how to end a bad trip(the fear) smokin?


Active Member
I personally never had a bad trip on weed but several of my friends had. Characterized by great fear/paranoia/anxiety/hallucinations.:fire:

Did anybody experienced something similar? And how do you come out of such a bad trip?


Well-Known Member
dominant sativa strains can do some crazy shit to some people. there is also 7% of the population that exhibit schizophrenia symtoms when they smoke certain kinds of weed.

personally I've never experienced anything that crazy or anything like a bad trip from weed so I don't know what to say about that.


Well-Known Member
It seems that about once a week someone freeks out on this forum!

I think the best thing to do is lay down in a dark room and breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. I had an anxiety attack when I ate Pot Brownies. Deep breathing and darkness worked for me.


Well-Known Member
i made some hash cookies last week, and gave a tiny one to this little chicca from Salinas... she tripped so hard, she fucking called an ambulance! LOL! sucks to be her, cause I tried to warn her (this goes for smoking too, although EVERYBODY inexperienced should follow this logic for edibles):

Eat Food Before Consumption
Drink Water
Dose Correctly (or stop smoking at a sooner point)
Breathe a shitload, deeply in through nose, VERY SLOWLY out through mouth (this helps to lower the heart-rate if done right)
With smoking, maybe you just need to find a different strain, step 1
Mostly, people just need to know what they are getting in to with herb, it can be overpowering for some. The uncomfortable symptoms are usually based on the type of plant being smoked (in terms of THC vs. Cannabinoid balance). These anxious people should smoke in less exciting circumstances, and lay off the energy drinks. Anything, in fact, that raises your heartrate could cause some negative symptoms.

Finally, after this long-ass answer, the only real answer is TIME! As with most bad things in life, time is the only real cure besides food or sleep for tripping on weed. peace


Well-Known Member
placebo effect

holotropic breathing can induce psychotic reactions on otherwise 'tough guy rugby players'

the root cause of a troubled mind is a troubled mind
these people believe it makes them psycho so they go psycho
often it kicks up bad memories of childhood abuse/trauma
the ego then pretends the abuse did not occur
and so it blames the mj / breathing / or other placebo for its illness.

All those who are against mj are inherrently psychotic
they like to blame an inanimate substance for their small-minded problems

this is why, every week there is a 'new reason' why mj is bad,
there is no consistancy to their arguments ever.
mj has been around for thousands of years, but
just last week they 'discovered' it 'causes' testicular cancer.

but hey, nobody noticed this for the last 10 000 years.
this is serious.

most people in society are psychotic.
if mj did cause these problems, then how does throwing people in prison help them?

yes, we all know this, but you have to realise,
there is only one way to deal with these fascists,

and its not a nice thing ....
x x


Well-Known Member
the root cause of a troubled mind is a troubled mind
these people believe it makes them psycho so they go psycho
often it kicks up bad memories of childhood abuse/trauma
the ego then pretends the abuse did not occur
and so it blames the mj / breathing / or other placebo for its illness.
honestly, I think you are forgetting that thc is a supremely powerful drug in many cases, most of all with edibles and their potentially astronomical doses. I do agree that people psyche themselves up/out as marijuana intensifies their perception, but a bad trip is in no way exclusively for those with emotional baggage. Its a drug, and any drug can overpower the body/mind in some way. from Erowid:

"At overly high doses, the effects are often likened to other psychedelics and panic and dysphoria (bad mood) are common. High doses, especially when taken orally, can sometimes result in difficult experiences and trips to the emergency room in response to racing heart, extreme confusion, short term memory loss, and panic. After high dose experiences, especially among those who are not regular users, after effects can last 1-2 days."

All those who are against mj are inherrently psychotic
they like to blame an inanimate substance for their small-minded problems
I get what you are saying, and i'd like to add that "They" hate weed not for its true substance, but for its wholly misconstrued and illogical historical public image...

mj has been around for thousands of years, but
just last week they 'discovered' it 'causes' testicular cancer.
but hey, nobody noticed this for the last 10 000 years.
this is serious.
dont look past the fact that modern technology is a newborn compared to the ancient use of herb, so our understanding of just about everything is expanding rather rapidly. And even in these conditions of learning, scientific knowledge of herb is about to blow up like a plant going into flower when the civilized world finally embraces the need to fully research and totally understand this plant and this process. sorry to the non-bored readers of this rant responding to a rant. peace and love and open minds.:bigjoint:

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
I had a bad one once - thought the puppy had bitten through a cable downstairs but I was pulling a whitie and couldn't move...last time I listen to bjork whilst stoned! (Heard her whimpering and the stereotypical electrical buzzing whenever I thought about it...lasted about an hour and a half and when I'm stoned thats a LONG time!) My parents were away so...yeah it freaked me out - the dog was actually alive and happy the next morning...thats the only time I've ever had a REAL bad one - usually its "what've I forgotten to do?!?! GODDAMN IT - WHAT WAS IT?!" (as if remembering to lock the back door was LITERALLY the difference between life and death...they're not great trips either...!)


Well-Known Member
i think a good cure for a bad trip is your friends, just talk to your friends they'll calm you down reassure you about what you're tripping out about. i've never tripped out from smoking weed, but once when i took shrooms i started seeing weird things and it was really freaking me out but before it got worse i just told myself you're not gonna have a bad trip and it helped, i enjoyed myself after that.