Run out of hieght in grow room- PLEASE HELP?


Well-Known Member
Don't worry, homegrowndude is what I call a forum troll, and he will be banned soon enough.
In my opinion if you cant say something nice, then f**k off, I'm sure there are plenty of forums for idiots like him.:cuss:
You hit the nail on the head Spiked1, well said!!!

Love your signature by the way. A+


Well-Known Member
damn rookie
Sorry EVERYONE but I need to blow off a bit of steam.

I am pretty sick of this Homegrown bloke, SO HERE GOES,

You are by far, The Biggest Dickhead I have ever dealt with.

How did you learn the things that you know??

Maybe from asking QUESTIONS???

You think you know it all when your still a ROOKIE yourself!!!

You have only been growing for 1 1/2 years!!!

Your 24 years old,10 foot tall and full of SHIT.

I've grown more pot than you've had hot dinners, just not indoors.

I know what it is; you have a small penis dont you?? you probably got bashed up in high school aswell.

You sound like a very insecure person that does'nt have many friends.

It's OK mate, all you have to do is be nice once every now and then, and maybe people will be nice to you..........


Well-Known Member
Glad you got it sorted lennyo :-) Just 'pinch and bend' away if you need to, does no harm at all, they just keep on flowering.

Happyface, thats one superior looking cat you got there!

homegrown420, why not just drop it now mate ... :-)



Well-Known Member
Don't worry, homegrowndude is what I call a forum troll, and he will be banned soon enough.
In my opinion if you cant say something nice, then f**k off, I'm sure there are plenty of forums for idiots like him.:cuss:
well said sir. +rep for u bro


Well-Known Member
Sorry EVERYONE but I need to blow off a bit of steam.

I am pretty sick of this Homegrown bloke, SO HERE GOES,

You are by far, The Biggest Dickhead I have ever dealt with.

How did you learn the things that you know??

Maybe from asking QUESTIONS???

You think you know it all when your still a ROOKIE yourself!!!

You have only been growing for 1 1/2 years!!!

Your 24 years old,10 foot tall and full of SHIT.

I've grown more pot than you've had hot dinners, just not indoors.

I know what it is; you have a small penis dont you?? you probably got bashed up in high school aswell.

You sound like a very insecure person that does'nt have many friends.

It's OK mate, all you have to do is be nice once every now and then, and maybe people will be nice to you..........

haha ur such a loser u blow ur steam off on the internet..who the hell does that dont u got a female u cant let some aggression out on? or do u got a small dick? by sayin what u said tells me u got no friends a small dick and all the other bullshit u said when u were obviously describing yourself


Well-Known Member
Don't worry, homegrowndude is what I call a forum troll, and he will be banned soon enough.
In my opinion if you cant say something nice, then f**k off, I'm sure there are plenty of forums for idiots like him.:cuss:
sidebuster..u aint even knowing with ur fake pics u probably dont even grow..either that or ur broke and cant even afford a camera SUCKA get ur mind right and get some money son


Well-Known Member
haha ur such a loser u blow ur steam off on the internet..who the hell does that dont u got a female u cant let some aggression out on? or do u got a small dick? by sayin what u said tells me u got no friends a small dick and all the other bullshit u said when u were obviously describing yourself
what....huh? ur the moron that talks shit on the internet. you wouldent say that shit if we were face to face. YOUR THE PUSSY! jumping in threads to talk are such an idiot.


Well-Known Member
Glad you got it sorted lennyo :-) Just 'pinch and bend' away if you need to, does no harm at all, they just keep on flowering.

Happyface, thats one superior looking cat you got there!

homegrown420, why not just drop it now mate ... :-)

Thanks for the positive info Phoenix58, I like your style.



Well-Known Member
Come on guys. You can tell your dealing with a kid here. Probably not more than 14 years old. Do any of you still play my dicks bigger than yours, or I can run faster than you. It's pretty obvious. Just ignore the little fuck, and he will probably go back to his legos.


Well-Known Member
Come on guys. You can tell your dealing with a kid here. Probably not more than 14 years old. Do any of you still play my dicks bigger than yours, or I can run faster than you. It's pretty obvious. Just ignore the little fuck, and he will probably go back to his legos.
well said,I agree


I was just wondering when the eff I posted?? but 24, 18 or 72 this is supposed to be an adult forum you should act accordingly.


Well-Known Member
sidebuster..u aint even knowing with ur fake pics u probably dont even grow..either that or ur broke and cant even afford a camera SUCKA get ur mind right and get some money son
Fake pics eh, I can show the whole grow boy, and please don't call me son, I had 12 years of growing experience before you were even born, that's if you really are 24.
BTW, my dick is way bigger than your plants.
Where do you live anyway, does your mother know you aren't at school?


Active Member
So in reply to the original question...if the plants are getting to big, just pinch the the branch that is getting too tall. Don't pinch too hard, don't pinch too soft. You'll feel the insides kind of break, but again, it can't be stressed not to do it too hard. If you do, the plant top will bend over and not be able to support it's own weight. If you do it right, it will send growth to the lower branches, and hopefully help them come closer to the light for a nice and hearty harvest.
I fu**ed it up the first time and ended up making a clone out of my mistake so it wasn't all waste in the end.
I saw a nice medicine garden in a attic where all the plants were no more than 2 feet at full flower, yet produced a smoke that was one of my favorites to date.

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
calling sidebuster a side buster, reppin your nugs,this forum is illll. laugh factory 2000

all the info in this forum is tite keep spreadin the knowledge and love,

Homegrown4twomp, u what my area calls a crust. but hey someone gotta be the crust, cant all me frushh like me
6'5 260 d1 football step up rooooooooooook


Well-Known Member
calling sidebuster a side buster, reppin your nugs,this forum is illll. laugh factory 2000

all the info in this forum is tite keep spreadin the knowledge and love,

Homegrown4twomp, u what my area calls a crust. but hey someone gotta be the crust, cant all me frushh like me
6'5 260 d1 football step up rooooooooooook
Thats some pretty mad Lingo you got goin on man.