I just used reflex. Let your brain do the work effortlessly.
yes, i did that the first time and got up to 15 and then my dog hit the door and broke my concentration. Then I figured there had to be a more methodical way.
Years ago I took the 4 hour postal exam which dealt alot with memory. I got a 99. My wife got a 100!! I married up!! Bunch of folks walked out after 20 minutes or so...
So I went back and inquired to my position on the list. The dude just asked me if i was a veteran. i said no. he smiled..."white guy, no vet, NO CHANCE! I'm like, but I got a 99!.. He just smiled...a pitard, a charade!! he told me to have my wife keep coming back to stay on the list, but she never did. Govt....