The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
DAAAAAAAAMN rude bwoy the exodus looks frickin lush the others too but is it just me or does the exodus look a bit blue?

good work westie
i think its the lighting

but i second that notion theyre looking good mr west
greenhouse looks the best to me but the exodus looks to be a more potent smoke but thats just my guess... hmmm they all look so dam delicious :weed:


mr west

Well-Known Member
cheers guys, this is gonna be the hardest two weeks since i started growing lol and then the hardest wait for dry ever. Smells so good i wanna eat it lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
from top left to right it is a psycosis 4 weeks in, jack flas#5 6 weeks, then ghs cheese. then its left to right again starting with super skunk 1 week in, exodus cheese8 weeks, then right to left again blue cheese 1 week a g bomb 1 week and another blue cheese 4 days in which i need to clone lol
i think thats the ten. oh the bb cheese 8 weeks lol.


Well-Known Member
from top left to right it is a psycosis 4 weeks in, jack flas#5 6 weeks, then ghs cheese. then its left to right again starting with super skunk 1 week in, exodus cheese8 weeks, then right to left again blue cheese 1 week a g bomb 1 week and another blue cheese 4 days in which i need to clone lol
i think thats the ten.

Great stuff Mr. West. Anyways... Yeah.. the wait is hard...But at least judging by all those plants in the tent it seems like you are going to be getting a lot of good stuff soon:weed:


Well-Known Member
Damn Westy, just when i think that cheese can't look any better, it does!
That's gonna be some potent shit. Well done. :clap:

mr west

Well-Known Member
cheers mammath mate, i hope so, and its only the start of my cheese run. Someppl have grown this cheese constantly for lots of years lol


Well-Known Member


Blue Cheese ...FEMinised

Cheese - Feminised



Well-Known Member

arent they purrdy ppl lol

Exodus cheese.

Big Buddah cheese.

Green house seeds cheese.


well done mr west :bigjoint:

mr west

Well-Known Member
cheers jester I thought for a second we was gonna get all the pics from the grow lmao, that would be a multi page bump and a half lmao. Thanks lgp ur help is invaluable mwah.