whoa about the tric whatever. What is it? i wil research. I just bought that shit, lol, at 70 cents a bag. I was pretty excited, also hyponex organic for 2 dollars a bag. That is some good deals as a finsiher to my soil.
read oh so greens tea thread. 3 cups of steer to a gallon will make a good tea. More valuable than the npk is the bacteria levels I am assuming.
I will use it to amend my soil and my teas.
My plants right now are in a gallon of fox farm ocean forest and light warrior with xtra perlite and dolomite.
I have a soil i am getting ready to use with some smart pots. It is a big bag of worm castings. A quarter bag of light warrior. A 20 quart bag of hyponex organic. A quart or 2 i think of steer manure. 30 percent to that of perlite. 3 handfuls of dolomite rocks. SOme extra spaughm moss strands tore up. A few cups at most of greensand. A cup of azomite.
I am gonna make a tea of unchlorinated water, super plant tonic, molasses, liquid karma, sea kelp, and hydroguard. Probably a few gallons and pour it onto this mix, 18 gallons in a 18 gallon rubbermaid and let it "cook" for as long as I can. I have read month is good but I think I can only wait a week or two.
I am so freakin happy I dont have to buy more fox farms and have it shipped. My soil is almost empty of nutes but I plan to feed heavy teas once a week. Something I enjoy so far. I have a feeling I will get tired of this soon and start to add things liek blood meal and bone meal along with some guanos for water only grows. 5 pound boxes are only 10 dollars at the garden center and subcools super soil along with some google searches look pretty easy.
I ust cant figure out yet how the plant will eat what it wants outa a full soil and not the rest. Like the blood in veg and not the bone and vice versa. I guess the plant just does? I keep thinking in terms of hydro and only feeding according to the growing stage. I got swome reading to do. I know the light trigures the cycle of course but doesnt the plant get affected by the extra P in the soil while still in veg? Ah well, I will learn.