• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The Devil is real


Well-Known Member
Bob is just another under cover wing nut who uses conspiracy nonsense to recruit peoples minds toward his beliefs. He covers it minimally well to the untrained eye, but Cracker is not fooled easily. The Illuminati existed for a grand total of fifteen years in the late 1700's. Now folks like Bob, who are, make no mistake, devoutly and deeply Christian (of their OWN interpretation of course ) use the Illuminati to hide their antisemitism.

You say you are fair and logical? Pishtosh, you are not! You are just another half baked conspiracy whack job who plague society with your own personal prejudices.

All of Bob's points are not verifiable by anyone other than people like him.... this is a dead giveaway to being INCORRECT. "We're right and everyone else is wrong". That sounds like Hitler to me and to most normal thinking and RATIONAL folks.

Distilling the points of something SO CONVOLUTED is to get mired in mental bedlam, which unfortunately is exactly where BOB lives.

I'm not here to debate something which is CLEARLY nonsense, but to let anyone else reading these posts that these folks are completely UNHINGED. They are far worse than the ILLUMINATI ever were, and use a blip in history to spew forth their hatred and prejudices.

The aliens are really running the world... lawdy. You guys are the aliens.

Cooper was CERTIFIABLY INSANE. He was finally shot down like the dog that he was.... after of course he murdered a police officer.

There's the heads and tails of every issue. You guys are the edge of the coin. Keep flipping...it AIN'T gonna happen.

out. :blsmoke:
Great post cracker Jax. +rep I love you too!


New Member
Either you don't have any reading comprehension of what you write...appalling.

Or you believe what you write...more appalling.

I had you down for chicanery a few threads back but waited, since in the end I knew you would show your true colors...I just didn't know the shade, until now.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Bob is just another under cover wing nut who uses conspiracy nonsense to recruit peoples minds toward his beliefs. He covers it minimally well to the untrained eye, but Cracker is not fooled easily. The Illuminati existed for a grand total of fifteen years in the late 1700's. Now folks like Bob, who are, make no mistake, devoutly and deeply Christian (of their OWN interpretation of course ) use the Illuminati to hide their antisemitism.

You say you are fair and logical? Pishtosh, you are not! You are just another half baked conspiracy whack job who plague society with your own personal prejudices.

All of Bob's points are not verifiable by anyone other than people like him.... this is a dead giveaway to being INCORRECT. "We're right and everyone else is wrong". That sounds like Hitler to me and to most normal thinking and RATIONAL folks.

Distilling the points of something SO CONVOLUTED is to get mired in mental bedlam, which unfortunately is exactly where BOB lives.

I'm not here to debate something which is CLEARLY nonsense, but to let anyone else reading these posts that these folks are completely UNHINGED. They are far worse than the ILLUMINATI ever were, and use a blip in history to spew forth their hatred and prejudices.

The aliens are really running the world... lawdy. You guys are the aliens.

Cooper was CERTIFIABLY INSANE. He was finally shot down like the dog that he was.... after of course he murdered a police officer.

There's the heads and tails of every issue. You guys are the edge of the coin. Keep flipping...it AIN'T gonna happen.

out. :blsmoke:
well, since I'm the only one that mentioned something about Cooper, I can only assume you were including me, but that won't stick because you didn't acutally say my name right, so I have no proof, trying to get the xyz from ABC that's your logic Right.............

STFU......I was sharing information as well for anyone that was reading and maybe wanted to know more.....I considered Cooper an Hero not because he believed in aliens, or any other implied conspiracy, but because he exposed me to some peculiar truths about the way our goverment works and what will eventually happen, and for the most part has happened, whether he was telling truth or fiction, I'm aware enough now to look for myself.....Furthermore, I'm not defending no man for killing anyboby, but it was still a he said she said and nobody know who started shooting first, and every lawsuit brought against him for doing the Insane shit he was doing, always disappeard and he never got charged for shit, EVER, so tell the whole truth too ASSHOLE, a coin has two sides, but it's still Silver.......

and I don't Love you, I just put up with you because I have too.....but here take this with your bitch ass.........:hug:


New Member
Cooper was being served a warrant for ASSAULTING his neighbor... nice guy. That's avalid reason to open fire upon the serving officer right, who he KILLED. If you read his OWN autobiography...he is practically certifiably insane. Cooper was a nutjob. How's that for ABC's...

But you're right, everyone can have their opinion in this world of relativity not anchored in moral principles...like Hitler had his opinions... Lawdy. The Illuminati conspiracy is pure nonsense cloaked in prejudice, or is it the other way around...

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Wow, Ok lets boil this down. Do you think Bankers work together to control the finacial system through the Federal Reserve System. If so your a Conspiracy Theorist (CT) and you may be correct.

Aliens Really?? Come on now lets worry about what we can prove and stop hurting everything with your Aliens crap. Do these people Channel the Light (satan) maybe but thats not illegal. Lets worry about what is really going on Bankers controling the finacial system through central banking. That is something that is (or isn't) real. It is also something that can get your satanist ass thrown in prison for under RICO laws.

So support Ron Paul HR 1207 Audit the FED


Well-Known Member
The federal reserve bank is just one central bank that is part of a system. Of course they all work together. If they can control the worlds currency then they can control everything else.

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws." -Mayer Amschel Rothschild


Well-Known Member
cant everyone just chill eout! There's no devil, no god, no superior order.

If you claim you live in the real world, then look at the evidence, and i dont mean listen to some crack-head fringe scientist who talks about global unrest etc.

Lets remember that during world war 2, this earth was far more unstable than it is now.


Well-Known Member
What are you talking about? The world economies are collapsing? There are wars all over as well as genocide. And you think this world is stable? lol

I'm not afraid of what is going to happen. Whatever happens is going to happen regardless. I can only be responsible for my actions and that is only if free will isn't an illusion. It could be.

We Love 1

New Member
Only the things You do for Christ will last.

Unless You know Christ (Me) and what I stand for than You are blind and living in hell still.

You are My people and We will reign over the world. To those with ears they know that they have powers to bring down any strong holds.

I carry the keys of heaven and hell. You have to pass through Me in order to get to heaven or else stay in darkness by not knowing the Love of God.

Luke 22

They left and found things just as Jesus had told them. So they prepared the Passover.
[14] When the hour came, Jesus and his apostles reclined at the table. [15] And he said to them, "I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. [16] For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God."
[17] After taking the cup, he gave thanks and said, "Take this and divide it among you. [18] For I tell you I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes."
[19] And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me."
[20] In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.




Well-Known Member
Aberhamic religions are based in delusion period. Enlightenment and the cultivation of wizdom and compassion seem to hit home in a more realistic way than any verse Ive ever read in the bible. The fact that I went to a southern baptist school and was manipulated by the lies of those people when I was that young and them being able to make impressions on the minds of children with thier outright lies convinces me of thier evil. (evil meaning being a karma machine instead of being genuine and open, mab they can start by taking responsibility for thier actions, take responsibility by admitting that they don't really know the fate of man kind and responsibility for living in a dream world that is imaginary and has nothing to do with mastering your own mind, desires and your own happiness)
In fact I can remember being in 5th grade and the teacher telling a bunch of kids that after the rapture, when all the christians are taken into heaven the masses of non-believers will be left to deal with satan and the seven headed bast ans scorpion men and lizard men and said some other stupid shit like that on various occaison. And my dad was forking out his hard earned money so that we could have an education at the corriculum of that school than a public one. AndThese people filled the heads of impressionable young kids with out right lies. Thats how the christian bug is started. they get 'em in when thier young. You respect your elders and whatever they say is true, is true. Anyway the bible has never seemed realistic to me anyway. I remember being just a little kid and looking at a picture of jesus and all these little children surrounding him and I looked long and hard at the picture and telling myself, at a young age mind you, that I never ever wanted to meet that guy. He gave me the creeps. Of course I wouldnt tell that to my parents either.


Active Member
'They' only want you to beleive all this NWO, nazi-style retarded shit is going to happen. Hell they've wanted this bullshit to happen IN AMERICA since the Late 60's when the summer of love was supressed and there was an all out war waged on the PEOPLE by the CONTROLLERS of the GOVERNMENT. the GOVERNMENT is not your enemy, the CORRUPT individuals who manipulate it are. Remember, love all thy enemies as your brother because we really are all ONE. Don't let the lies take your mind over, as I can see so many people are so fragile and manipulable by the technology and manipulation the 'dark' have imposed on us. It's all what you beleive, no matter how true or untrue it feels to you there is ONE underlying truth beneath it ALL. ONE TRUTH ONE LOVE ONE HEART ONE MIND. Never forget that shit.


