How many pot smokers voted for Obama??

No, you got me wrong on that, I didn't mean you insinuated anything. I just thought you sounded like a well informed person. I had been wondering about the California law proposition, so I thought I'd ask you what you thought about it.
I for one was appalled with the answer President Obama gave to the question posed by this weeks online community. The president laughed off the idea of legalizing marijuana. I was offended. I wonder if Mr. Obama would have made it into the White House if stoners hadn't voted for him. This is what Washington understands ... votes. It's time we became a voting block and organized. Mr. Obama was voted in on a grassroots movement. What is more grassroots that pot!! We invented grassroots. I believe it is time to stand up and let Washington know this is not something we are going to stand for anymore. It's time to get it together people. Time to march on DC. We can do this.
lol i voted for him. when did this happen? someone told me that there was an act that was gunna be passed to legalize marijuana, and it was gunna take a few years to pass. idk im gunna have to do my research. and ow im pissed because if it wassnt for us bud smokers he wouldn't of won the election.
No, you got me wrong on that, I didn't mean you insinuated anything. I just thought you sounded like a well informed person. I had been wondering about the California law proposition, so I thought I'd ask you what you thought about it.

Ahhh, sorry about the misinterpretation. Lol, I guess you're talking about AB-390 then. In my opinion, it's a bold move hyped by the media, but it's just not being taken seriously by our government officials. I think it's a good step in the right direction, I mean it never hurts to shoot for the stars, unless you're expecting perfection...then there's always disappointment. Overall, I think we assume that the evidence for legalization will speak for itself, but it's clearly not as effortless as thought out to be. It's going to take a lot of endurance and tact for even the somewhat smaller steps towards legalization. That's just my 2 cents. :bigjoint:
Well I for one am shocked! Shocked to hear that Obama has hired people that have actually worked in finance before to handle the economy!
You don't get it do you? They're the SAME people that drove the economy off the cliff! If Geithner is so brilliant in his ability to run financial institutions, how do explain him cheating on his own taxes, or his massive failure while at the Federal Reserve of New York? Lol, care to attempt to wiggle out of that one?

All Geithner's plan does, like all of the bailouts, is sellout America by filling the pockets of the very people who corrupted the economy with their derivatives and other shady financial schemes and put the bill on the American taxpayer—thus we saw Wall Street quite enthused about the plan.

If you enjoy bailouts, socialized everything, the government choosing the winners and losers in the "free" market, and the overall fleecing and enslaving of the population, by all means keep supporting Obama and his ideas- you can count me out. Financial freedom is the cornerstone of liberty in a civilized society, and those bastards are doing their best job at taking the wrecking ball to it. If Obama and Geithner are allowed to continue down the financial path to they want to, it won't be a too distant reality that the dollar is so devalued, you'll need a wheelbarrow full of cash to get your groceries.

What's so ironic is that Obama likens himself to Lincoln. What a crock. Lincoln freed the slaves, Obama is MAKING us slaves!

One more question. For those out there in favor of big government, what are the reasons why you believe it is 1.) capable and competent to succeed in that regard 2.) trust it will work the way they say? Oh, and feel free to give viable, historical examples of how those programs have been a huge success. War on drugs anyone? Lol.

Back to the main topic: Let this be a lesson to those who believe in mantras like "change" and "hope", that many of his supporters believed that the opposite of Bush was Obama. Little did they know, he's just another liberal like Bush was, but in a more dangerous and extreme form. Talk is CHEAP- always has been, always will.

Let's reverse the scenario. Say Bush was in office, and he had campaigned that he would NOT raise taxes, but when the time came to live up to that promise he raised them. Think his supporters would be making excuses for him? I think not. Time to call things for what they are, and not get entangled in the smokescreen of what side of the aisle people supposedly sit on. Anything less is pure and simple apologism. Pathethic.
You don't get it do you? They're the SAME people that drove the economy off the cliff! If Geithner is so brilliant in his ability to run financial institutions, how do explain him cheating on his own taxes, or his massive failure while at the Federal Reserve of New York? Lol, care to attempt to wiggle out of that one?

