Steer manure


Well-Known Member
It's $1 a bag here and I'm wondering how useful it could be for an outdoor grow? How would I go about using it?

Also, if I add the manure with the store bought organic soil mix I'm using will it be adequate for a healthy soil mixture? Anything else I'd need to add?

Brick Top

New Member
Cow manure it often sold as "steer manure" but is most often collected from dairy herds. Cow manure has been used for centuries and that has led to a belief that it is a good fertilizer as well as a soil amendment.

Steer manure is most valuable as a mulch and a soil amendment. It holds water well and maintains fertility for a long time. The nutrient value is low and should not be relied upon for the main source of nitrogen. The average nutrient content of cow manure is N – 0.6% P – 0.3% K – 0.3%. There is also a full range of trace elements.


Well-Known Member
Cow manure it often sold as "steer manure" but is most often collected from dairy herds. Cow manure has been used for centuries and that has led to a belief that it is a good fertilizer as well as a soil amendment.

Steer manure is most valuable as a mulch and a soil amendment. It holds water well and maintains fertility for a long time. The nutrient value is low and should not be relied upon for the main source of nitrogen. The average nutrient content of cow manure is N – 0.6% P – 0.3% K – 0.3%. There is also a full range of trace elements.

How can I ensure proper nitrogen levels ?

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Steer Manure Causes Hermmie traits. Your plants get all happy & gay when nuted with no-balls genes. Ease up....


New Member
While you can apply it directly, I would suggest starting a compost pile and adding it into this. I always prepare my soil a year ahead.
Good luck.

out. :blsmoke:

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Dude, just playing, cow shit is cow shit. Steer Question is funny. 40%, mixed with good compost would be great?

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Cos Shit to beware of. A lot of Ranchers spray their fields with "Trike-a-derma", din't know spelling. That & like chems will kill your weeds, via cow shit. Make damned sure the cow poop wasn't contaminated with this shit.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
whoa about the tric whatever. What is it? i wil research. I just bought that shit, lol, at 70 cents a bag. I was pretty excited, also hyponex organic for 2 dollars a bag. That is some good deals as a finsiher to my soil.

read oh so greens tea thread. 3 cups of steer to a gallon will make a good tea. More valuable than the npk is the bacteria levels I am assuming.

I will use it to amend my soil and my teas.

My plants right now are in a gallon of fox farm ocean forest and light warrior with xtra perlite and dolomite.

I have a soil i am getting ready to use with some smart pots. It is a big bag of worm castings. A quarter bag of light warrior. A 20 quart bag of hyponex organic. A quart or 2 i think of steer manure. 30 percent to that of perlite. 3 handfuls of dolomite rocks. SOme extra spaughm moss strands tore up. A few cups at most of greensand. A cup of azomite.

I am gonna make a tea of unchlorinated water, super plant tonic, molasses, liquid karma, sea kelp, and hydroguard. Probably a few gallons and pour it onto this mix, 18 gallons in a 18 gallon rubbermaid and let it "cook" for as long as I can. I have read month is good but I think I can only wait a week or two.

I am so freakin happy I dont have to buy more fox farms and have it shipped. My soil is almost empty of nutes but I plan to feed heavy teas once a week. Something I enjoy so far. I have a feeling I will get tired of this soon and start to add things liek blood meal and bone meal along with some guanos for water only grows. 5 pound boxes are only 10 dollars at the garden center and subcools super soil along with some google searches look pretty easy.

I ust cant figure out yet how the plant will eat what it wants outa a full soil and not the rest. Like the blood in veg and not the bone and vice versa. I guess the plant just does? I keep thinking in terms of hydro and only feeding according to the growing stage. I got swome reading to do. I know the light trigures the cycle of course but doesnt the plant get affected by the extra P in the soil while still in veg? Ah well, I will learn.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
just read some things about steer manure. organic growers should be wary of milk cow manure and not steer manure, beef. They feed milk cows all kinds of hormones that might, might, i read make its way into the garden.

nothing so far to watch out for with the steer. I read this happily, that steer manure is known as a great source of bacteria. Amend the soil or make a tea. It has NPK so be careful. Too hot for seedlings or at least not apropriate in some other way too as the bag itself says not to plant seeds directly in. I would assume cuttings too.

good news about bacteria. i love that shit, get it shittttttttttttt. its late lol.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
If you bought the shit in bags, weed posion shouldn't be an issue. A LOT of Ranchers spray various "Broad-Leaf" insecticide on the hay fields, which contaminates the shit. If the bagged shit is sterilized, like some is (to kill weed seeds), the mirobes, good bacteria & fungi will be dead. So watch for that. To add good fungi, etc, & kill off the bad, tea made of wole ground cornmeal will help. See the Library on, and for making kick ass tea, see Bruce


Well-Known Member
If you bought the shit in bags, weed posion shouldn't be an issue. A LOT of Ranchers spray various "Broad-Leaf" insecticide on the hay fields, which contaminates the shit. If the bagged shit is sterilized, like some is (to kill weed seeds), the mirobes, good bacteria & fungi will be dead. So watch for that. To add good fungi, etc, & kill off the bad, tea made of wole ground cornmeal will help. See the Library on, and for making kick ass tea, see Bruce
I don't know if my stuff is sterilized...

I know it's not straight 100% manure. The bag says steer manure mixed with organic compost, and it says its safe to amend it right into the soil, but too hot for seedlings.