,lol.
i own a 5 and a haf bedroom home here. and anybodys got the balls to get pass me , better have bulls nuts, and they will still get dropped at the door,unless you know who,lol. .i wouldnt rent and do it.thats me.i'm in my 40s and dont FUK around..anyway,i am venting both grows into the attic where odor control meets.and vents out the exhaust of the house where i lite lemony smell is outside the vent.,haha.also 3 febreeze plug-ins, in the living room jus in case, and a c an of febreeze in the LR where the door is.i have company over some. even had a relative here a week,nuthin, and this B. cheese is smellllllly already,lol. but anything i guess can happen.


Well-Known Member
yeah , lol people or family or relitives dont ask hmm , is there a huge space in your house missing ? lol what room do you do it in like a bdr thats like off another bdr or something ??
page 1 explains.thats wy i call it a journal .later on dude,really,.


Well-Known Member
awesome kittykat... you never see dogs in those kinds of positions. ;-)
yea i know , wats up?lol,, everything is doing perfect, the 0-50-30 off the las waterin tooka full 360 from yestyerday .so happy today. jus come out and funny how everyone of the WR reacted at the same time.of course wen doin multiple plants together you have to cut lots of leaf off and not touch the one next to it much , mine were stuffed. cut prob haf pound leaf the other day , which you know how i do it,then wen full budding starts we'll remove 40% more , leave few vital lower fan leaves to pic up the juice,lol.thanx for the encouragement , sometimes shit got its own mind.


Well-Known Member
ok so youjust make sure theyre not touching , do do you try to trim it so buds get better light
uh ,ok. , watever worx for you.las grow.the long one got near three dryoz. 2 and a haf to 3ft.each branch, 14.5 dry oz.7 plants.let me know wen you can get them to do like these,uh,,no leaf please,lol.also wen you dry you may not get wat you thot youd get, mine dont hardly shrink much wen drying, let me know how much it reduces to wen you dry,good Day...and g13 hp front left,...........anyway funny,i'm at day 27 , but because of the setbak ,its like day 20 flower.i'm a soil grower anyway, thats all i know, and its a fact that the most potent buds are soiless grows.if you jus look at some cash croppers youll see.i'm jus a eeeeeek mouse,lol.



Well-Known Member
holy, and you find great results ... i know alot of people say there the factorys for our plants , but more sun = better for buds ? so you cut off a ton of fan leaves lol hows that work out man its a heavy indica so they get super bushy and yeah i know my inner buds look small and the lower leaves ... oh spill your leaf rippin knowledge onto me please lol how much how often and why, and past results any more info
Dont count me out yet bro, you havent seen mine fini,lolololol.


Well-Known Member
very nice, it seems like you grow similar to natmoon on here. he likes to trim a lot of the fan leaves off too, which i like to do myself. keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
very nice, it seems like you grow similar to natmoon on here. he likes to trim a lot of the fan leaves off too, which i like to do myself. keep up the good work.
yea, thats one of my grow buddies, blues brothers,lol.... also consider those plants there are only in 2gallon containers,


Well-Known Member
daaam..... yeah il let u know dry weight buddy, i left all the leafs alone just trimmed the dead ones here and there
i'm a soil grower,i dont know your settup like you do ,everything is really ,timing, and knowing .i do the same thing over and over, if you read the journals or brouse all the info is in there .


Well-Known Member
i'm a soil grower,i dont know your settup like you do ,everything is really ,timing, and knowing .i do the same thing over and over, if you read the journals or brouse all the info is in there .
but i dont want this journal 100 pages long because, i only use this journal for my records, trying to keep it not to long.:wall:


Well-Known Member
lol because i just blazed a bowl you should start a thread called white russian hps talk and wel put the link in our sigs for people to talk in , rather then the grow journal lol or soemthing along those lines dude i dont know ahhhhhhhhh
i dont mind answering a qestion , but wen you answer your own qestion ,i got other stuff to do, can snicker and laugh about my methods , but do it on your own thread please,thank you.