4 Skunk 2 Bagseeds CFL GROW


Well-Known Member
A good way also to check for watering is to get used to the weight of the pot. Lift it right after you water to see how heavy it is and keep checking until it feels much lighter. That's time to water. Only takes a little to get used to it. But of course if it's drooping you waited to long. But that will also teach you as to the weight.
weight is a good way too i usually do both. i poke my finger in and if it feels dry i check the weight


Active Member
make sure you dont get the plants wet while you water or the light will burn them. Miracle grow can be a little harsh for some strains, and you have them in plastic cups? make sure to poke holes in the bottom for drainage. If this started right after you added more lights, temperature could be a possibility. If watering is an issue get a moisture meter for 10$s from your local walmart, lowes, home depot.

Rick McNasty

Well-Known Member
make sure you dont get the plants wet while you water or the light will burn them. Miracle grow can be a little harsh for some strains, and you have them in plastic cups? make sure to poke holes in the bottom for drainage. If this started right after you added more lights, temperature could be a possibility. If watering is an issue get a moisture meter for 10$s from your local walmart, lowes, home depot.
how high should the humidity be cause the book i read said higher humidity makes more females and such....


Well-Known Member
For your little ladies (we hope) I would try and achieve around 60-75% humidity.

My little seedlings (15 days since sprout) are also in plastic cups, under 9 23 watt 6500k CFL's and the humidity is too low at about 45-50% They are also exhibiting some browning of the under leaves. I am them in little 8 ounce plastic cups for now. I am gonna transplant them tomorrow. Stop by my grow I am putting up some pics.

My point is not to talk about my plants, just to say that little issues like that may spring up. Just try and keep it simple. Whatever the issue is, be it temp, humidity, nutes, or water, it isn't outta control so don't panic.

I think it would be a combination of perhaps a slight over watering and your miracle grow soil. These soils have fairly large concentrations of fertilizer that will be released further with each watering. This soil is not ideal for marijuana, as the time-releasing properties can cause major problems during flowering due to a presence of too much nitrogen. It can even delay flowering and stunt growth.

Now, some do just fine with MG soil and products, but for a beginner, its very easy to burn the plants! I am using FoxFarm Ocean Forrest cut at a ratio of 3:1 with FoxFarm Light Warrior. This soil configuration provides excellent drainage, a variety of plant friendly nutrients like bat guano and earthworm castings, and has been great for soil growers all over!

Keep growing and let us know what happens!


Well-Known Member
It seems that the browning is continueing...... dont know what to make of it! the lights are close i untied them and they are receiving water...i havent given any nutes to any of them....so what you guys think?
transplant them damn things and ease up on the watering or it wont stop til ther all dead

ppl been giving you advice take it and run

big jesse i think he is useing the mg seed starting mix... the stuff thats real acidic and mostly peat. it does not have the fertilizer that is such a problem with mg... mg will work great if you know how to use it


Well-Known Member
transplant them damn things and ease up on the watering or it wont stop til ther all dead

ppl been giving you advice take it and run

big jesse i think he is useing the mg seed starting mix... the stuff thats real acidic and mostly peat. it does not have the fertilizer that is such a problem with mg... mg will work great if you know how to use it
My mistake. Yes I agree, MG will yield great results in the right hands...just ask Vette. But in the hands of a noobie....that's all :-)

But I stand corrected.

Rick McNasty

Well-Known Member
transplant them damn things and ease up on the watering or it wont stop til ther all dead

ppl been giving you advice take it and run

big jesse i think he is useing the mg seed starting mix... the stuff thats real acidic and mostly peat. it does not have the fertilizer that is such a problem with mg... mg will work great if you know how to use it
I wll be transplanting them tomorrow

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
I think it would be a combination of perhaps a slight over watering and your miracle grow soil. These soils have fairly large concentrations of fertilizer that will be released further with each watering. This soil is not ideal for marijuana, as the time-releasing properties can cause major problems during flowering due to a presence of too much nitrogen. It can even delay flowering and stunt growth.
I think this guy is dead on. My very first attempt at growing was with miracle grow time release soil and it was a nightmare. They were fine until the second week then they started having major problems. I have heard of lots of people using this soil so I know it can work. I think you just have to water a bit less then normal with that stuff

Oh and are those the freebies from attitude, G13 power skunks? They look just like the ones I have when they were young. Im sure you have already heard this but they are leggy ladies. Make sure to LST or top them or you will have a 4' plant before you know it. I have 3 that are 4 weeks into flowering and they still havent stopped stretching. Nice plants though


Well-Known Member
I think this guy is dead on. My very first attempt at growing was with miracle grow time release soil and it was a nightmare. They were fine until the second week then they started having major problems. I have heard of lots of people using this soil so I know it can work. I think you just have to water a bit less then normal with that stuff

Oh and are those the freebies from attitude, G13 power skunks? They look just like the ones I have when they were young. Im sure you have already heard this but they are leggy ladies. Make sure to LST or top them or you will have a 4' plant before you know it. I have 3 that are 4 weeks into flowering and they still havent stopped stretching. Nice plants though
the more you water it the more nutes are released, it all comes back to over watering just now with amount too so you want really little runoff and be sure to only water when it needs it no more and you dnt need to fertilize either until flowering depending on how lond you veg. ive gone 2 months vegging with no ferts... i no longer use mg but i used to b4 i was learnt enough to make my own organic mix and once again he is useing the seed starting mix which doesn't have the nutes regular potting mix has