Sooo what u r stating is that ask ur Stoner Hippie friends B4 u ask a Legitimate physician??? Is that it? If so ur more fucked than i am man... U can NOT go b4 a Practiced Physiacan and ask for medical merrijuana unless u qualify in the state if Oregon!
Not what I said, but you're close. Someone on here doesn't get a cheque or comission for telling you to take medication, they don't get a follow-up specialists visit, they don't care what insurance you have or how old you are or where you live or your ethnicity.. they care that you're doing well. So any advise on here I think is more caring than that of a doctor, better advice? Not necessarily, but definitely more in-depth caring advice.
I know more about my body than my physician knows, and I know probably close to how to cure them as my doctor does (and he's pretty badass, not the kind of guy who hands out scripts when people don't need them). I live on medical and drug sites and have an understanding of biology and chemistry.. it's not as complex as they want you to think man.. anyone who has the desire to learn about modern medicine can take pharmacology and neuropharmacology.. like I said a while back, go to bluelight sometime, probably 75% of those people know more than your and my doctor combined.
A practiced physician? Actually the law that made doctors not allowed to recommend something other than modern medication (in this case, medical marijuana) was dropped years ago.. a.k.a you're full of shit. Any medical marijuana state you can go before a "practiced physician" and get a doctors recommendation (as medical marijuana is not prescribed in any state in the US, as it is still a Schedule I Substance).