help with photo analysis


Well-Known Member
So i've been starting some paranormal research, and for practice, i take pictures here at home and analyze them, to learn the difference between true orb photos and just normal occurrences like dust. here are some things that the "experts" say about a TRUE orb photo:

" [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]So, the question remains, how do we know when it is dust and when it is a true orb? Dust tends to refract in a perfect circle with little "noise" in it and no border. By this we mean that the orb does not look like a cell under a microscope. Its make-up is pretty much a solid color without a defined border to it."

[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]An orb caused by moisture will tend to have angular sides to it and its make-up tends to fade from solid to transparent. Once again it has no border. And like the dust particle, moisture can appear in one photo and not in another that was taken immediately afterwards."

[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Now we're talking. Once you have eliminated the above possibilities, it is time to take a good, long, close look at the orb itself. What you are looking for in "orb" activity is a solid object that emits its own light. It will usually show up on film looking like someone just threw a ping-pong ball across the screen. If the orb has signs of movement, such as a blurred trail behind it, then you've got some rather solid evidence.

The other characteristic of orb activity that we consider is the coloration of the orb. True orbs are colored in the "cool" end of the spectrum, namely white, blue, or green. Any orb activity that shows up as red, orange, or yellow, it typical of dust, light refraction, or processing error."

This was taken from the TAPS website (, I used the info there because a lot of people are familiar with TAPS. they're the guys from the ghost hunters show, and I really like that they are very skeptical and take on every case from a skeptic's viewpoint. So! if anyone has any expertise here or wants to help me debunk these couple things i photographed...please help!




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the one with the mist really has me was taken on a night that was fairly warm...i couldnt see my breath. and i wasnt smoking. i've never seen this in any picture i have ever taken and it has me

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I don't personally believe in orbs, but I'm not ragging on your pics.All those orbs might have been snow, or pollen, or precipitation, who knows? The misty thing in the third photo almost looks like the outline of a dog.But our mind is trained to do that....I can't believe fully it's anything paranormal unless I actually see it myself, and am able to verify it. But that's just me,and my two cents.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I don't personally believe in orbs, but I'm not ragging on your pics.All those orbs might have been snow, or pollen, or precipitation, who knows? The misty thing in the third photo almost looks like the outline of a dog.But our mind is trained to do that....I can't believe fully it's anything paranormal unless I actually see it myself, and am able to verify it. But that's just me,and my two cents.:peace:
i never believed in them either...until i saw a smiley face in one...and theres just a lot of substance to some of them...i have a lot more research to do tho. i see a dog in the mist one too...thats the most obvious explanation because we've had a couple dogs...but i

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Oh well, keep taking them, they're fun to try to figure out.
i never believed in them either...until i saw a smiley face in one...and theres just a lot of substance to some of them...i have a lot more research to do tho. i see a dog in the mist one too...thats the most obvious explanation because we've had a couple dogs...but i


Well-Known Member
Hi there Sarah... whatever you do, become a child. When you see an animal, make damn sure you see a smiley face on it. You better see a smiley face because the lover you've never met, who you have always known and dreamed about, is coming for you (and me, and all of the stars)... so when you see these things, see the love you have always wanted-- do not see empty dancing cartoon characters... just see beauty in its simplicity at first, and then everything will become more clear.

Watch Tim Burton movies, and watch Johnny Depp movies- esp the new Charlie Chonka Willie Wonka.

It is Jesus you are seeing. You never knew him because you were taught not to believe in fairy tales... the child inside you still believes.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah and don't even try to figure it out, because our brains are not computers. Just visualize the beauty.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Respectfully, Pam, Sarah is a pagan.Not all roads lead to Jesus.:joint:
Hi there Sarah... whatever you do, become a child. When you see an animal, make damn sure you see a smiley face on it. You better see a smiley face because the lover you've never met, who you have always known and dreamed about, is coming for you (and me, and all of the stars)... so when you see these things, see the love you have always wanted-- do not see empty dancing cartoon characters... just see beauty in its simplicity at first, and then everything will become more clear.

