help 3 weeks in flowering but buds seem tiny


Well-Known Member
any 1 know why my top cola leaves are going dry and brittle and look half orange since iv been flushing???

cheers :joint:


Well-Known Member
any 1 know why my top cola leaves are going dry and brittle and look half orange since iv been flushing???

cheers :joint:
We gotta ask for pictures every time? pictures brotha, pictures.

I wouldn't worry much about what the leaves are doing anymore's all but finished at this point and even if you knew what it was, what would you do to correct it at this point?

What's done is done at this point. Let's see some more pictures...I remember you whining about your "tiny" buds so I want to see how big they turned out!


Well-Known Member
ill have some more pics in a week the big bang has two tops that are bigger in girth and hieght than coke cans and the side branches and lower ones are about the size of two lighters stuck together etc

strawberry haze has 6 tops the size of 3-4 lighters stuck together and the lower sites are not bad but this plant has some tiny bits all over the lower stems wierd but im happy so far and i know when you see em you guys will rate me for my first time anyway at least i hope so may be a little to confident lol


Well-Known Member
i chopped off one of the lower sites tiny bud microwaved it and honestly it tasted like shit and smelt like shit but guess it probably would as its fresh as hell
but it hit me a bit but the buds are light green and chronic looking buds

one last question my buds are stinking now smell beautifull but when i chopped the tiny bit of and microwaved it the smell when this wont happen will it when i slow dry it and cure it in jars it will smell nice and taste better wont it??


Well-Known Member
i chopped off one of the lower sites tiny bud microwaved it and honestly it tasted like shit and smelt like shit but guess it probably would as its fresh as hell
but it hit me a bit but the buds are light green and chronic looking buds

one last question my buds are stinking now smell beautifull but when i chopped the tiny bit of and microwaved it the smell when this wont happen will it when i slow dry it and cure it in jars it will smell nice and taste better wont it??
Oh man, don't even say shit like this to me...makes me want to cry.

Microwaving your plant isn't the same as drying and curing BUD. All you did by microwaving it was basically steam it up.

It's disgusting, and not even remotely close to drying and curing bud. Now since you're a first timer I'm going to be prophetic and tell you exactly how you're going to fuck up your first grow. Everything went great, but here's where you are going to fuck it up and there's nothing anyone can say to make you stop.

1) You will not dry your bud enough. You'll intend to, but the instant you think it MIGHT be dry enough, you'll take it down.

2) You won't cure your bud at all. You'll start smoking it and "get past" the harsh chlorophyl because it gets you high and it's not harmful, just harsh.

3) You will smoke through your entire stash and the very last week that you have it, when it's finished curing and drying properly, it'll be the best tasting, sweetest bud with all the flavors and aroma you could have hoped for. And you'll also be out.

The only way that I personally combat this problem is to go out on the day of my harvest. I have myself a little trimming day gift that I save up for over the course of the grow. An oz of some bomb shit.

I can justify saving up for it, and buying it, because this is the ceremonial "Last Ounce". The last ounce should last me about a month and that lets my bud get nice and cured and I'm not tempted to smoke it each and every day.


Well-Known Member
please please dont laugh it is not funny

everything was going to plan untill i checked on my plants today

and the fan was not on
which i think caused this unless the recent flush had to much salt but this has only happened today scince fan malfunction

this has caused a lot of the top colas bud leaves and even some of the tiny bud leaves with the trichs on go brown and crispy now even some parts of the tips feel very dry like as if its been dryed

i got my scissors and trimmed the lot of the brownish crispy dry bud leaves off as best i could and it has made the tops look better the majority of the tops are still sticky moist and green but what i want to know is the tips and some of the sides affected by heat stress will the buds rot or sort themselves out or should i trimm off the dry buds tonight or

pile em with water to drink to see if they can rectify themself only got ten days left should i chop now as im scarde to turn the light on tommorow if the parts that are dryish tonight will get dryer and rot or burn or will it just keep fattening as its near the end of its flowering ????

help urgently please please


Well-Known Member
please please dont laugh it is not funny

everything was going to plan untill i checked on my plants today

and the fan was not on
which i think caused this unless the recent flush had to much salt but this has only happened today scince fan malfunction

this has caused a lot of the top colas bud leaves and even some of the tiny bud leaves with the trichs on go brown and crispy now even some parts of the tips feel very dry like as if its been dryed

i got my scissors and trimmed the lot of the brownish crispy dry bud leaves off as best i could and it has made the tops look better the majority of the tops are still sticky moist and green but what i want to know is the tips and some of the sides affected by heat stress will the buds rot or sort themselves out or should i trimm off the dry buds tonight or

pile em with water to drink to see if they can rectify themself only got ten days left should i chop now as im scarde to turn the light on tommorow if the parts that are dryish tonight will get dryer and rot or burn or will it just keep fattening as its near the end of its flowering ????

help urgently please please

dont panic

basically sounds like you have dried them out during flushing did you water them much ??? or (did you move the light closer ??) either way you have already done the right thing trimming the problem away .. finish the flush then trim it, hang it, dry it , cure it !!!!!smoke it m8

get some pics up also

also did you ph your water for flushing ??


Well-Known Member
appreaciate your quick rep+

yeah the water is always tap water left out for at least 36 hours beforehand

its just a bit disheartening

all i know is i flushed 3 days ago and they have not had any water scince as the soiil is still moist

also when you flush it is right to let the plant drink the runoff water in the bowl right?
i mean im not supposed to throw it away am i?

this has just happened today as i know its because the fan was off and the plant it has happened to is tallest a tad closer to light than the other and that is fine

its hard to explain but i got 6 tops about 4 of them had quite a few brown crispy crumbling bud leaves and the tiny bud leaves i was mad when i saw it

so i took my scissors and chopped away all the brown crispy bits i could and they still look in tact its just the tip of colas on some was quite dry like dry enough to cure

so im wondering do i leave em go the extra 10-14 days or count my yield loss and chop now?

its definately heat stress as some of the orangeish hairs have gone a deep orange on the most affectted areas

what i plan to do is put my new fan and position it on the tops and one and the bottom as i dont want the already dry bits to get that dry they set on fire understand ?

or do you think that the last swell during this next week will just make this seem insignificant as long as the temps is kept under control as was befor ethis happened


Well-Known Member
get pics up...

your defo not under watering then ..

id put the light up a bit higher and the fan acrooss the top is good.

i h8 the idea of tap wate and you should invest in a proper ph tester and some ph down for next crop .. adding nutes to the water helps bring down the ph but when you are flushing your not doing it any favours by going out of the safe ph zone (5.8 - 6.4 )

just keep an eye for the next 48 hours and if it continues take the top half of your plants down and leave the rest for the 10 -14 days


Well-Known Member
oh boy your avatar looks like some real chronic tobacco lol if you cant help why bother replying why bother going out your way to put someone down this is my first grow and im sure it still turns out better than your 100th grow
people like you get a hardon from insulting intimadating waiting for someone to laugh at

sorry about my comments i was stressed i take it back sorry


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
please please dont laugh it is not funny

everything was going to plan untill i checked on my plants today

and the fan was not on
which i think caused this unless the recent flush had to much salt but this has only happened today scince fan malfunction

this has caused a lot of the top colas bud leaves and even some of the tiny bud leaves with the trichs on go brown and crispy now even some parts of the tips feel very dry like as if its been dryed

i got my scissors and trimmed the lot of the brownish crispy dry bud leaves off as best i could and it has made the tops look better the majority of the tops are still sticky moist and green but what i want to know is the tips and some of the sides affected by heat stress will the buds rot or sort themselves out or should i trimm off the dry buds tonight or

pile em with water to drink to see if they can rectify themself only got ten days left should i chop now as im scarde to turn the light on tommorow if the parts that are dryish tonight will get dryer and rot or burn or will it just keep fattening as its near the end of its flowering ????

help urgently please please
that sounds like heat if your fan was not on. they will recover just fine. i had a cloa bud in the hood and buernd the shit out of it, and it turnd out fine.:bigjoint:


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
oh boy your avatar looks like some real chronic tobacco lol if you cant help why bother replying why bother going out your way to put someone down this is my first grow and im sure it still turns out better than your 100th grow
people like you get a hardon from insulting intimadating waiting for someone to laugh at
but the truth being is thats how you will die a sad fat ugly smelly trampy kids hate you your wife is getting fucked from your neighbour better yet your own dad you inbread cunt
i don't see where dimebag was being mean :roll:, he was just saying we hope you are taking notes of the things that are not working for you and not to try that again. good luck


Well-Known Member
i don't see where dimebag was being mean :roll:, he was just saying we hope you are taking notes of the things that are not working for you and not to try that again. good luck
He said it an insulting, fucked up kinda way. But hopefully Audi, you have learned a lot from your first grow.

Fans fail, and the plant does get crispy. If you've looked at my grow log, I've had some problems with heat stress on this grow, not quite the "burned my plants" problem, but it happens to everyone.

There isn't anything that you can do at this point unfortunately, if it's just a little crispy, they will grow through it.

I'm sure it'll smoke just fine and be just fine, just wait it out brotha.