All Geithner's plan does, like all of the bailouts, is sellout America by filling the pockets of the very people who corrupted the economy with their derivatives and other shady financial schemes and put the bill on the American taxpayer—thus we saw Wall Street quite enthused about the plan.

If you enjoy bailouts, socialized everything, the government choosing the winners and losers in the "free" market, and the overall fleecing and enslaving of the population, by all means keep supporting Obama and his ideas- you can count me out. Financial freedom is the cornerstone of liberty in a civilized society, and those bastards are doing their best job at taking the wrecking ball to it. If Obama and Geithner are allowed to continue down the financial path to they want to, it won't be a too distant reality that the dollar is so devalued, you'll need a wheelbarrow full of cash to get your groceries.

What's so ironic is that Obama likens himself to Lincoln. What a crock. Lincoln freed the slaves, Obama is MAKING us slaves!

One more question. For those out there in favor of big government, what are the reasons why you believe it is 1.) capable and competent to succeed in that regard 2.) trust it will work the way they say? Oh, and feel free to give viable, historical examples of how those programs have been a huge success. War on drugs anyone? Lol.

Back to the main topic: Let this be a lesson to those who believe in mantras like "change" and "hope", that many of his supporters believed that the opposite of Bush was Obama. Little did they know, he's just another liberal like Bush was, but in a more dangerous and extreme form. Talk is CHEAP- always has been, always will.

Let's reverse the scenario. Say Bush was in office, and he had campaigned that he would NOT raise taxes, but when the time came to live up to that promise he raised them. Think his supporters would be making excuses for him? I think not. Time to call things for what they are, and not get entangled in the smokescreen of what side of the aisle people supposedly sit on. Anything less is pure and simple apologism. Pathethic.

I don't care for our government either but....damn....I mean, I don't even know where to start on this......I'm rarely speechless....but damn.....
What's bigger to worry about than something that could do a lot to help pull our country out of the recession and keep the dollar worth something?
The new proposed marijuana tax in California is estimated to bring in as much as 1 billion dollars annually to the state coffers. We presently have more than a 30 billion dollar debt. Decriminalizing would of course be a step in the right direction, but nobody realistically believes that it's going to lead us out of this troubled economy. Conservative states like Texas, Mississippi and Alabama do not have the political will to approve medical cannabis laws. As long as that remains a reality, federal legalization isn't going to happen. Anyone that voted Obama to legalize pot isn't nearly as politically savvy as they should be. One thing is for sure though, if you want tougher drug laws, vote Republican.
Conservative states like Texas, Mississippi and Alabama do not have the political will to approve medical cannabis laws. As long as that remains a reality, federal legalization isn't going to happen. Anyone that voted Obama to legalize pot isn't nearly as politically savvy as they should be. One thing is for sure though, if you want tougher drug laws, vote Republican.
Hard to disagree with anything you said there. Hence the difference between Republicans and actual conservatives. True conservatives just want to left the fuck alone, and don't want people raiding their pocketbooks for all kinds of bullshit causes IMO. There are many variations of political ideologies out there, but the media spoon feeds us over and over into believing that the oversimplified box of ideas/beliefs are how they say it is. I'm sure the fact that I identify myself as a conservative politically confuses a lot of people on this board, because traditionally most people don't believe somebody who loves to smoke and grow MJ can live with the apparent dichotomy. For me, it's perfectly normal, can be incredibly frustrating having to explain to people how it actually makes sense, as IMO it makes the most logical sense. Limited government/police, taxation only with REAL representation, a strong military, and just the basic educational system/infrastructure requirements.

