Questions like this really make me wonder if there is anything left of our education system at all.
Please tell me this is a troll post to make a fool like me respond. Please tell me this is all a joke and I will wake up in my bed next to a super model who is giving me head.
Please tell me you are blind and had your 4 year old daughter type this for you.
I can't believe I'm actually going to try to answer your question. What worries me is this............. Will you understand it? want to know how many one gallon pots will get filled by a 1.5 cubic foot bag of FF Ocean Forest.
What gets me is that you know the bag is 1.5 cubic feet. The next part I'm going to type confuses me immensely.
How do you know that the bag has 1.5 cubic feet of soil in it?
WAIT!! Don't answer that.
This one is better...........
What would you think is easier?
1) Popping a ripe pimple in the middle of your back
2) Throwing a party and getting all the Playboy Bunnies to come
3) Googling cubic feet to gallon conversion
4) Picking your nose and eating the booger
BUT WAIT!! Don't answer that easy one either. Let's go back to my first question. How do you know the bag has 1.5 cubic feet of soil in it?
Is it because:
A) the cat told you
B) You looked at the bag
C) you gently massaged the bag and knew it had that amount in it
If your answer was A, I completely understand. Don't worry, you will get better. If the answer was C, you need help.
If the answer was B, you better get glasses. Because if you looked at the bag you would have seen........................ right next to where it says 1.5 cubic feet..................... in parenthesis............................. it says 38.6 dry quarts AND, just in case you are from Europe, right underneath where it says 1.5 cubic feet and 38.6 dry quarts, is more writing that says 42.5 litres.
So what can we now assume from all this wonderful writing and speculation? ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY NOTHING!!
Why? Cause it still doesn't give you gallons!! And you asked about gallons!! So we still can't answer your question. WTF?!?!
All this great information and nothing. I don't understand it.
So this is what I did. I went to my daughter.............. she's in third grade, and asked her how many quarts was in a gallon. She said to me......... with a big proud smile on her face, "Daddy I know that one. One second daddy let me figure it out. let me drink a big soda tonight and that was 16 whole ounces. 16 whole ounces is a pint...right daddy?
I told her she was right and she continued. "Ok daddy now I have to add pints together. Two pints make a quart...... am I right daddy? I said she was doing great!!
She smiled a big bright smile and looked at me with those shining blue eyes and I knew everything was all right with the world. Then she told me that 4 quarts were in one gallon and jumped into my arms waiting for her bear hug because she knew the answer and was so happy.
So this is what I will do for you. Instead of giving you a direct answer I wrote you a story. It took me a while but I felt it needed to be said.
I gave you a few hints along the way and I hope you can interpret them. Good luck with this. Once you find our answer run and give someone a big hug because I know once you find out you will be very happy.