8x4 1200w OG Kush (1st timer)


Well-Known Member
That is when I woke up around 9 am. I watered at about midnight. My last water/feeding was probably 3 days ago. i'm not very good at keeping track. I only water when the soil is dry. what I try to do is pull some dirt out of the bottom of the pot and squeeze it. If any of the dirt has water in it when I squeeze then I let it dry out more. If not, I water.

I also dont water all the plants at the same time, as my amount of perlite in each pot is different. Its hard to say if they were more droopy before or after watering.

I dunno man. :/


Well-Known Member
Good to know. I personally dont like to water until run off either. I only do it when I gave them a dose of clean water to get rid of any salty build-up.
ya thats a good idea between nute uses to stop any build up..why do u water in the mid of the night?


Well-Known Member
haha well ive always heard water when sun comes up or is going down so maybe water in beg of light or before dark mite be alittle better for them..i dont kno how much it makes a difference, if any at all..


Well-Known Member
Ya its just crazy how emotional these hoes are. I'm going to wait until they snap out of it and perk up and flower them. Blah.


Well-Known Member
i water when i notice they need it all diff times never had any probs . there is no rain schedual in mother natures grow room!


Well-Known Member
i never said it causes problems but its just wat ive heard for a long time..think about it if u water in the morn the sun/light will dry it out quicker than if u water near sundown/lights off the more can be settled into the soil and the roots


Well-Known Member
i water like that outdoors in the garden a bit in the morning a bit before sundown i guess its the old school way! i just found that with my indoor plants they dry out at different rates i guess due to humidity and temp i tried to only water in the morning but then i was afraid they would get to dry if i skip a day so i was over watering(typical newb mistake on my part) so now i use the "lift" if my pots are light they get a drink:) but i also let the roots get their dry time too! its an ever changing hobby thats why i like it keeps me on my toes! im am learning a lil bit every day and love it!

i never said it causes problems but its just wat ive heard for a long time..think about it if u water in the morn the sun/light will dry it out quicker than if u water near sundown/lights off the more can be settled into the soil and the roots


Well-Known Member
Do this then. Don't water them for a long time. I don't mean 2 days, I mean a long time. When they start to droop (It'll take WAYYYYYY longer than you think) pick up the pot and feel how heavy it is. THAT is when you need to water them from now on. When the pots are that light. Then figure out about how long it's taking care for your pots to get light.

Your plants will bounce back from underwatering literally in minutes/hours. It takes days to recover from an overwatering. I would lean towards underwatering. I've never met a new grower who didn't water his/her plants enough...always the opposite.


Well-Known Member
^^^^^^ thats what i do i love watching them perk up after a good drying !!!! just dont let them go crispy!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey thats what i originally did. I let them get bone-dry until they all the tops started wilting big time. I watered and they looked droopy because they were so thirsty the water made them droop a little extra before perking back up.

I'll check on them around 7pm tonight and give everyone a heads up. I think they're just sensitive as FUCK.


Well-Known Member
Hey thats what i originally did. I let them get bone-dry until they all the tops started wilting big time. I watered and they looked droopy because they were so thirsty the water made them droop a little extra before perking back up.

I'll check on them around 7pm tonight and give everyone a heads up. I think they're just sensitive as FUCK.
How much Perlite did you use in your soil mixtures? Did you use anything else like vermiculite?

Did you pack the soil really hard when you started? That will make it more sensitive to watering, so will not using Perlite/Vermiculite.


Well-Known Member
my new White Russians were watered today. They are in 1 gallons and i wont water them till saturday or sunday night. I put my finger in the drain hole and take a chunk of soil out to see how wet it is


Well-Known Member
How much Perlite did you use in your soil mixtures? Did you use anything else like vermiculite?

Did you pack the soil really hard when you started? That will make it more sensitive to watering, so will not using Perlite/Vermiculite.
About 30% Perlite. Some pots have less in them (the first few pots I filled were only about 20% perlite)

Nothing else

Nope, soil was nice and fluff.


Well-Known Member
my new White Russians were watered today. They are in 1 gallons and i wont water them till saturday or sunday night. I put my finger in the drain hole and take a chunk of soil out to see how wet it is
I do that too..dry b4 I water.


Well-Known Member
I do that too..dry b4 I water.
I really don't know what's causing your droopage. The damn plants look so healthy, strangest grow I think I've really ever seen.

Leaves suggest the plant is 100% happy, nothing wrong, lived a perfect life plants...the thread tells another tale. These plants are how old now? They get all droopy and sad with every other post it seems....

I know you resolved the concrete problem...unless that little pad isn't working as well as the pallet was and it's returned the droop?