New Member
Conspiracy minded people use circular logic which cannot be overcome. It's best to ignore them.

Anyone with real power is automatically added to the list. Ipso facto...correct. NOT.

out. :blsmoke:

Brick Top

New Member
It's been proven that jesus never existed and yet....

out. :blsmoke:

When was that proved? All I have ever read is that he did exist. Of course that is not proof that he was the Son of God but only that he did exist. So what proof is there to say otherwise?


New Member
Mmmm ok... I'll reiterate some of my findings I have posted elsewhere.

Are you familiar with the time line of early Christian Jews? Are you familiar with the Gospel sources from which the modern church is built upon?

Let's just keep it simple.

Hypothesis: There was a man named jesus who died. Now Jesus died in jerusalem which was the academic center for that region. Rome was fully in charge and all events were recorded and sent to Rome. They were all about paperwork those crafty Romans. Certainly events as gargatuan as jesus' miracles, crucifixtion, and rising from the dead would have been mentioned in correspondence form the official scribes of jerusalem back to Rome. Nope.... nothing. Then there is the idea that the high council of Jewish rabbis were called out on passover eve to debate his fate. That is utterly preposterous. No observant jew and certainly not the leaders of that observance would have done so. let's move on to the barrabas story... the idea that Pontious pilot would let a known murderer of romans go is ridiculous. Romans didn't do things like that. they might put your head on a pike at the city gates, but let you go? Nonsense. No liberal policies back then, no pardons.

But let's not get stuck in the small details of which are so numerous and easily to discredit, let's move to the meat of the jesus myth.

So jesus died. okay? No mention of him from the Romans. No mention of him ANYWHERE for about 40 years. Sound plausible? Everyone simply forgot? Like forgetting Lincoln was President after the civil war...

So then the very first mention of jesus comes from saul of tsarsus, 40 some odd years later(possibly even later). He NEVER says anything about the life of jesus, no Mary, no virgin birth, no miracles, no wise man, he knows NOTHING of an earthly jesus. How can this be? Paul wrote more than anyone about Christianity and yet nothing about jesus as a MAN. It is widely documented that all of the following gospels were lifted from paul's writings. To Paul, all events about jesus never happened on earth but in the heavens above. This was quite common in myth writings. To paul, the idea of the savior being a man was impossible.

So, then we again fall into forgetfullness and the next gospels dont appear until decades later where Paul's writings are picked up on, again a common thing in those days, stories told and retold and reworked. The authors of all the gospels never considered themselves to be writing HISTORY, they wrote ALLEGORICALLY. Scribes wrote the history in those times.

So if Paul never mentions jesus as a man or on earth, and is the ONLY source possible for the following gosples writen by Mark (mark who?), John (John who?), Luke...you get the idea....how is it jesus SUDDENLY arrives on earth and the fantastic miracles spew forth? A canard had been pulled. Things weren't going well for the Christian jews, something had to be done.

It was Constantine who saved the religion (for his own earthly purposes of course). It was then the insistence that the gospels were HISTORICAL documents began to emerge. Pagans had heard evrything about Christianity from other myths, which is another point indicating it is a myth. All of the so called "events" revolving around the "life" of jesus can be found from myths of that time period. There is not an original idea to be found. This was one of the great problems...pagans had heard all of this before. They were like what's the big deal..been there, done that. Back to Constantine because EVERYONE likes a winner. He was a winner, and then used his new "found" faith to consolidate his power. This is when the TRUE corruption of Christianity begins. Constantuine takes a relatively failing backwater myth and turns it into HISTORY, again for his own purposes.

I could go on and on...but you get the gist of it I hope. :peace:

Jesus was a myth, and not a very original one at that, but funny things happen on the way to the coliseum, now don't they? We could just as easily be worshipping Mithra....:lol: Not me of course.

out. :blsmoke: