Raidermans white russian grow


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thank you for deleting all your is appreciated wen you come to me in the wrong way like you did.


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sorry buddy my bad , no worrys i deleted them back as far as they would let me , thanks for answering the questions buddy, did you get the pm , i was trying to save posts about getting a membership have you ever heard of people safely getting this , like is it a scam or do they steal ur info for the police iuno but id like to get it il go back and delet more man and it would be nice to cleanup the journal you know,,,,
your cool bro,jus a bad hair day for me,lol.if you need to know somethin or so jus post ,got super hot today. even with ac it get a bit warm still, and i been in it some.91F today.PM?remind me ?raidermans all the info they got off me,email ddress,but theres hundreds of millions of those, i aint gonna sweat it. your plants look great. ,i'd do a hydro,but for as many plants as i like to do its way to much trouble for me, because of ,my business. everything is on timers, temp cotrol 72F continuous. jus peak in a every day or two. i dont mess with mine much off the clok.since my prob arose. had to shift gears. its because thier drinkin the water way faster than any strain i ever seen,i found out and i am angry i let my guard down like that, ,,you are ritte and appreciate you mentioning, because i'm gonna hve to water every 2 to 3 days, .


Well-Known Member
towards flower alot more man .... my girls are sucking up a gallon a day so these are rediculus with water so keep an eye for sure
i see that,,, watering with pure drinking water today.then go on to the 0-50-30 twice , flushing every other watering because of the high phosph., then go on to the 9-50-10 for final weex so it will bleed for me,lol, also in like manner flushing every other watering .wen using high p you cant use it every watering or it will yellow the plant from the bottm up rather ,and get lousy resin ptoduction. ., then SD for las days every watering 7tsp gal. always does the trick, this a 21% avg.THC on both grows know wen you crumble that bud up and one qarter of it is tannish thc crystals,lol.


Well-Known Member
should work ahaha do you mix ur own nutes?
to get the proper npk level you want?
i notice the 10-50-10 and 0-50-30, or all from bottle pre mixed just add water to dilute it..?
heres my mix in that order.the star of the show,lol.i use OF soiless mix.25% per.



Well-Known Member
lol funny. i started off in soil using hydromix soil with perlite and a good mix already right .. strait form the dro store and i put them in and i was using tablespoons instead of tsp.... fuckin ideot eh , so needless to say they burnt worse then i have ever seen on this site and i added more.... lol consider FIRST TIME everrrr lolbut yeah i baught the 1l FF grow bloom and tiger bloom theres a 3 set tiger bloom big bloom and grow big... and killed another soil, so went hydro, baught the gro big hydro lol.. turned the water brown and shitty it was stickin to the walls and clocggin my stones, it was not for me lol switched to general hydroponics and everythings clean clean and no problems yet :P keep those fingers crossed , so when in flowering do you add ur sugar daddy....
TABLESPOON,lol,i can see wy you switched.ppl dont think think they need a grow book until real problems arise, and not every advise is hepful, i've heard some crazy shit on this forum before,. bes to detect your own probs than assumption.


Well-Known Member
lol yeah man i couldnt take not knowing the readings of the meters.. but now i realize you need to let the plant talk to you, watch for every sign, drooping,wilting,gray,holes,brows,yellows,lighter darker, growth rates, temps heat humidity,what day its on, all that .... i thaught you could read from a peice of peper and be able to just drop in amounts lol but yeah it takes experiance and time ,, and PH for fuck sakes i feel ph is the most important during flowering for sure ... i probly damaged or slowed down mine a bit from it being too low.

yeah man ive heard alot of crazy shit on here

alot of people are experimenting ahahha hope itl payoff one day and some noob will findout a stupid easyy way to get way better plants lol add honey to ur res for 4x the yeild lol u know .....
biggest bud so far, goliath bud,g13hp,3.5 oz. the bottom was as big as my caf on my leg if not bigger.the clones in the growrrom now of the g13HP are off this plant, BM rok hard heavy , , not the biggest but 2 oz., 3rdresults os sugar daddy,,,,, o'yea,roll us up a J. ... heres some moonshine,lol.wats so crazy was wen i harvested they werent very stiky, they had totally crystalizedhard .. thats turning carbs to sugars as i n the CC grow book,lol.most here know the basics.were always learning. i go with the attitude i really dont know shit, thats how i accumilate and read. i like Howard Marks methods,only i use premixes but much similar to his nute and grow methods. He hepped me on some cloning tech. 7 day roots on clones.He's an inspiration to us soiless growers.



Well-Known Member
biggest bud so far, goliath bud,g13hp,3.5 oz. the bottom was as big as my caf on my leg if not bigger.the clones in the growrrom now of the g13HP are off this plant, BM rok hard heavy , , not the biggest but 2 oz., 3rdresults os sugar daddy,,,,, o'yea,roll us up a J. ... heres some moonshine,lol.wats so crazy was wen i harvested they werent very stiky, they had totally crystalizedhard .. thats turning carbs to sugars as i n the CC grow book,lol.most here know the basics.were always learning. i go with the attitude i really dont know shit, thats how i accumilate and read. i like Howard Marks methods,only i use premixes but much similar to his nute and grow methods. He hepped me on some cloning tech. 7 day roots on clones.He's an inspiration to us soiless growers.
update... the WR are going crazy now .finally.BC is the strongest smell weed so far, thank gosh for , yu said put a book in front of the door,lololol. i got a bit more stopping power than a book., beside most ppl that know mme around here kind of fear me anyway,lololol.


Well-Known Member
heres some white berry and bubble I made. Apparently theres a whiteberry pheno that turns purple late in flowering.:leaf:
now thats wat ineed to learn from you , it stronger than smoking pure thc crystals?i know one hit , better get somewhere fas you may get to wasted and dizzy to walk,lol.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I acctually packed a bowl with some of that bubble on top and me and 2 friends didnt even burn through the hash before everyone was stoned. The high was some of the heaviest indica I ever felt and seemed to last for hours. And Being that whiteberry's parents are hashplant and I believe blueberry made me want to pick up some afghani#1 or the sensi hash plant. Is that what you got goin?

But your plants look beautiful as usual. Alot of people have suggested coco coir for my dwarfish stunted plants. Ive got to do something new though thats for sure. Im pretty lazy too and dont really know much about soiless mediums. Got any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
I acctually packed a bowl with some of that bubble on top and me and 2 friends didnt even burn through the hash before everyone was stoned. The high was some of the heaviest indica I ever felt and seemed to last for hours. And Being that whiteberry's parents are hashplant and I believe blueberry made me want to pick up some afghani#1 or the sensi hash plant. Is that what you got goin?

But your plants look beautiful as usual. Alot of people have suggested coco coir for my dwarfish stunted plants. Ive got to do something new though thats for sure. Im pretty lazy too and dont really know much about soiless mediums. Got any suggestions?
thanx for the compliment bro,,,,,thats wy i do soiless. ocean forest, 20% perilite, refillable drinkin water, everything is automatic no PHing nuthin.. i jus water and watch,,,,, i short cut but i have business to keep up with here, very little free time,the page before this is my nute s in order as used.they las a awhile with me.. 4 grows worth of nutes.,i never done anything else. first dont buy sensi HP seeds,lol.go with Afghani 1 (AKA couchlok, got them from Marc Emery wen he was flyin)way better yields, unfortunately it was wen digital cameras were coming out is wy i never cared for pics till now or i'd'd show you some staggering #i.. very simple ,, i always use haf strength nutes, flush every other watering, switch your nutes as reg. . N to P, thats it . keep temps no more than 83 F, i do 72F . the WR are drinkin water faster than i like going to refill those jugs,,, probably would look like i'm puting out a fire if i did all my totes in the day time,lol.and las few days plus one extra week for sugar daddy, every watering 7 tsp per. gal. for lots of glue in the bottom of my container, flush las watering , harvest wen container is near dry.hope that heps you some .


