Harvesting Male Plants?


Well-Known Member
High Everyone,

I got a batch of male plants that have been flowering for a week now. I want to make cannabutter out of them and I was wondering when is the best time to harvest male plants to get the most out of them?

Thank You All for your comments!


Well-Known Member
You live in the Netherlands and you're spending your time on male plants???? I've heard that even the cannabutter from them blows dude. Males are useless, comparatively speaking...


Well-Known Member
Well, I googled it and seems like a lot of people are very satisfied with the results. Some are even saying its crazy to throw them out. I always did, but I guess its worth a try. I just want to know when it is best to harvest, because they do contain cannabanoids, some strains more than others.


Well-Known Member
Well, when you grow from seed you have them anyway, so is it worth throwing them out after the electricity, time ect...? No, My question is, when do they peak for potency? I don't grow males on purpose, it just happens.


Well-Known Member
Update for you guys, I chopped my males yesterday. My fingers were really sticky, which means trichs. I confirmed that there was trich under the microscope. I also want to mentioned that I grow afghan, its a real resinous strain, so for the skeptical people, you can make good cannabutter out of males from a resinous strain. I don't even have to make the butter to know its going to be good because of the stickyness of my fingers.

Good thread guys, peace.


Well-Known Member
from what I have heard male plants have the most thc in them when they are just about to go into flower, make some pollen sacks. thats when most people i know cut them all down and dry them out and smoke them as shake. Sometimes we mix a small bit of hash with the shake and then it gets you high as regular bud.
So you say you are already into flowering, So i would chop them babies down, their already past their prime. hope that helps, peace :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, people who say male plants have no THC are people who don't grow good, dank, sticky weed, period. Get some good seeds.


Well-Known Member
Well, I took 6 male plants and made butter out of them. I only used a 1/4 pound of butter in order to make it strong. I made a mini cake out of it and ate half. Conclusion, I was fucked out of my tree tripping balls. So, it works with males, but you got to use a lot.


Well-Known Member
Well, I took 6 male plants and made butter out of them. I only used a 1/4 pound of butter in order to make it strong. I made a mini cake out of it and ate half. Conclusion, I was fucked out of my tree tripping balls. So, it works with males, but you got to use a lot.
glad it worked out for ya. im wondering, do you think it was worth the cost(nutes, electricity, time is money)?


Well-Known Member
YES because they were already grown. not like he intentionally grew males
read the whole thing before you get snippy with me, junior.

he continued to grow them after he knew they were males for a period of time. so in a manner of speaking, yes, he did intentionally grow males. i want to know if the juice was worth the squeeze.


Well-Known Member
It depends, I'm not a commercial grower just a couple of plants for a hobby so it was worth it for me because it was better than nothing at all. For a commercial grower or someone who has mother plants with a perpetual grow it would be a waste of time.


Well-Known Member
It depends, I'm not a commercial grower just a couple of plants for a hobby so it was worth it for me because it was better than nothing at all. For a commercial grower or someone who has mother plants with a perpetual grow it would be a waste of time.
this post is like 2yrs old lol


New Member
I've read multiple articles saying that excluding the females bud, when it comes to the actual plant, the male's have more trichromes than the females


Well-Known Member
Yeah sometimes it takes me awhile to answer, sometimes it takes me a very long while, but I do eventually, lol.