Having just gotten back from Texas a couple days ago, I will say this, the cops there are actually pretty cool. I can't believe I just said that! For the most part, unlike this backwards state, they don't fuck with you unless you're really being a jackass. Went to South by Southwest in Austin and there was only scant police presence. Saw people puffing everywhere, and not once saw anybody get hassled or busted. The laws might not be very friendly towards weed, but the people for the most part are pretty damn cool.
Hard to disagree with anything you said there. Hence the difference between Republicans and actual conservatives. True conservatives just want to left the fuck alone, and don't want people raiding their pocketbooks for all kinds of bullshit causes IMO. There are many variations of political ideologies out there, but the media spoon feeds us over and over into believing that the oversimplified box of ideas/beliefs are how they say it is. I'm sure the fact that I identify myself as a conservative politically confuses a lot of people on this board, because traditionally most people don't believe somebody who loves to smoke and grow MJ can live with the apparent dichotomy. For me, it's perfectly normal, can be incredibly frustrating having to explain to people how it actually makes sense, as IMO it makes the most logical sense. Limited government/police, taxation only with REAL representation, a strong military, and just the basic educational system/infrastructure requirements.

Having just gotten back from Texas a couple days ago, I will say this, the cops there are actually pretty cool. I can't believe I just said that! For the most part, unlike this backwards state, they don't fuck with you unless you're really being a jackass. Went to South by Southwest in Austin and there was only scant police presence. Saw people puffing everywhere, and not once saw anybody get hassled or busted. The laws might not be very friendly towards weed, but the people for the most part are pretty damn cool.
Glad to see you're able to present your beliefs in a well-thought out, reasonable manner. I don't see enough of that on either side of the aisle. Ideology can be one hell of an obstacle for progress.

Speaking of progress, looks like a couple of good senators are going to take a hard look at prison reform, which in turn will affect marijuana laws, at least criminal ones.

Nothing more than an 18 month blue ribbon panel so far, but I'm hopeful that a guy like Webb is involved. This is the man that gave us our new much deserved G.I. bill.
for those of you that havent clicked loudblunts' link above, it is a link to NORML's prewritten letter to the president stating my/your dissappointment in the way he laughed in our faces... really wonderful wording, i just sent mine; click the link and speak your voice:blsmoke:

+rep to you lb

Sent :)

I understand Obama has many things to worry about; and, considering the state of the country,, weed cannot be and should not be the number one issue. However the weed issue is not one to laugh off either. It's about adding an untapped source for revenue. Is this going to single handedly pull us out of the, of course not. The legalization of marijuana WOULD, increase federal tax revenue, cut back on the funds being sent on the drug war, ease the costs in an ailing courts and jails, allow another source to best research for ethanol, increase jobs for farmers and so much more. The industry is here, it doesn't make sense to ignore it. Laughing off potential billions of dollars of increased revenue is not something we can afford to do now.

BTW, Obama doesn't know what the online audience was thinking. He didn't seem to have that attitude when he was courting the online audience while he was campaigning.
Are you aware that the Bush legacy of debt runs into the trillions of dollars each year for the next 2 decades? Bush spent money that we won't have for 20 years yet, so don't even go there and he's still spending money, his war is still going on, even though he's been put out to pasture.

As long as troops are in Iraq or Afghanistan, that is Bush debt being accumulated.

i don't know hes already spent more money in 60 some days than Bush did in 8 years.
I agree with your statement that legalizing marijuana would, no doubt, help our economy in the long run. However, this is American politics and change comes with a very slow process, especially real progression. But to answer your question, I'd say human life in the Middle East (our own citizens as well as the innocent Iraqis just trying to live their life like all of us) is an issue that demands far more attention than legalizing marijuana...but I'm a total humanitarian. Sure legalization of our favorite plant would bring in the dough for our monetarily-burdened government, however that is not the absolute-solution to this issue. We'd need A LOT more changes with that to get us out of this problem. I don't think people understand that we're in an extremely delicate state right now, and to ask a one man to direct all his attention on something like legalizing marijuana is totally bogus. We're not the majority and he would have to go totally against the grain to get this passed. It would be extremely strenuous and time consuming, comparative to the results. Why would he do that when he can take alternative routes to limit spending and lower our national debt with much less time taken, less effort on their part, and overall better results for our economy. It's crappy for all of us, believe me, I know. But hey, that's politics. We just got to keep speaking our minds and eventually, with time, change will come.

I totally agree with your statement about humanitarian efforts. One of the main reasons I voted for Obama was because he said he'd stop the war. He hasn't been able to do that either. In all fairness, we he made those statements he didn't know what he knows now.
Sent with some added personal flavor.

for those of you that havent clicked loudblunts' link above, it is a link to NORML's prewritten letter to the president stating my/your dissappointment in the way he laughed in our faces... really wonderful wording, i just sent mine; click the link and speak your voice:blsmoke:

+rep to you lb

While we're here, check out HR 875, makes growing your own food illegal. Funny thing is, the rep sponsoring the bill is married to a man who works for Monsanto seeds, which happens to be the company whos seeds will be the only ones that would be allowed to use under HR 875.

Penalties for growing your own food? $100000 fine and property seizure.

We're fucked you guys, I mean seriously fucked.
Sent :)

I understand Obama has many things to worry about; and, considering the state of the country,, weed cannot be and should not be the number one issue. However the weed issue is not one to laugh off either. It's about adding an untapped source for revenue. Is this going to single handedly pull us out of the, of course not. The legalization of marijuana WOULD, increase federal tax revenue, cut back on the funds being sent on the drug war, ease the costs in an ailing courts and jails, allow another source to best research for ethanol, increase jobs for farmers and so much more. The industry is here, it doesn't make sense to ignore it. Laughing off potential billions of dollars of increased revenue is not something we can afford to do now.

BTW, Obama doesn't know what the online audience was thinking. He didn't seem to have that attitude when he was courting the online audience while he was campaigning.

Yeah, I was more annoyed at the snickering of the people in background. They all looked like pompous bourgeoisie that had no idea why they were laughing. It's like that brown-nosing kid who sat in the front of the class in 4th grade....only a room full of them.
But I have to admit, I laughed too. Not in the fact that I don't think it's a very important topic (It is), but that how much complications and problems are going on the world and that, well.....that was the number one question asked. It's not surprising to me, just kind of poignant (In multiple meanings of the word, I suppose)
....Jeez, I need to stop defending politicians....I rarely do this.......bongsmilie
Hard to disagree with anything you said there. Hence the difference between Republicans and actual conservatives. True conservatives just want to left the fuck alone, and don't want people raiding their pocketbooks for all kinds of bullshit causes IMO. There are many variations of political ideologies out there, but the media spoon feeds us over and over into believing that the oversimplified box of ideas/beliefs are how they say it is. I'm sure the fact that I identify myself as a conservative politically confuses a lot of people on this board, because traditionally most people don't believe somebody who loves to smoke and grow MJ can live with the apparent dichotomy. For me, it's perfectly normal, can be incredibly frustrating having to explain to people how it actually makes sense, as IMO it makes the most logical sense. Limited government/police, taxation only with REAL representation, a strong military, and just the basic educational system/infrastructure requirements.

Having just gotten back from Texas a couple days ago, I will say this, the cops there are actually pretty cool. I can't believe I just said that! For the most part, unlike this backwards state, they don't fuck with you unless you're really being a jackass. Went to South by Southwest in Austin and there was only scant police presence. Saw people puffing everywhere, and not once saw anybody get hassled or busted. The laws might not be very friendly towards weed, but the people for the most part are pretty damn cool.

Ahhh Texas, yuck!!! Jk. I'm always glad to see when someone uses their brain too, besides just throwing themselves in a group and believing what the group believes. I definitely lean more on the libertarian side of the fence as far as politics, but then a lot of people assume I'm an evironmentalist (I think we should take care of our environment is a symbiotic way, but some of these loonies are just way too misinformed and radical), some sort of total anarchist or communist (....retarded), or are totally shocked that I favor Republican fundamentals over Democratic fundamentals.....just not the politicians. A lot of people don't understand why I even bother following politics when I don't care for any of the VERY limited options we have. The way I look at it, as a common citizen with no strong political say, I'm going to at least play the cards I'm given and work with what I got. In my mind it sure beats blindly following, or bitching and quiting. :bigjoint: