Test your visual memory


New Member
I tried to paste it but it was a no go... No Sh*t I just had to take an Advil...:cuss:

Hint: Take your time, I took 20 minutes to get there.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
ok im gona try a second time now yall got me interested in better results ^^


Well-Known Member
LOOOOOOOOOOOOL 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAH I clickd to fast... 3. try :P

3. 15

4. 10

5. 4 !!!!!! WTF !!!!! lol !!!!

6. 12.. fuck i knew it ! damn it !

7. last try !!!! bahhh a lousy 8

I suck at this man.. stupid dots....


Well-Known Member
8th try. 15... think thats the best I can do for now, been at it for 5 minutes straight ahhh


New Member
Okay, another hint. Count the same pattern each time the same way. Count count count, if you count the same way, it is much much easier. It is time consuming and I found the contrast annoying. :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I just used reflex. Let your brain do the work effortlessly.

yes, i did that the first time and got up to 15 and then my dog hit the door and broke my concentration. Then I figured there had to be a more methodical way.

Years ago I took the 4 hour postal exam which dealt alot with memory. I got a 99. My wife got a 100!! I married up!! Bunch of folks walked out after 20 minutes or so...:lol: So I went back and inquired to my position on the list. The dude just asked me if i was a veteran. i said no. he smiled..."white guy, no vet, NO CHANCE! I'm like, but I got a 99!.. He just smiled...a pitard, a charade!! he told me to have my wife keep coming back to stay on the list, but she never did. Govt....:shock:

out. :blsmoke: