Yeah, science is extremely ambiguous. Everything can be considered as theoretical. I suppose I do say things like that with little conviction simply because it makes sense and it works. I mean, seriously....physics is the study of getting as close as you can....not perfect.....and so is the physicists vs. mathematicians debacle. I suppose it's still up for with all theories, but for now 'no mass' is the accepted and practiced theory. I've spent a good part of my life studying Nuclear Physics and have gotten the opportunity to work and speak with some very brilliant people, from nuclear engineers, to physicists, mathematicians, and even astronomers.....and not once has any of them supported the theory of light having mass. Just my two cents.
All said very true, and very much of what I'm trying to express.....a scientist, physiciist, mathematicians, etc.... all operate in a realm of equations, if it can't be figured it doesn't exist......If every person on this planet witnessed an extraordinary event, if no information was gathered or left from the event, it would be explained with an equational fact of what probably did happen and that would be the only credible explanation, period, no matter who, or how many people witnessed it, in their world it didn't happen, because that is what the nature of their business resolves around..........this stance, no matter how sane it seems, is illogical..... it is stagnant and limits progressive understanding (religion also) I just simply don't limit myself to thinking science or anything else separately is the bearer of all truth, it's just another tool for observing what already look back on our history is all that is needed to understand this.........
So what came first, the Chicken or the Egg
What came first, the Event or the Equation

.....think I said that right, there's my loose change too,