Well-Known Member
I acctually packed a bowl with some of that bubble on top and me and 2 friends didnt even burn through the hash before everyone was stoned. The high was some of the heaviest indica I ever felt and seemed to last for hours. And Being that whiteberry's parents are hashplant and I believe blueberry made me want to pick up some afghani#1 or the sensi hash plant. Is that what you got goin?

But your plants look beautiful as usual. Alot of people have suggested coco coir for my dwarfish stunted plants. Ive got to do something new though thats for sure. Im pretty lazy too and dont really know much about soiless mediums. Got any suggestions?
no doubt indicas are the bes and shorter flowering period, better yields.stronger weed.


Well-Known Member
no doubt indicas are the bes and shorter flowering period, better yields.stronger weed.
also bro i highly encourage you to get ED Rosenthals the indoor marijuana guide, and the closet crop. thats where i learned in 2001 i think it is.i read it twice before i even bot a lite.both of them,lol.i wanted to be successful at it is wy, i cood still be doing better , but i'm happy keeping it simple as possible.wish you lived near where i do ,,, i got a little left of a THC ball i put together. only 2 ppl have had the balls to smoke with me, they said its way to potent , said they got to dzzy, lolol. i rem. laughing so fukin hard watchin them stagering hahahahhaah..... its jus extra expandable on the lungs, your gonna cough for a bit for sure.super sweet.not recommened for high school students,lol


Well-Known Member
also bro i highly encourage you to get ED Rosenthals the indoor marijuana guide, and the closet crop. thats where i learned in 2001 i think it is.i read it twice before i even bot a lite.both of them,lol.i wanted to be successful at it is wy, i cood still be doing better , but i'm happy keeping it simple as possible.wish you lived near where i do ,,, i got a little left of a THC ball i put together. only 2 ppl have had the balls to smoke with me, they said its way to potent , said they got to dzzy, lolol. i rem. laughing so fukin hard watchin them stagering hahahahhaah..... its jus extra expandable on the lungs, your gonna cough for a bit for sure.super sweet.not recommened for high school students,lol
i decide instead of using part of the garage, i'm gonna poly wrap the whole room 12 ft by 12 ft.garage doors broke any way , ,, dont know wy i didnt in the first place i guess. build a bigger planter box and seal it.wen these are done,


Well-Known Member
i decide instead of using part of the garage, i'm gonna poly wrap the whole room 12 ft by 12 ft.garage doors broke any way , ,, dont know wy i didnt in the first place i guess. build a bigger planter box and seal it.wen these are done,
jus ordered 3 -5 packs of feminised Blueberry skunk seeds. still have 3 packs of BB and 1 sensi HP -freebie believe it or not for inconvenience on order and prob.ausie blues.forgot wat else. will do 15 BS next in garage and 2 packs DP BB in the closet , i branch those in 4s and get bookoos of purple weed.. ordered from seed boutique, thats where i got most wat i'm presently growin now.everyone said no hermes and consistant plants ,thats wat i'ma lookin fo,lol....waiting on Rhino seeds to geta few pacs of reg BM seeds. they go so fas and difficult to find in the reg. version.


Well-Known Member
jus ordered 3 -5 packs of feminised Blueberry skunk seeds. still have 3 packs of BB and 1 sensi HP -freebie believe it or not for inconvenience on order and prob.ausie blues.forgot wat else. will do 15 BS next in garage and 2 packs DP BB in the closet , i branch those in 4s and get bookoos of purple weed.. ordered from seed boutique, thats where i got most wat i'm presently growin now.everyone said no hermes and consistant plants ,thats wat i'ma lookin fo,lol....waiting on Rhino seeds to geta few pacs of reg BM seeds. they go so fas and difficult to find in the reg. version.
tyhe WR are gonna be huge, clusters are really spreading out. thier uniform growth is on tak withouyt one lingering. knew i'd figure it out.will 9-50-30 will make them rally fast , BC ,,,its crazy, and nutty for someone to do wat i did,lolol.gonna end up with a 9 sqare ft. bud and 2 and a haf feet high,lol. .cntd.......................:clap: