Well-Known Member
I used to be confused about religion, God, the world, and reality. But ever since I discovered herb I discovered freedom from the matrix and the programming that is all around.
Im a smart guy, average at least. I'm fairly logical, honest, and I'm fair. I think I'm well balanced spiritually, and mentally. I can have an honest and open discussion about what is really going on in the world. I feel like I have to at least try to wake up others to what is about to come down on America. I know others are seeking because they can FEEL something bad is going to happen. Well, it is.
It does not take a lot of research to realize that EVERYTHING (all the important things anyways) is owned by a handful of men. These men are referred to as the Illuminati. The are Luciferian. If a handful of men worship Lucifer...then you have to ask yourself: If Lucifer is a real being (he is a spirit or multidimensional not a physical being) then that means that God must be real as well.
Lucifer is the king of this world, for now. His power is fake though. It is a deception. He can't make men do anything...he gives them over to their lusts...then they owe him. So if the Illuminati had not soul their souls for physical and material pleasures they would not be doing what they are doing to us now.
That being said it is important to know that you/we all contribute to Satan. For all of you do too. Worshipping on "SUN"day is worshipping satan. Observing any of the secular holidays is worshiping Lucifer. You don't have to bow down to him to serve and worship. If you do not worship the One and Only TRUE GOD then you are worshipping idols or false Gods.
It is important to understand that America is the NEW BABYLON. In Bible prophecy NEW BABYLON must be destroyed before the Savior comes back.
But the savior is not "Jesus Christ" and he is not european.
Before the True Christ can come back a false one must decieve everyone first. And this false messiah will rule from Israel.
This is the reason that the United States of America is going to shit. They are not actually trying to save this country. They are building bases all around the middle east because the next world power will be Israel. Why do you think all of our tax dollars goes to Israel through black projects?
Just wait...all of you unbelievers. When the economy crashes and the riots start. Then they will bring in the full fledges police state and start rounding up the "terrorists."
Maybe that might wake some of you up...but by then it will be too late. And still some of you will actually think that your fellow Americans are terrorists working for al CIAda.
They will round up the people that are reporting the Truth first and shutdown the internet.
The USA has become Nazi germany. If you can't see that than you are truly blind and your fate is sealed. I shouldn't have to explain to you how we are all Nazis now but here are just a few examples: the PATRIOTACT, Gitmo, falseflag operations, preemptive war.
If you can see that we are the new NAZIs then you will understand that the rest of the world sees it too. We do not have a coalition of the willing anymore my friends. We are hated. And guess what...we are flat ass broke.
So when we start WW3 against Iran...we will not be backed up by the rest of the world. The rest of the world has been under our thumb for a long time and they will crush us. Our military is spread too thin to actually protect the "Homeland." Germany lost ww2 because they had a two front war.
Look at how many fronts we will have to protect.
I understand that this post will get several views and very few replies. But Im not writing this to be cool or sound smart. I'm writing it so that may be one or two of you will wake up and start doing some research or at the very least start making plans to get out of the country before it is too late.
A lot of people are going to die...but that is just all part of the plan. For those who may remember this post in the future when Israel becomes the next superpower just remember that the AntiChrist will rule just long enough to decieve everyone into thinking he is the Messiah...then and only after all the destruction will Yashayah come back and rule the world.
Peace and Love
Im a smart guy, average at least. I'm fairly logical, honest, and I'm fair. I think I'm well balanced spiritually, and mentally. I can have an honest and open discussion about what is really going on in the world. I feel like I have to at least try to wake up others to what is about to come down on America. I know others are seeking because they can FEEL something bad is going to happen. Well, it is.
It does not take a lot of research to realize that EVERYTHING (all the important things anyways) is owned by a handful of men. These men are referred to as the Illuminati. The are Luciferian. If a handful of men worship Lucifer...then you have to ask yourself: If Lucifer is a real being (he is a spirit or multidimensional not a physical being) then that means that God must be real as well.
Lucifer is the king of this world, for now. His power is fake though. It is a deception. He can't make men do anything...he gives them over to their lusts...then they owe him. So if the Illuminati had not soul their souls for physical and material pleasures they would not be doing what they are doing to us now.
That being said it is important to know that you/we all contribute to Satan. For all of you do too. Worshipping on "SUN"day is worshipping satan. Observing any of the secular holidays is worshiping Lucifer. You don't have to bow down to him to serve and worship. If you do not worship the One and Only TRUE GOD then you are worshipping idols or false Gods.
It is important to understand that America is the NEW BABYLON. In Bible prophecy NEW BABYLON must be destroyed before the Savior comes back.
But the savior is not "Jesus Christ" and he is not european.
Before the True Christ can come back a false one must decieve everyone first. And this false messiah will rule from Israel.
This is the reason that the United States of America is going to shit. They are not actually trying to save this country. They are building bases all around the middle east because the next world power will be Israel. Why do you think all of our tax dollars goes to Israel through black projects?
Just wait...all of you unbelievers. When the economy crashes and the riots start. Then they will bring in the full fledges police state and start rounding up the "terrorists."
Maybe that might wake some of you up...but by then it will be too late. And still some of you will actually think that your fellow Americans are terrorists working for al CIAda.
They will round up the people that are reporting the Truth first and shutdown the internet.
The USA has become Nazi germany. If you can't see that than you are truly blind and your fate is sealed. I shouldn't have to explain to you how we are all Nazis now but here are just a few examples: the PATRIOTACT, Gitmo, falseflag operations, preemptive war.
If you can see that we are the new NAZIs then you will understand that the rest of the world sees it too. We do not have a coalition of the willing anymore my friends. We are hated. And guess what...we are flat ass broke.
So when we start WW3 against Iran...we will not be backed up by the rest of the world. The rest of the world has been under our thumb for a long time and they will crush us. Our military is spread too thin to actually protect the "Homeland." Germany lost ww2 because they had a two front war.
Look at how many fronts we will have to protect.
I understand that this post will get several views and very few replies. But Im not writing this to be cool or sound smart. I'm writing it so that may be one or two of you will wake up and start doing some research or at the very least start making plans to get out of the country before it is too late.
A lot of people are going to die...but that is just all part of the plan. For those who may remember this post in the future when Israel becomes the next superpower just remember that the AntiChrist will rule just long enough to decieve everyone into thinking he is the Messiah...then and only after all the destruction will Yashayah come back and rule the world.
Peace and Love