Watch Tim Burton movies, and watch Johnny Depp movies- esp the new Charlie Chonka Willie Wonka.

It is Jesus you are seeing. You never knew him because you were taught not to believe in fairy tales... the child inside you still believes.


Well-Known Member
you can submit your pics to coast to coast am and see what others think. The one with the mist looks interesting. you would'nt happen to have a deceased pet buried nearby?


Well-Known Member
you can submit your pics to coast to coast am and see what others think. The one with the mist looks interesting. you would'nt happen to have a deceased pet buried nearby?
neither of my pets are buried at my home, but my last dog that we had died close to home at the animal clinic in the plaza right beside my i dont know...and i guess the people who lived here before us had dogs, so i dont know if maybe any of their pets were buried there...and im pretty sure too that that mist isnt from my breath, because i have a couple pics that my breath got caught in, and it looks more like thick smoke than a mist in the pics


Well-Known Member
I'm also very interested in the paranormal (seen too much stuff to disprove). have you ever experimented with EVP, electronic voice phenomenon. It's a very interesting field of ghost hunting. Also check out paranormal news online, sift thru the bs and there is real good stuff there. happy hunting!!!


Well-Known Member
While I personally do not believe in such things as spirits, ghosts, god, or gods (aka: Atheist).

I still believe that there are some scientific theories that could explain phenomenon such as these.

One such theory is that the orbs that show up on film can be caused by a reaction to electrostatic fields created by seismic activity, and they tend to be more common in areas near fault lines in the earth.


Well-Known Member
While I personally do not believe in such things as spirits, ghosts, god, or gods (aka: Atheist).

I still believe that there are some scientific theories that could explain phenomenon such as these.

One such theory is that the orbs that show up on film can be caused by a reaction to electrostatic fields created by seismic activity, and they tend to be more common in areas near fault lines in the earth.
thats pretty cool...i didnt know that. i was wondering if maybe the flash could be hitting little bugs in the air and maybe that caused the orbs...see...i think theres scientific explanations for pretty well everything. im just getting started as an investigator and have barely assembled my but i like to take a scientific stand point to this, and always assume that its easily explainable, and then after trying to figure it all out, if im still stumped...then maybe theres something supernatural there...but just


Well-Known Member
Yeah, even though I am not a believer. I still find shows like TAPS very interesting, and over all fun to watch.


Well-Known Member
So i've been starting some paranormal research, and for practice, i take pictures here at home and analyze them, to learn the difference between true orb photos and just normal occurrences like dust. here are some things that the "experts" say about a TRUE orb photo:

...I used the info there because a lot of people are familiar with TAPS. they're the guys from the ghost hunters show, and I really like that they are very skeptical and take on every case from a skeptic's viewpoint. So! if anyone has any expertise here or wants to help me debunk these couple things i photographed...please help!
ok, i'll take u up on this.

i checked two of them and found them to be fakes.

if you examine them not too closely :p you'll see that someone did a copy & paste that doesn't match the surrounding area

so, what's my prize :D



Well-Known Member
ok, i'll take u up on this.

i checked two of them and found them to be fakes.

if you examine them not too closely :p you'll see that someone did a copy & paste that doesn't match the surrounding area

so, what's my prize :D
lol the only thing i did to those pics was shrink them in size. i dont know how to alter the appearance of a picture to make something fake look real...they were taken from my camera to the computer to here. i wish that i was smart enough to fake it all...haha


Well-Known Member
lol the only thing i did to those pics was shrink them in size. i dont know how to alter the appearance of a picture to make something fake look real...they were taken from my camera to the computer to here. i wish that i was smart enough to fake it all...haha
ah, man! i wanted a prize too :P

still think they're fakes though :)

peace :)

btw, next time use a setting of tiff or RAW, instead of jpeg, if your camera supports it.

also, i took a peak at your exif & matadata from the photos, something is fishy there too