i made some hash cookies last week, and gave a tiny one to this little chicca from Salinas... she tripped so hard, she fucking called an ambulance! LOL! sucks to be her, cause I tried to warn her (this goes for smoking too, although EVERYBODY inexperienced should follow this logic for edibles):
Eat Food Before Consumption
Drink Water
Dose Correctly (or stop smoking at a sooner point)
Breathe a shitload, deeply in through nose, VERY SLOWLY out through mouth (this helps to lower the heart-rate if done right)
With smoking, maybe you just need to find a different strain, step 1
Mostly, people just need to know what they are getting in to with herb, it can be overpowering for some. The uncomfortable symptoms are usually based on the type of plant being smoked (in terms of THC vs. Cannabinoid balance). These anxious people should smoke in less exciting circumstances, and lay off the energy drinks. Anything, in fact, that raises your heartrate could cause some negative symptoms.
Finally, after this long-ass answer, the only real answer is TIME! As with most bad things in life, time is the only real cure besides food or sleep for tripping on weed. peace