chek out my gr0w setup(2 1/2 week old plants


New Member
well i build this set up in my basment check it out u think its good

tell me what i can fix

that plant that u see in the middle was much bigger but i repotted it and gave it to much water and this is how it turned out :( so i had to cut the leaves

and this is how it looked b4 i reppoted (so stupid that i did that) so basically those leaves that bent down those died i cut them off they wouldnt go back up

sry for the big immages if they are big images


New Member
well right now i got the lights on 24/7 im guessing when they get like 2-3 feet il put the lights on 12/12 ?


Active Member
yes the dude above is correct....with cfls you do not get much like cfl placed above the plant would only suppoert 1ft of height or so......but dont get down on yourself you can just tie and bent them bitches down so theyre lower and cfls can get you some pretty decent bud......below is all cfl:bigjoint::bigjoint:

P.S. how many bulbs/watts you got?



Well-Known Member
First, Id throw that foil out.

Do you have any perlite in that soil? Its looking like mud. It could also be the cause of your overwatering (Soil cant drain)


New Member
ok i took the foil out each cfl is 23 wats

so should i put them 12/12 right now? there about 3 weeks right now . but i got 2 kush seeds done germinating right now


Active Member
bro no offense but i would clean the area up as much as possible. you dont wanna be dealin with bugs and that sorta stuff... trust me, better safe than sorry when ur like halfway through the grow and bugs are hiding and eating away ur leaves etc etc...


Well-Known Member
I would make your area more light tight, more light = better plants. If possible get a hps light for flowering that will help alot Sunsystem sells a 150watt hps for 80$. remmber too keep your cfl as close as possible to the tips of your plants.

and i would definaletly get a timer and set your lights to 18hrs on 6hrs off, less stress on plant and they need that dark period


New Member
ye true i try to clean it up as much as pssible but its my 1st grow cant do it perfect. il post up some pics tonight it got bigger ;P


New Member
i alrdy got a timer but this other guy that grows bud told me to keep them on 24/7 he said they grow faster b4 that i had them 18/6 hourse but ok i guess il swich it back then

o ye and i got some nutrients :bloom somthing: its blue powder is it ok if i mix it with water evryday and give it to them?


Well-Known Member
They will grow faster on a 24/0 light cycle but they show pre-flowers earlier on a 18/6 cycle and if electricity is a concern then the 18 hour cycle is better.

Dont change the light cycles back and forth or it might cause some hermaphrodites. Actually Im not sure if that applies to vegging plants but better safe than sorry.

As for the nutes, are they organic or chemical? I wouldnt feed them nutes everyday. Cycle it, give em about 1/4 strength right now and work up. Feed nutes then have a few plain water feedings then nute em again or youll end up in the same boat as alot of other newbies here with some burnt ass plants.


New Member
na electricity is not a problem. i live in a apt and im frieands witht he super so im growing it in 1 of the rooms in the basment so i can use as much electricity as i want.
ima change the light to 18/6 tonight and il post up some pics how they look tonight and il post up a pic of those nutrients i got/stole from the store


New Member
got some bad news!! ;(

my super is taking that room back and he said i gota take my shit out of there so now i guess plants r going in the garbage!! fucking gaay ;( :(


New Member
well im moving in 1 month i just found out can i start budding those 2 big plants now? there almost 1 month old