has to be the soil.. right?


Well-Known Member
ok so i planted this seed as a test run and its not doing so good. its a purple strain so i would really like to save it if i can. so it first poked out of the ground about 21 days ago and really didnt grow any, not until about 2 or 3 days ago. i have it under one 42watt cfl 2700 right now and i know i will be needing more light, it just hasnt gotten big enough for me to go buy more..
i think the problem has to deal with the soil mixture im using and the ph. i bought the soil from walmart. it was about 5 bucks, i was thinking "dirt is dirt right." i mixed 4 cups of the soil with one cup of the perlite and poured about an inch of perlite on the bottom of the pot i am planting with. it started off ok but slowly started turning yellow and getting brown spots on the first set of true leaves. the soil ph tester i have says its around 6.8. so whats wrong experts?

im going to be planting 4 seeds sometime soon and dont want this to happen to them. ill just go ahead and buy some fox farm ocean forest cause i heard you cant go wrong with that soil.



New Member
strangely enough to me it looks underfed, for some reason the plant appears as though it is not receiving enough n.

does the soil give any npk information, other than that i think your looking at lock out for for some strange reason, you shouldn't be looking that deficient in soil that is supposed to feed 3 months naturally.


New Member
I know absolutely nothing about that soil and why your plants are not receiving n, that soil could be slow release for all i know, its probably not the best soil to be using in all honesty, I would have a look into repotting it into better quality soil.

oh one other thing, do you live in a particularly hard water area like new york because i've know ph to be as high as 9 there with lots of crap in the water.


Well-Known Member
yeah im thinking its the water too. the tap water here smells like chemicals for 10 seconds then the smell goes away. my new grow im only going to use bottled water from the fridge.


New Member
yeah im thinking its the water too. the tap water here smells like chemicals for 10 seconds then the smell goes away. my new grow im only going to use bottled water from the fridge.

bottled water also carried minerals,

try letting your water sit for a few days before you use it to feed, you could also get one of those science class ph testing kits, they really cheap, its a bottle of fluid and you take a sample and check the color of the water, it would at least give you some idea of how bad your water is


Well-Known Member
my mom always use to have those gallon jugs of distilled water.. would that be the purest water to use?


Well-Known Member
You definitely have the wrong light for veg. 2700 is for flowering. 6500 is for veg.
Go with the Ocean Forest.
Just an fyi.


New Member
MG perlite has time-release nutrients added. It looks like they aren't getting N, but if they haven't grown in 3 weeks with new soil it's too hot. I would take it out, rinse/shake off all the medium, and replant in soil only. When you start seeds you need to use little nutrient, and the soil has more than enough to last a few weeks. Hold of on that MG perlite until the plants are well established.


Well-Known Member
Yo. you probably have a lack of nutrition because your water's PH is screwed up. You NEED a ph tester the minute those guys are seedlings. Otherwise they won't get the nutrition they need from the ferts in the soil. Get a tester at walmart in the fish section for 5 bucks and test your water.


Well-Known Member
that soil is the cause of your problem....it to damn hot
just got some ocean forest. should i go straight ocean forest with no perlite? when i tranfer should i just go ahead and rinse off the entire root system?

and im using a 42 watt cfl right now at 2700 lum. im going to add four more after i resoil. i hear its straight to use 2700 throughout the entire gow but would it be better to use a 6500 durring veg or is it about the same?


New Member
just got some ocean forest. should i go straight ocean forest with no perlite? when i tranfer should i just go ahead and rinse off the entire root system?

and im using a 42 watt cfl right now at 2700 lum. im going to add four more after i resoil. i hear its straight to use 2700 throughout the entire gow but would it be better to use a 6500 durring veg or is it about the same?
Straight FFOF for the win. Rinse off as much off the old dirt and perlite as you can. It would be better to veg with a 6,500.


Well-Known Member
never mind that guy.

It would be better to veg with a 6,500.


Yea, never mind me when I say 6500 is better for veg, just mind user-kinda-friendly when he says so.
Again, 6500 is better for veg and 2700 is better for flowering, although some say you can grow from start to finish with either.

Do yourself a favor and get a 6500K bulb or 4 while your vegging.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the help yall. i just replanted it in a 16 ounce cup. i also think i was over watering cause when i dug it out it was pretty wet towards the bottom of the pot. hopefully it will pull through and become a sexy little plant.


Well-Known Member
just curious how long does it take for a plant to recover after changing soil? cause when i replanted the roots were all tangled and it looked like one long main root..