is this in the least creditable for cloning?


Well-Known Member
i know this guy, he says my success rate is low cuz i dont do it right. he says i need to cut the clone under runnin water and then put it in a cup of bleach... then plant... idk. does anyone or has anyone even ever heard of using bleach in the cloning proccess?


Well-Known Member
i really just want to make sure i know its not creditable befor i tell the kid i know what im doing and he is jepordizing my plants...


Well-Known Member
I've never heard of dipping clones in bleach.. I really don't think that would help the plants.. Rather I think it would destroy them. That shit is corrosive to humans, imagine what it will do to a cutting. Cloning is very basic, you just need to make the cut, dip it in cloning/rooting gel or powder, and into whatever medium you use. It is important, however, to keep the conditions ideal at that phase, as if they are too inadequate they probably won't root. (happened to me on my first cloning attempt.)

Please don't try to cut the clones under water and definitely don't dip them in bleach.. :(

And good luck :)


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
that's a new one for me. never herd it b4. if your success rate is any lower then 50% then i would find a new way to clone but if its that or better then stay with what you know work.


Well-Known Member
i have taken 6 clones in rockwool, 2 in peat, 6 in an ag. the 2 in peat rooted, none of the rockwools did, only one so far of the AG...